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Programme developed and

delivered by Deborah Williams


j hjj egistration and Tea

j h3j asset Update
j h5j anaging Diversity in the Workplace
1jh2j Tea Break
1jh4j anaging Diversity in the Workplace — 
12h2j nch
13hjj anaging Diversity in the Workplace — 
14h2j omfort break
14h4j anaging Diversity in the Workplace — 
16hjj losre


o To have fn, to grow and celebrate or similarities and

o To engage with the key diversity isses that impact on the
financial sector crrently
o Self awareness ² getting to know yorself, yor own prejdices
and stereotypes and change yor behavior where necessary
o Understand discrimination and mechanisms to develop a
healthy organisational cltre
o To view the work of the SD in career-pathing, skills
development and performance in the workplace from a
´diversity lensµ
o To clarify yor role as an SD in inflencing hman resorce
managers and directors to manage diversity effectively




1. What is yor fll name and srname?

2. Who gave yo yor name?
3. What does it mean?
4. What name do yo prefer to be called?
5. Where do yo work?
6. What makes yo niqe, special or different?




A We are identified by or names

A The name often described the
qalities of the bearer of the
A Names often indicated the
work people did
A Names often indicated who
we are related to, or or
A People in the past often lost
their names



as a grop, agree on a common

metaphor which explains what
diversity is.

Use color and images.


A Difference of things
A Differences and similarities comes from the word diverse,
which means spread
A rit ² different color, taste, size and shape
A an all make jice
A rit all different and yet fall nder same category
A Different things e.g. cltre, race, backgrond
A all frit, bt each have own difference

&   "  "

 ""  #

( )  ,  -  
*+   .

A They all have or had disabilities

A Helen Keller was born blind, deaf and mte
A angosth Bthelezi has diabetes
A Terence Parker was born deaf

 /   A hristopher eeves was a paraplegic after a

horse riding accident
A Nkosi Johnson was HIV positive and had aids.

A Nkosi Johnson is the only one who had been
A Helen Keller and hristopher eeves are the only
ones who are not Soth african citizens.
A angosth Bthelezi's mother langage is Zl.

 " "  0 

1. What made yo feel comfortable, and why?

2. What made yo feel ncomfortable and why?
3. What have yo discovered abot yorself and
4. are there any comments yo want to make or
qestions yo want to ask of the grop?




"  " !

 How old are yo?

1 emale or male
- Workers class; middle class or pper class
. Indian, african, olored, White
10   Heterosexal, homosexal
or bi-sexal
.  Where do yo live?
.  Position in society or the workplace

"  " !


 are yo part of a nclear family, an extended
family or were yo adopted?
-+ are yo a citizen or a foreigner or refgee?
2  This refers to the level of edcation e.g. atric
certificate, diploma or niversity degree.

 are yo a person with a disability or are yo
- : This refers to yor ethnic identity e.g. Xhosa,
alay, afrikaner, Irish etc.
.  african religion, hristianity, Islam, Jdaism,
Hindism, Bddhism


"  " 

Diversity is a combination of
""  and  


A   *observable and nobservable) are

what·s in    with other participants
A     makes s feel closer to
other people
A "" *observable and nobservable) we
have    with the other workshop
A  ""     


It has been decided to create
a model commnity on an
island that might be able to
become the bleprint for a
better, more peacefl,
prosperos and fair society in
the ftre.

ook at the list of candidates

and choose the people that
yo want to take to this island.

