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Chapter 3

Symmetric Key Crypto

Stream Ciphers
Block Ciphers
Block Cipher Modes

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto 1

Symmetric Key Crypto
 Stream cipher  like a one-time pad
 Key is relatively short
 Key is stretched into a long keystream
 Keystream is then used like a one-time pad
except provable security
 Employ confusion only

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Symmetric Key Crypto
 Examples of Stream cipher
 A5/1: employed GSM cell phones
 Representative stream cipher based in H/W
 RC4: used SSL protocol
 Almost unique stream cipher since efficiently implemented in

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Symmetric Key Crypto
 Block cipher  based on codebook concept
 Block cipher key determines a “electronic”
 Each key yields a different codebook
 Employ both “confusion” and “diffusion”

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Symmetric Key Crypto
 Examples of Block cipher
 Data Encryption Stantard(DES): relatively
 Advanced Encryption STD(AES)
 International Data Encrytption Alg.(IEDA)
 Blowfish,
 RC6
 Tiny Encryption Algorithm

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Symmetric Key Crypto
 Mode of Operation of block cipher
 Examples of block cipher mode Op
 Electronic codebook (EOB)
 Cipher-block chaining (CBC)
 Cipher feedback (CFB)
 Output feedback (OFB)
 Counter (CTR)
 Data integrity of block cipher
 Message Authentication code (MAC)

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Symmetric Key Crypto
 Goal of this section
 Introduce symmetric ciphers
 Understand their inner working and uses
 Focus more on the “how” than the “why”
 To understand :”why” -> need to understand
cryptanalysis (Chapter 6)

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Stream Ciphers

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Stream Ciphers
 Not as popular today as block ciphers
 Key K of n bits stretches it into a long
 Function of stream cipher
 StreamCipher(K) = S where K:key, S:keystream
 S is used like a one-time pad
 c0 = p0  s0, c1 = p1  s1, c2 = p2  s2, …
 p0 = c0  s0, p1 = c1  s1, p2 = c2  s2, …
 Sender and receiver have same stream
cipher algorithm and both know the key K

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Stream Ciphers
 We’ll discuss two examples
 A5/1
 Based on linear feedback shift registers
 Used in GSM mobile phone system
 A5/1 is used in Europe and the United States;
 A5/2, is used in countries that are not considered
trustworthy enough to have strong crypto.
 RC4
 Based on a changing lookup table
 Used many places – SSL

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto


Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

 A5/1 is Representative stream cipher based in
 Consists of 3 Linear feedback shift registers
 X: 19 bits (x0, x1, x2, …, x18)

 Y: 22 bits (y0, y1, y2, ………, y21)

 Z: 23 bits (z0, z1, z2, ………….,z22)

 X+Y+Z = 64 bits

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

 At each step: m = maj(x8, y10, z10)
 Examples: maj(0,1,0) = 0 and maj(1,1,0) = 1
 If x8 = m then X steps
 t = x13  x16  x17  x18
 xi = xi1 for i = 18, 17, …, 1 and x0 = t
 If y10 = m then Y steps
 t = y20  y21
 yi = yi1 for i = 21, 20, …, 1 and y0 = t
 If z10 = m then Z steps
 t = z7  z20  z21  z22
 zi = zi1 for i = 22, 21, …, 1 and z0 = t
 Keystream bit is x18  y21  z22
Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto
X x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15 x16 x17 x18

Y y0 y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 y7 y8 y9 y10 y11 y12 y13 y14 y15 y16 y17 y18 y19 y20 y21 

Z z0 z1 z2 z3 z4 z5 z6 z7 z8 z9 z10 z11 z12 z13 z14 z15 z16 z17 z18 z19 z20 z21 z22

 Each value is a single bit
 Key is used as initial fill of registers
 Each register steps or not, based on (x8, y10, z10)
 Keystream bit is XOR of right bits of registers
Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto
From Wikipedia

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

X 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Y 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 

Z 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1

 In this example, m = maj(x8, y10, z10) = maj(1,0,1) = 1

 Register X steps, Y does not step, and Z steps
 Keystream bit is XOR of right bits of registers
 Here, keystream bit will be 0  1  0 = 1
Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

 RC4 Optimized for software implementation,
whereas A5/1 for hardware
 RC4 produces a keystream BYTE at each step,
whereas A5/1 only produce a single keystream

