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1. Shift of Instructional Focus

• Outcomes-Based Education (OBE)

 focuses classroom instruction
on the accomplishments (skills/competencies)
that students must demonstrate when they exit.
2. The Outcomes of Education:

• (a)Immediate Outcomes:
Competencies/skills acquired upon completion of
a subject, a grade/year level, a segment of the
program, or a program itself.
Examples of Immediate Outcomes
• Analytic ability
• Problem-solving skill
• Ability to communicate in writing, reading,
speaking and mathematically
• Skill in creative expression
Examples of Immediate Outcomes
• Skill in technology utilization
• Passing the licensure examination
• Initial job placement
• Admission in a graduate program
The Outcomes of Education:

• (b)Deferred Outcomes:
Ability to apply cognitive, psycho-motor and
affective skills/competencies in various aspects of
the professional and workplace practice.
Examples of
Deferred Outcomes
• Promotion in job position/rank as evidence of
work competence, skill and social relation.
• Success in professional practice or occupation as
evidence in skill in career planning, health and
service and continuing education.
Examples of
Deferred Outcomes
• Professional recognition, awards, distinction as
evidence of civic responsibility and participation in
environment conservation and other social
3. Program Objectives (P.O)

• broad goals that the program expects to achieve

• stated from the point of view of the faculty or of
the program itself such as “to develop/to provide/ to
motivate, etc.”
Program Objectives (P.O)
• Objectives are expressed as:
-cognitive, psychomotor and affective goals.
-focused on the well-rounded and profession-
specific development of the students.

• These are deferred outcomes of an educational program

which are observable and verifiable years after graduation.
4. Student Learning Outcomes
• are operational definitions of each of the program

• stated as active transitive verbs such as “to

demonstrate/ to express/ to illustrate/ to apply”

• are immediate outcomes of education.

5. Sample Program Objectives (P.O.)
Student Learning Outcomes (S.L.O.)
Program :B.S. Ed./ B.E.Ed. Major in
Social Science
Course : Introduction to Sociology
Program Objectives Student Learning Outcomes

• 1. To provide instruction in • 1.1. Student can describe critical

cross-cultural differences in
order to enable students to human behavior and explain
understand the their interplay among society and
interrelationships among
the social and cultural • 1.2. Students can describe critical
similarities in human behavior and
bases of human behavior. explain their interplay among
society and culture
Program Objectives Student Learning Outcomes

• 2. To equip students with • 2.1. Students can identify, define and give
examples of various methods in
knowledge of research ethnographic and anthropological
methods appropriate to
• 2.2. Students can explain and interpret
investigations in socio- research methodology in selected
cultural and ethnographic
and anthropological

anthropological settings. • 2.3 Students can submit a research

proposal on a selected ethnic group in the
(Psychomotor) community.
Program Objectives Student Learning Outcomes

• 3. To encourage in students • 3.1. Students can demonstrate

evidence of the unique social
an appreciative organization characteristics of the
understanding of an culture of selected ethnic groups in
the region.
respect for cultural
differences. • Students can submit creative
expressions, in visual arts or
(Affective) literature, of the cross-cultural
differences of selected ethnic groups.
6. Curriculum
Matching the Courses in the Curriculum
with the Desired Student Learning
Outcomes (SLO)
Ex. Teacher Education Program (BEEd/BSEd)
• 1. Child and Adolescent Development OUTCOMES
(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, i)
• a.) Can demonstrate and apply the
basic and higher level literacy,
• 2. Historical, Philosophical, Psycho- communication, numeracy,
Social and Legal Foundations of
Education (a, b, c, d, f, h, i, j) critical thinking skills for higher
• 3. The Teaching Profession (a, c, e, f, • b.) Can create an environment
g, h, i, j) conducive to thinking
• 4. Principles of Teaching (a, b, c, d, e, f, • c.) Can establish and maintain an
g, h) environment needed for the
holistic development of learners.
• 5. Facilitating Learning (a, b, d, e, f, g, h,
• d.) Can apply familiarity with the
• 6. Assessment of Learning (a, c, d, e, f, learner’s knowledge and
g) experience in appropriate situations.

• 7. Educational Technology (a, b, c, e, f,

g, h) • e.) Can demonstrate mastery of the

• f.) Can facilitate learning of diverse types of

• 8. Curriculum Development (a, d, e, f, g, h) • g.) Can apply wide range of teaching skills
• h.) Can demonstrate and practice the
• 9. Field Study (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) professional
requirements of the teaching profession
• 10. Practice Teaching (s, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j)
• i.) Can identify and describe educational
philosophies that influence modern
teaching methods and practices
• j.) Can analyze ethnical problems in teaching
and decide ethical solutions
7. Determining the Attainment of
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
through Outcomes-Based
Assessment (OBA)
7.1 Educational Assessment
• Is a comprehensive process of describing, judging
and communicating the quality of learning and
performances of students.
• Assessment in education is a comprehensive term
which includes measurement, evaluation and grading.
7.2 Outcomes-based Assessment
• Requires teachers to define clearly, in language
that their students can understand and apply,
the learning target, competencies or
performances expected of the students and
which the teachers should actualize.
Outcomes-Based Assessment
• is authentic assessment
• a form of assessment in which students perform
real-life tasks which are either replicas or simulations
of the kind of situations faced by adult citizens and
(a) Teacher expectation in OBA
• Focusing on the key elements of the curriculum that will lead to the
desired outcomes.
• Ensuring that every activity, inside and outside the classroom, help
produce the desired results.
• Providing opportunities for students to demonstrate proficiency in
variety of modalities.
• Reviewing and revising learning targets as revealed by assessment of
(b) Student Expectations in OBA
• Understanding clearly with competencies/skills
teachers expect to observe.
• Being ready to demonstrate what they know.
• Accepting responsibility for what they don’t know.
• Being prepared to continue achieving and reaching
high performance.
7.3 Recommended Outcomes-Based
Assessment Tools
• Anecdotal record • Peer critique
• Observation guide • Performance or demonstration
• Interview guide • Portfolios
• Checklist • Rubrics
• End-of-chapter/unit/term test • Written assignment
• Journal (notebook of student) • Self-assessment
• Literacy log book (new terms learned) • Reflection essays
• Standardized tests
7.4 Characteristics of
Use of Measurable Assessment Tools
Key to Outcomes-Based Assessment
(a) Use of Measurable Assessment
• Outcomes-Based Assessment (OBA)
-focuses on student activities that will be relevant
after formal schooling concludes

-the approach is to design assessment tools that are

measurable and less abstract.
• “Verbal Ability” is an abstract competency;
-on the other hand, a much easier competency to assess
is “to write coherent paragraph composed of
grammatically correct sentences.”
(b) Key to OBA
• The key to Outcomes-Based Assessment (OBA)
• is the teacher’s ability to provide a realistic simulation or
approximation of the setting

• in which the outcomes of learning will be required or

• Role playing
• Gaming
• Demonstration
• Case Discussion
• Problem-Solving sessions, etc.
• In outcomes-based education,
practical applications of principles and theories are means
of verifying and measuring the extent of attainment
of the desired student learning outcomes.

• To ensure a meaningful and profitable experience,

in-campus facilities should be in place
where students can simulate the situations
they will encounter in the workplace.
• It is recommended that teacher educators conceptualize
- a laboratory with the appropriate equipment and

-to support the various simulation, role-play, student-

centered, problem- based and creative activities

-that will help prepare future teachers for the situations

they are likely to encounter.

This is the end-goal of outcome-based education.

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