, 33
o a jazz msician
o a gay nrse
o a HIV positive nrse
o an ex-commander in the Soth african navy
o a farmer from the ree State
o a school principal
o an nemployed yoth member
o a mechanical engineer
o a taxi driver
o a politician with 1j years experience in local government
o a pregnant school teacher
o a person with a hearing disability
o a ban doctor
o a religios leader
o a trade nion leader
 " !

o The jazz msician is a ´Tikµ addict

o The gay nrse is female
o The HIV positive chef is female and lives a healthy lifestyle
o The ex-commander is female and was expelled becase of
poor performance
o The farmer from the ree State is african and farms pigs
o The school principal was fired becase of child abse
o The nemployed yoth member is a gangster leader
o The mechanical engineer is an alcoholic and cannot fnction

 " !u
 " !u 

o The taxi driver is a respected commnity leader

o The politician is a corrpt politician that was thrown ot of
o The pregnant school teacher was thrown ot of school
becase of being involved with a stdent
o The person with a hearing disability has great interpersonal
skills and has great leadership qalities
o The ban doctor has a doctorate in msic
o The religios leader is a astafarian
o Trade nion leader is a sccessfl bsinessman and has
implemented sccessfl poverty alleviation programmes in
the commnity


A are     , voices we play in or minds abot

particlar types of persons or grops
A a Stereotype is a "      abot a grop
of people based on the behavior or appearance
A a   
 is an exaggerated belief, image or distorted trth a
 +  that allows for little or no individal differences or
social variation
A e.g. ´all Nigerians are drg lordsµ, ´all coloreds love pap sakµ, µall
government officials are corrpt µ, ´all whites are racist µ
A Stereotypes    $ 
and characteristics
A Stereotypes are based on    , or reptations
passed on by parents, peers and other members of society
A Stereotypes are       , by being taght or by
being considered a social or cltral norm *e.g. gender stereotypes)


A Based on    and  

made before facts cold be determined
A Unfair, nreasonable opinion, or dislike of a person
or thing based on   ""  
A an  "   based on or stereotypes,
beliefs and perceptions
A 21: acism, sexism, ageism, classism, rankism,
prejdice towards those with disabilities





. 45

Secondary Work backgrond eligios/spirital

Edcation beliefs
Income Geographic location
arital stats Parental stats
ilitary experience Belief



o Whites ² afrikaners, English speakers, Eropeans from overseas

o Blacks, oloreds, Indians
o People from other african contries
o Zls, Xhosas, Northern Sothos, Sothern Sothos, Vendas
o en ² how to relate to them
o Women ² how to treat them
o Wealthy people, poor people, people living on the street
o Directors or EOs
o Yoth or the aged
o Homosexals, people who are HIV positive
o People who left school before completing matric
o People of different religions ² Jews, oslems, atholics, Jehovah's Witness,
o Which was the key area in which yo were taght to discriminate

607,899 :+ 
A We are going to start the activity by recalling or visalizing an
experience of feeling "ot´ or feeling discriminated against.

A To help yo to deeply connect with that experience, we want

yo to do the following:

o Please share with yor grop what happened by

describing yor experience of feeling "ot".

o The grop shold practice active listening by not

interrpting, sharing info, or offering advice or sympathy.

   1  "    #
; ½#

A Discrimination on the basis of yor gender

A Discrimination on the basis of race
A Discrimination on the basis of yor religion
A Discrimination on terms of yor sccess or
A Discrimination on the basis of yor rank
A Discrimination on the basis of a disability
A Discrimination on the basis of yor sexal
A Discrimination on the basis of yor age
A Discrimination on the basis of yor being HIV Positive


 ë  " 
" ë  #

1. What feelings came p for yo when yo

were telling yor story?

2. What feelings came p for yo when yo

heard the other participants telling their

3. What insights did yo have/what did yo

learn dring the storytelling circle?

&    "
,     "  
A -   and/or    ² inflence grop formation
A Grops develop common  "

A ollective decision on     .
A != and 9  are formed
A Differences are reinforced by talking talk abot  and 
 of those not in or grop
A Then  against other grops
A   against people who are different to s starts
and "  
complex develops
A at this point discrimination is now part of the system or what we call


A * that treats people neqally becase of
their grop membership
A Often begins with stereotypes and prejdices
A Takes place on three levels:      and
0 + 

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B!B9 .07 B07,B9 .07

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&   "

B  B #

!  "


   ! "   



A  4 

o .  is absive, discriminatory, or exploitative

o ank as measred on the   

o abse of power becase of    - treating
rank as a shield that       

o B  Bare soght after, given preference,

o B  Bget inslted, dissed, exploited, ignored
o ! "  *e.g. absive parent or
priest, corrpt EO, blly boss, prisoner abse, etc.)