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

 RC4 is remarkably simple
 Because it is essentially just lookup table
containing permutation of the 256(28)-byte
 Each time a byte of keystream is produced,
the lookup table is modified in such a way
that the table always contains a
permutation of {0,1,2,…256}

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

RC4 Initialization
 The first phase -  S[] is permutation of 0,1,…,255
initialize the lookup  key[] contains N bytes of key
table using key
 Key: key[i] for for i = 0 to 255
i=0,1,…,N-1 where S[i] = i
key[i] is a byte
K[i] = key[i (mod N)]
 Lookup table: S[i]
is a byte next i
 Key can be any j=0
length 0 to 256 for i = 0 to 255
bytes j = (j + S[i] + K[i]) mod 256
 Key is only use to swap(S[i], S[j])
initialize the next j
permutation S

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

RC4 Keystream
 The next phase – each keystream byte is
generated according the following algorithm
i = (i + 1) mod 256
j = (j + S[i]) mod 256
swap(S[i], S[j])
t = (S[i] + S[j]) mod 256
keystreamByte = S[t]
 Use keystream bytes like a one-time pad
 Note: first 256 bytes must be discarded
 Otherwise attacker may be able to recover key

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Stream Ciphers
 Stream ciphers were big in the past
 Efficient in hardware
 Speed needed to keep up with voice, etc.
 Today, processors are fast, so software-
based crypto is fast enough
 Future of stream ciphers?
 Shamir: “the death of stream ciphers”
 May be exaggerated…

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Block Ciphers

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Block Cipher
 Plaintext and ciphertext consists of fixed
sized blocks
 Design goal: security and efficiency
 It is not easy to design a block cipher that is secure
and efficient

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

(Iterated) Block Cipher
 Ciphertext obtained
from plaintext by
iterating a round
 Input to round
function consists of
key and the output
of previous round
 Usually implemented
in software
 Typical Type is
Feistel Cipher

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Feistel Cipher
 Feistel cipher refers to a type of block cipher
design, not a specific cipher
 Split plaintext block into left and right halves:
Plaintext = (L0,R0)
 For each round i=1,2,...,n, compute
Li= Ri1
Ri= Li1  F(Ri1,Ki)
where F is round function and Ki is subkey
 Ciphertext = (Ln,Rn)

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Feistel Cipher
 Decryption: Ciphertext = (Ln,Rn)
 For each round i=n,n1,…,1, compute
Ri1 = Li
Li1 = Ri  F(Ri1,Ki)
where F is round function and Ki is subkey
 Plaintext = (L0,R0)
 Formula “works” for any function F
 But only secure for certain functions F
 Ex: F(Ri-1, Ki) = 0 for all Ri-1 and Ki -> not secure

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Data Encryption Standard

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Data Encryption Standard
 DES developed in 1970’s
 Based on IBM Lucifer cipher
 U.S. government standard
 DES development was controversial
 NSA was secretly involved
 Design process not open
 Key length was reduced
 Subtle changes to Lucifer algorithm

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

National Security Agency/
Central Security Service

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

DES Numerology (수비학)

 DES is a Feistel cipher

 64 bit block length
 56 bit key length
 16 rounds
 48 bits of key used each round (subkey)
 Each round is simple (for a block cipher)
 Security depends primarily on “S-boxes”
 Each S-boxes maps 6 bits to 4 bits
 Total 8 S-boxes

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

One Round of DES
L R key
32 32 28 28

28 28

32 28 28

P Box

32 32

L R key Next Slide

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto
DES Expansion Permutation

 Input 32 bits
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

 Output 48 bits
31 0 1 2 3 4 3 4 5 6 7 8
7 8 9 10 11 12 11 12 13 14 15 16
15 16 17 18 19 20 19 20 21 22 23 24
23 24 25 26 27 28 27 28 29 30 31 0 BACK

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

DES S-box
 8 “substitution boxes” or S-boxes
 Each S-box maps 6 bits to 4 bits
 S-box number 1
input bits (0,5)
input bits (1,2,3,4)

00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11
00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11
0 11 01 11 00 00 11 10 10 00 10 01 11 01 10 00 01
0 10 00 01 01 10 11 11 00 11 10 10 00 01 01 00 11
0 00 11 01 01 11 00 11 00 10 01 11 10 10 01 00 10
1 00 11 11 00 10 10 01 01 10 10 00 11 01 01 11 00
1 01 11 11 10 11 01 00 10 11 11 10 01 00 10 01 00
0 00 01 10 00 01 10 10 11 11 00 01 11 11 10 01 00
1 11 11 10 00 01 10 00 01 01 10 00 11 10 00 01 11
1 11 00 00 10 00 01 01 11 11 11 11 10 10 00 10 01

