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 Obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) > 30 Kg/m²

 Obesity is a multifactorial disease, which occurs due to

accumulation of excess fat tissue, so it can interfere with health.
obesity occurs when the large and the number of fat cells
increases in a person's body. when a person gains weight then
the size of fat cells will grow larger and then the number
Obesity CLassification
Abnormalities were found in
<1% of cases:
- cushing
Polimorfisme Genetic - hypothyroidism
occurs in 30-60% with - polycystic ovary syndrome
diverse weight - abnormalities of the
- genetic disorders such as
Prader-Willi syndrome

Environment :
= lack of exercise
= easy to get food
= drink lots of alcohol
= drugs (tricyclic, haloperidol, steroids)
= lifestyle
Obesity pattern
management of obesity
 Non-pharmacological therapy for disease :
 1) Low calorie diet
 2) Physical Activity
 increased physical activity is an important component of a weight loss program although
physical activity does not lead to more weight loss within six months. most weight loss
occurs due to decreased caloric intake. lifestyle-based physical activity tends to be more
successful in losing weight in the long run than structured exercise programs.
 For obese patients, therapy should be started slowly and the intensity should be
increased gradually. Exercise can be done entirely at one time or gradually
throughout the day. Patients can start by walking for 30 minutes with a period of
3 times a week and can be increased intensity for 45 minutes with a period of 5
times a week. With this regimen, additional energy expenditures of 100-200
calories per day can be achieved. Patients should be motivated to improve daily
3) Changes in behavior
 Specific strategies include self-monitoring of eating habits and physical activity, stress
management, stimulus control, problem solving, contingency management, cognitive
restructuring and social support.
 Pharmacological therapy :
 Drugs that suppress appetite such as phenylpropanolamine Hcl, fenfluramine Hcl,
and amphetamine derivatives are widely used patients. Although it should be noted
that the cessation of this drug will cause a rebound effect of weight gain, lethargy and
 - Sibutramine and orlistat
 weight loss medications approved by the US FDA for long-term use. Sibutramine + low
calorie diet and physical activity is very effective for lowering the body. However,
the administration of sibutramine may cause an increase in blood pressure and heart rate.
So this drug is forbidden for patients with hypertension, coronary heart disease,
congestive heart failure, arrhythmia or stroke.
 Orlistat inhibits the arbsorption of fat by 30%. All patients should be monitored for side
 - Surgical Therapy
 One of the elections to lose weight. This therapy is given only to patients with clinically
severe obesity with BMI> 40 or> 35 with comorbid conditions. This surgical therapy
should be performed as a last resort for patients who fail with pharmacotherapy and suffer

 Sudoyo AW, Setiyohadi B, Alwi I, Simadibrata M, Setiati S.

Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Jilid II edisi VI. Jakarta: Interna
Publishing; 2014.
 World Health Report. 2002. Reducing risks, promoting healthy
life. World Health Organization: Geneva, Switzerland, D.
 At a Glance Medicine
 190 Majalah Kedokteran Andalas No.2. Vol.36. Juli-Desember
 Whitney E, Rolfes SR. 2011. Energy balance & body
composition, in Understanding Nutrition 12th ed.
Int’l student ed. Thomson Learning Inc., USA, pp.
240 – 260.

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