1. Think abot and identify TWO of yor own
stereotypes and prejdices against people who
are different from yorself e.g. women, men,
sexality, race, cltre, age, ability, class,
socioeconomic stats, political orientation, rankism,
people from african contries.

2. How do yo need to begin to change yor own

stereotypes and prejdices against people who
are different? Discss with yor grop how yo feel
abot changing yor behavior.

A Both men and women have been socialized to

behave in certain ways and take on different roles

A Job roles ´man·s jobµ or ´woman·s jobµ

A Women have the same stereotypes of women as

men do, and place expectations on themselves
and other women, thereby maintaining ineqality.


A Women carry three roles:

o eprodctive, prodctive and commnity life

A Women have very little time as men do not always

share domestic roles

A Women do experience discrimination in the

o ertain jobs for women
o Sexist langage
o Sexal harassment

A ore than two-thirds of women *6 ) agree that
A 4      tend to feel
that women are  —
 more strongly than do
women who are married/living with partners - 73
compared to 65.
A The majority of women *76) feel that  

 —  è

o angage shapes thoghts and thoghts determine action. The way
we refer to women in langage, has a direct impact on the way
women get treated.

o Words sch as " " "  ", ´" 8 all exclde
women. No wonder woman in the work place still have problems
with gaining recognition for their abilities.

o eferring to matre women as the "tea girls" or the "girls at the office"
is disrespectfl and can lead to them not being taken seriosly.

o  9or  91langage seeks to express ideas in a

way which does not exclde people of either gender and does not
nconsciosly reinforce stereotypes abot either gender.

o and   who have entered traditionally female jobs

sch as nrsing. How does it affect them when they are called "
  or  B%


1 ,
A eview yor nderstanding of sexal

: 1 
Sggestive comments abot dress, sexal desirability,
physiqe or sexal orientation; jokes abot gender specific
isses; sexal positions; sexal innendo and sexally related
threats and inslts.

 9: 1 

Sggestive or inslting noises, obscene gestres, whistling,
leering and displaying obscene pictres.

Toching, pinching, standing or sitting too close, intentionally
brshing against someone else·s body or coercing sexal
intercorse and assalt.
A Don·t confse sexal harassment with reciprocal
sexal attraction ² flirting and physical sexal
relationships where both agree and there is no
abse or power.

A Sexal harassment is not abot sex ² it is a form of

control and power.

    is a term sed to describe harassing treatment,
fear, hatred, or extreme negative attitdes, feelings and
beliefs abot 
 two-spirited, bisexal, qeer and/or
trans-gendered persons *or those perceived to be of those
sexal orientations).

Homophobia is often accompanied by disgst, intolerance,

ignorance and prejdice and can range from feelings of
discomfort to otright hatred and violence. Homophobia
incldes discrimination and harassment on the gronds of
1  , individal negative behaviors and
remarks, and instittionalized forms of discrimination.

"  "

6  Bmeans people who have a long-term or

recrring physical or mental impairment which sbstantially limits their
prospects of entry into, or advancement in, employment.
G G —  
"  "B B
"Impairment as been defined as lacking all or part of a limb, having a
defective limb, organ or mechanism of the body." By: K. Davis in
"edefining the Disabled Underclass".
"  "B
Disability is the disadvantage or restriction of activity
cased by contemporary social organization,
which takes little or no accont of people who
have impairments, and ths excldes them from
the mainstream of social activities."







# $











A easonable accommodation is any modification or

A to a job or to the working environment that will enable a
A from a designated grop to have access to, or participate
A employment.


A 7"   ² violates basic hman rights.