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto BACK 34

DES P-box
 Input 32 bits
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

 Output 32 bits
15 6 19 20 28 11 27 16 0 14 22 25 4 17 30 9

1 7 23 13 31 26 2 8 18 12 29 5 21 10 3 24

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto
DES Subkey
 56 bit DES key, numbered 0,1,2,…,55
 Left half key bits, LK
49 42 35 28 21 14 7
0 50 43 36 29 22 15
8 1 51 44 37 30 23
16 9 2 52 45 38 31

 Right half key bits, RK

55 48 41 34 27 20 13
6 54 47 40 33 26 19
12 5 53 46 39 32 25
18 11 4 24 17 10 3

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

DES Subkey
 For rounds i=1,2,...,16
 Let LK = (LK circular shift left by ri)
 Let RK = (RK circular shift left by
 Left half of subkey Ki is of LK bits
13 16 10 23 0 4 2 27 14 5 20
22 18 11 3 25 7 15 6 26 19 12
 Right half of subkey Ki is RK bits
12 23 2 8 18 26 1 11 22 16 4
Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto
19 37
DES Subkey
 For rounds 1, 2, 9 and 16 the shift ri is 1,
and in all other rounds ri is 2
 Bits 8,17,21,24 of LK omitted each round
 Bits 6,9,14,25 of RK omitted each round
 Compression permutation yields 48 bit
subkey Ki from 56 bits of LK and RK
 Key schedule generates subkey


Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

DES Last Word (Almost)
 An initial perm P before round 1
 Halves are swapped after last round
 A final permutation (inverse of P) is
applied to (R16,L16) to yield ciphertext
 None of these serve any security

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Security of DES
 Security of DES depends a lot on S-boxes
 Everything else in DES is linear
 Thirty years of intense analysis has
revealed no “back door”
 Attacks today use exhaustive key search
 Inescapable conclusions
 Designers of DES knew what they were doing
 Designers of DES were ahead of their time

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Exhaustive Key Search time

Key # of possible keys Execution time Execution time

size (1 Encypt/us) (10 Encypt/us)
32 232=4.3X109 231us=35.8 min 2.15 ms
56 256=7.2X1016 255 us=1142 yrs 10.01 hrs
128 2128=4.3X1038 2127 us=5.4X1024 yr 5.4X1018 yrs
168 2168=4.3X1050 2167 us=5.9X1036 yr 5.9X1030 yr
Block Cipher Notation
 P = plaintext block
 C = ciphertext block
 Encrypt P with key K to get ciphertext C
 C = E(P, K)
 Decrypt C with key K to get plaintext P
 P = D(C, K)
 Note that
 P = D(E(P, K), K) and C = E(D(C, K), K)

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Double DES
 DES’s key length is insufficient today.
 A clear way to use DES with a larger key
length: intuitively “double DES”
 C = E(E(P,K),K) ?
 Problem: Still just 56 bit key
 C = E(E(P,K1),K2) ?
 There is an attack that is more-or-less
equivalent to single DES
 Although the attack is somewhat impractical, it’s
close enough to being practical
Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto
Double DES attack
 C = E(E(P,K1),K2) Attack: chosen plaintext attack
 For particular P, precompute table of E(P,K) for
every possible key K (resulting table has 256
 Given this table(C= E(P,K), K) and C
corresponding to chosen P
 Then for each possible K2, compute D(C,K2) until
a match in table is found
 Here, P = D(C,K2) → E(P,K2) = E(D(C,K2), K2) = C, that is,
D(C,K2) should be in the table

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Double DES attack
 When match is found, have E(P,K1) = D(C,K2)
 Result is keys: C = E(E(P,K1),K2) where K1 and K2
are known, i.e. C is decrypted
 Neglecting the work needed to precompute
the table, the work consists of computing
D(C,K) until we find a match in the table
 This has an expected work of 255 : single
DES exhausted key search work
 So, double DES is not secure

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Triple DES
 Logical approach to
triple DES

 But practically, Triple DES is

 C = E(D(E(P,K1),K2),K1)
 P = D(E(D(C,K1),K2),K1)
 (112 bit key)

