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• Althaf Arifah 1006666980

• Deta Apritianti 1006667314

• Ingrid Amelia 1006667283

• Marsha Anjani 1006667390
• Marissa Dwi Bestari 1006667384
• Nisa Prika Biantama 1006667453
• Vanissa 1006667661
• Vinnie Zillianstetra 1006667693
• Yoga Utama Putra 1006667730
• Qutrunnada 1006766264
• Jessica C. 1006667314
Titi dan Yadi, mahasiswa sedang berjalan menuju tempat
praktek drg. Fadly. Ketika akan masuk ia bertabrakan dengan
dosennya, Profesor Toni, mereka cepat-cepat berlalu. Pak dosen
marah dan berkata “ Apa kamu tidak pernah belajar etiket?”
Yadi berkata pada Titi “ngomong apa sih itu, kita kan dari kecil
sudah belajar agama dan bermoral, emang segitunya apa!”.
Mereka lalu menunggu lama drg Fadly karena sedang mengikuti
kegiatan organisasi profesi. Setelah dating dan diperiksa pak
dokter berkata bahwa gigi Titi rusak dan harus ditambal. Setelah
perawatan selesai, Titi diberi kuitansi yang ternyata mahal,
sehingga Titi uangnya kurang Rp 100 ribu. Titi danYadi lalu
berbisik “Kok gitu ya, dokter tidak profesionalm udah dateng
telat trus kita disuruh bayar mahal! Lagian apa pentingnya
kegiatan itu! Kita harus mengadu kemana ya?”
religion –moral-
Professional dentist
 The lecture who’re mad and said that the students
never learn etiquette.explain the etiquette.
 Pricey dental treatment service
 Professionalism in dentistry and the dentist are
late because of attending organizations activity.
• What is the difference between ethics and
• What is the role of morale and religion in
• How could a dentist be considered as a
• What is the function of professional organization?
• The ethic code of dentistry
 Ethics:science of moral duty/the ideal human
character and its ideal ends of human action or
philospohy of what is morally right or wrong.its
also known as value or morale which is hold by
a group/individu as guidance on their
 Etiquette:accepted code or behaviors among
people in a group of society or profession.
 Morale:to be professional dentists, we must hold
a morale and value itself.morale is a sense of
common purpose with respect in community.
(ex:being responsible,caring)
 Religion:a set of beliefs concerning the cause,
nature, and purpose of the universe.religion
teaches about morale and great ways on how
people should behave.
 Morale responsibility
 Competence
 Follow the code of ethic
 To permit & register dentists who will undertake
medical practices.
 Make, publish & reinforce codes of ethics.
 To form network that facilitates referral,
consulting, and sharing of knowledge.
 To check, evaluate and investigate problems
regarding medical practices done by registered
 This Code of Ethics is a set of principles of
professional conduct to which dentists must
aspire to fulfil their duties to their patients, to the
public, to the profession, and to their colleagues.
 A professional dentist must have professionalism
 A professional dentist should be organized in
professional organization
 A dentist's foremost responsibility is to the
patient. Dentistry is a profession, in part, because
the decisions of its members involve moral
choices. Every dental practitioner makes
decisions that involve choices between
conflicting values while providing care for

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