A    ² orrective action becase it acts as
remedy to a sitation of nfair discrimination in the past.
A  >  ?  ² done ot in the open
A !   ² sbtle or covert
A 7     ² misinformation is so deeply
embedded in the sbconscios that the person is not
even aware that it is inflencing their behavior.
A ! ² when yo see or hear discrimination taking
place bt do nothing abot it. Yo are perpetating


A In yor grops read the case stdies on

discrimination and identify the type of
discrimination that has taken place·


1. ltre: nderstanding the concept
2. Identifying cltral grops
3. Exploring cltral grops
4. Differences in how we behave
5. ltral insensitivity: why it is a problem
6. Preventing cltral misnderstandings
7. esolving cltral challenges
. earning to vale cltral differences


A -  is a word we se often, withot having a clear idea of

its meaning.

A Is cltre

ƒ The way people behave?

ƒ The way people dress?

ƒ The food people eat?

ƒ The religions people have?

A ltre covers all of these things, and more.

"  "- 

The system of  "

   , and artifacts that
the members of society se to cope with
their world and with one another, and
that are transmitted from generation to
generation throgh learning.

- ,  

A losely linked to cltre are  

A -  are particlar and established
ways of behaving and acting
A ,  a mode of thoght or
behavior followed by a people
continosly from generation to
A any people confse cltre with race
A In fact, many grops of people falling
within the same ¶race· grop may have
very different cltres

A In Soth africa, we have a very heterogeneos *mixed) society
A 4 broad cltral grops may be identified:

!&  ! 




 " "" 


1. What can yo do to be more cltrally sensitive ?

2. What can yo do to create an organisational
cltre that promotes and accommodates all


" #,  
"  #

1. What is the    of yor family.? What are

yor family·s   what  do yo speak,
what  do we have, what are yor "?
2. Do yo share a similar  
with any other
grop?. Which one and in which way?
3. How important is yor cltre to yo, does it have a big
inflence on yor life today? Explain how?

,," - - 
ross cltral commnication is abot dealing with people from other
cltres in a way that minimises misnderstandings and maximises yor
potential to create strong cross cltral relationships. The shold be seen as
a starting point to greater cross cltral awareness.

o heck meanings
o avoid slang
o Watch the hmor
o aintain etiqette
o Slow down
o Separate qestions
o avoid negative qestions
o Take trns
o Write it down
o Be spportive

-  0  
0   - 



eview yor nderstanding of

employment eqity and
affirmative action





A Objectives
A Principles
A analysis of profile
A Set nmerical goals
A affirmative action measres
A Barriers identified

""  ) 

?  ?    

——  — ?   ? è


A Identify and eliminate 

nfair discrimination;
A -  
in the workplace based on eqal dignity and
respect of all people
A ake 6     ´ for people from
designated grops in order to ensre that they enjoy eqal
opportnities and are eqitably represented in the workforce of a
designated employer.

! .C22 


A as a grop select the   most significant diversity

isses that organisations in yor sector need to
address. * se the initial exercise that yo did as
part of the pre-assessment as a gide)

A ome p with "     of

what can be done abot each of these diversity


:  "
0  - 

Indicate things like:

A Who are the people in what way are they similar and different
A Where do they fit in to the organisation and how is this managed
A The levels of engagement, motivation and commitment
A What vales are evident, what the organisation ´stands forµ
A The overall atmosphere and spirit in the organisation
A The relationship that employees have with their managers
A How people socialize and celebrate
A anything else yo think is important


 " "

1. What do I need to ,00! to make sre that I change

my own attitdes and behavior and relationships and start
respecting the cltre, race, religion, gender, class, sexal
orientation, rank and ability of others.

2. What do I need to ,.,0! to bild a harmonios

workplace that vales diversity?


0"" *ape Town) 2j6 osmead ave, Wynberg, 7 jj,

PO Box. 457, Plmstead 7 j1
Postnet Site 469, Private Bag X51, Bryanston
2&   Posnet Site Nmber 1 7, Private Bag X3, Beacon Bay, 52j5,
Soth africa.
 *j21) 762 - 5742 1 *j21) 762 ² 9745
2  D"  # #+
44 #"  # #+

*PTY) TD 2jj7/j19j26/j7 accreditation No: Services Seta: j 66/j2/11/j5

  E  )


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