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Triple DES
 Why use Encrypt-Decrypt-Encrypt (EDE)
with 2 keys? (Why not EEE and not 3
 Backward compatible with single DES:
If K1=K2=K then E(D(E(P,K),K),K) = E(P,K)
 And 112 bits is enough
 3DES is popular today, But with coming
of the AES, 3DES should fade from use
over time
Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto
Advanced Encryption STD

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

AES History
 Needs for replacement for DES
 DES had outlived its usefulness
 Attacked by exhaustive key search: Special purpose DES
crackers and distributed attack at internet
 3DES is very resistant to crypto analysis but
 No efficient software code
 Too slow: 3 times as many rounds as DES
 3DES use 64-bit block size: for reasons of both efficient
and security, a larger blk size desirable
 So, 3DES is not solution for long-term use
 In 1997, NIST made a formal call for advanced
encryption standard algorithms
Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto
AES History
 GOAL: replace DES for both government and
private sector encryption.
 ROC of AES
 Unclassified, publicly disclosed encryption algorithm,
available royalty-free, worldwide.
 The algorithm must implement symmetric key
 Cryptography as a block cipher and (at a minimum)
support block sizes of 128-bits and key sizes of 128- ,
192-, and 256-bits.
 In 1998, NIST announced a group of 15 AES
candidate algorithms.

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

AES History
 Criteria for selecting AES:
 Security, Robustness, Speed
 In 1999, out of 15, the selection was narrowed to
5 candidates:
 MARS, RC6, Rijndael, Serpent, and Twofish.
 All the five protocols were thought to be secure
 On October 2, 2000, NIST has selected Rijndael
to propose for the AES.
 Pronounced like “Rain Doll” or “Rhine Doll”
 Invented by Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

AES Features
 Designed to be efficient in both
hardware and software across a variety
of platforms.
 Not a Feistel Network
 Iterated block cipher (like DES)
 Not a Feistel cipher (unlike DES)
 “Secure forever” – Shamir

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

AES Features
 Rijndael proposed
 a variable block size, 128,192, 256-bits,
 key size of 128-, 192-, or 256-bits.
 Variable number of rounds (10, 12, 14):
 10 if B = K = 128 bits
 12 if either B or K is 192 and the other is ≤ 192
 14 if either B or K is 256 bits
 But note: AES uses a 128-bit block size.

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

AES Overview
 Definition: State→ 4X4 array of bytes
 128 bits = 16 bytes
 Variable number of rounds (10, 12, 14):
 10 if K is 128 bits
 12 if K is 192 bites
 14 if K is 256 bits
 128-bit round key used for each round:
 128 bits = 16 bytes = 4 words
 needs Nr+1 round keys for Nr rounds
 needs 44 words for 128-bit key (10 rounds)
Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto
AES Overview
 Each round uses 4 functions (in 3 “layers”)
 4 functions: 1 of permutation and 3 substitutions
 3 layers: Linear, Nonlinear and Key addition
 Permutation
 Linear mixing layer: ShiftRow (State)
 Substitutions
 Nonlinear layer: ByteSub (State, S-box)
 Nonlinear layer: MixColumn (State)
 Key addition layer: AddRoundKey (State, KeyNr)

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

AES: High-Level Description
 State: 4 X 4 array of bytes: 128 bits = 16 bytes

State = X
AddRoundKey(State, Key0) (op1)
for r = 1 to Nr - 1
SubBytes(State, S-box) (op2)
ShiftRows(State) (op3)
MixColumns(State) (op4)
AddRoundKey(State, KeyNr)
SubBytes(State, S-box)
AddRoundKey(State, KeyNr)
Y = State

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

AES AddRoundKey

 XOR subkey
with block:
Assume 128-bits

 RoundKey (subkey)
determined by
key schedule
 We will ignore
the AES key
Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto
AES ByteSub
 Assume 128 bit block, i.e. 4ⅹ4 bytes

 ByteSub is AES’s “S-box”

 Can be viewed as nonlinear (but invertible)
composition of two math operations
Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto
AES BytesSub
 Byte substitution using non-linear S-Box
(independently on each byte).
 S-box is represented as a 16x16 array,
rows and columns indexed by
hexadecimal bits
 8 bits replaced as follows:
 8 bits defines a hexadecimal number (r,c),
 then (sr,sc) = binary(Sbox(r, c))

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

AES “S-box”
 Example: hexa 53 is replaced with hexa ED
Last 4 bits of input

First 4
bits of

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

AES ShiftRow
 Cyclic shift rows

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

AES MixColumn
 Nonlinear, invertible operation applied
to each column

 Implemented as a (big) lookup table

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto
AES Decryption
 To decrypt, process must be invertible
 Inverse of AddRoundKey is easy, since
 is its own inverse
 MixColumn is invertible (inverse is also
implemented as a lookup table)
 Inverse of ShiftRow is easy (cyclic
shift the other direction)
 ByteSub is invertible (inverse is also
implemented as a lookup table)
Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto
AES Design Rationale
 Substitute Byte
 To be resistant to known cryptanalytic
attacks by making a low correlation between
input bits and output bits.
 Shift Row
 Note input and output are treated as
State(4X4 array)
 To move an individual byte from one column
to another

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

AES Design Rationale
 Mix Column
 To ensure a good mixing the bytes of each
 Add Round Key
 To affect every bit of State
 The complexity of the round key expension
ensure security

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

A Few Other Block Ciphers

 Briefly…
 Blowfish
 RC6
 More detailed…

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

 International Data Encryption Alg
 Invented by Xuejia Lai (學嘉來) and James
 One of the giants of modern crypto
 Used in Pretty Good Privacy(PGP) V2.0
 Characteristics
 IDEA uses mixed-mode arithmetic
 IDEA the first to use this approach
 Frequently used today
 64-bit block, 128-bit key
 8 rounds, operates on 16-bit numbers

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

mixed-mode arithmetic
 Bitwise eXclusive OR
 (denoted with a blue ⊕)
 Addition modulo 216
 (denoted with a green )
 Multiplication modulo 216+1,
where the all-zero word
(0x0000) is interpreted as
 (denoted by a red )

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

 Invented by Bruce Schneier
 Characteristics
 Block length: 64-bit blocks
 Key is variable length, up to 448 bits
 Fast
 Compact: can run in less than 5K of memory
 Simple: simple structure and to implement
 Variably secure: dependent on the key length
 Key-dependent S-boxes
 S-boxes determined by the key
Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto
 Almost a Feistel
Ri = Li1  Ki
Li = Ri1  F(Li1 
 The round
function F uses 4
 Each S-box maps 8 Where Pi: round key
bits to 32 bits
 Key-dependent S-
 S-boxes determined
by the key

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

 Invented by Ron Rivest
 Public key: RSA, Block cipher: RC6
 Stream cipher: RC4, Hash function: MD5,
 Characteristics
 Variables
 Block size, Key size, Number of rounds
 Very fast, Clean and simple design
 An AES finalist
 Uses data dependent rotations
 Unusual to rely on data as part of algorithm
Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto
Tiny Encryption Algorithm
 Invented by David Wheeler
 Characteristics
 64 bit block, 128 bit key
 Assumes 32-bit arithmetic
 Targeting 32-bit computer
 Operation based on modulo 232
 Number of rounds is variable
 32 is considered secure
 Uses “weak” round function, so large number
rounds required

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Tiny Encryption Algorithm
 Trade off between complexity of each
round and no. of rounds
 DES: balance between these two. (16)
 AES: reduce the no. of rounds and more
complex round function (10,12,14)
 TEA: simple round function and large no.
of rounds
 32 is considered secure

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

TEA Encryption
Assuming 32 rounds:
(<<: L shift, >> R shift)
(K[0],K[1],K[2],K[3]) = 128 bit key
(L,R) = plaintext (64-bit block)
delta = 0x9e3779b9
sum = 0
for i = 1 to 32
sum = sum+delta
L = L + ((R<<4)+K[0])^(R+sum)
R = R + ((L<<4)+K[2])^(L+sum)
next i
ciphertext = (L,R)

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

TEA Decryption
Assuming 32 rounds:
(K[0],K[1],K[2],K[3]) = 128 bit key
(L,R) = ciphertext (64-bit block)
delta = 0x9e3779b9
sum = delta << 5
for i = 1 to 32
R = R - ((L<<4)+K[2])^(L+sum)^((L>>5)+K[3])
L = L - ((R<<4)+K[0])^(R+sum)^((R>>5)+K[1])
sum = sum - delta
next i
plaintext = (L,R)

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

TEA comments
 Almost a Feistel cipher
 Uses + and - instead of  (XOR)
 Need to separate encryption and decryption
 Simple, easy to implement, fast, low
memory requirement, etc.
 Possibly a related key attack
 If a cryptanalyst knows that two TEA messages
are encrypted with keys that are related to
each other in a special way, then the plaintext
can be recovered

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

TEA comments
 eXtended TEA (XTEA) eliminates
related key attack (slightly more
 Simplified TEA (STEA)  insecure
version used as an example for

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Block Cipher Modes

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Symmetric cipher encryption
 Stream cipher is easy:
 keystream is the same length as the plaintext
and XOR
 How to encrypt multiple blocks?
 A new key for each block?
 As bad as (or worse than) a one-time pad!
 Encrypt each block independently?
 Make encryption depend on previous block(s), i.e.,
“chain” the blocks together?
 How to handle partial blocks?

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Modes of Operation
 Many encryption ways (modes of operation) for
multiple block cipher we discuss three
 Electronic Codebook (ECB) mode
 Obvious thing to do
 Encrypt each block independently
 There is a serious weakness
 Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode
 Chain the blocks together
 More secure than ECB, virtually no extra work
 Counter Mode (CTR) mode
 Acts like a stream cipher
 Popular for random access

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

ECB(Electronic Codebook) Mode
 Notation: C=E(P,K)
 Given plaintext P0, P1, …, Pm, …
 Obvious way to use a block cipher is
Encrypt Decrypt
C0 = E(P0, K), P0 = D(C0, K),
C1 = E(P1, K), P1 = D(C1, K),
C2 = E(P2, K),… P2 = D(C2, K),…
 For a fixed key K, this is an electronic version
of a codebook cipher
 A new codebook for each key
Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto
ECB Mode

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

ECB Cut and Paste Attack
 Suppose plaintext is
Alice digs Bob. Trudy digs Tom.
 Assuming 64-bit blocks and 8-bit ASCII:
P0 = “Alice di”, P1 = “gs Bob. ”,
P2 = “Trudy di”, P3 = “gs Tom. ”
 Ciphertext: C0, C1, C2, C3
 Trudy cuts and pastes복사-붙여넣기공격: C0, C3, C2, C1
 Decrypts as
Alice digs Tom. Trudy digs Bob.

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

ECB Weakness
 Suppose Pi = Pj
 Then Ci = Cj and Trudy knows Pi = Pj
 This gives Trudy some information, even
if she does not know Pi or Pj
 We should not give the cryptanalyst anything
for free.
 Trudy might know Pi
 Is this a serious issue? -> Next slide

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Alice Hates ECB Mode
 Alice’s uncompressed image, Alice ECB encrypted

 Why does this happen?

 Same plaintext block  same ciphertext!
 Solution??? -> Next slide

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Cipher Block Chaining Mode
 Blocks are “chained” together
 A random initialization vector, or IV, is
required to initialize CBC mode
 IV is random, but need not be secret
Encryption Decryption
C0 = E(IV  P0, K), P0 = IV  D(C0, K),
C1 = E(C0  P1, K), P1 = C0  D(C1, K),
C2 = E(C1  P2, K),… P2 = C1  D(C2, K),…

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Cipher Block Chaining Mode

 Main drawbacks
 encryption is sequential (i.e., it cannot be parallelized),
 the message must be padded to a multiple of the cipher
blk size.

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

CBC Mode
 Identical plaintext blocks yield different
ciphertext blocks
 Cut and paste is still possible, but more
complex (and will cause garbles)
 If C1 is garbled to, say, G then
P1  C0  D(G, K), P2  G  D(C2, K)
 But P3 = C2  D(C3, K), P4 = C3  D(C4, K),…
 Automatically recovers from errors!

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Alice Likes CBC Mode
 Alice’s uncompressed image, Alice CBC
encrypted (TEA)

 Why does this happen?

 Same plaintext yields different ciphertext!

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Counter (CTR) Mode
 CTR is popular for random access
 Use block cipher like stream cipher
Encryption Decryption
C0 = P0  E(IV, K), P0 = C0  E(IV, K),
C1 = P1  E(IV+1, K), P1 = C1  E(IV+1, K),
C2 = P2  E(IV+2, K),… P2 = C2  E(IV+2, K),…
 EBC can also be used for random access!!!

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto

Counter (CTR) Mode

Chapter 3 Symmetric Key Crypto


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