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Chapter 5: Inquiry and Teaching Science


1. Describe learning outcomes of content vs. process

2. Examine recommended inquiry concepts

3. Discuss successful inquiry strategies and techniques

4. Discuss problems and concerns with inquiry teaching

I. What is Inquiry
A. The inquiry model
1. Science is an active process of finding out about the world
2. To be consistent with science, inquiry teaching works similarly
a. Science for All Americans (AAAS, 1990)
b. Hard to define inquiry other than in individual lessons
3. Knowledge must be of more than personal interest; it must pass
the scrutiny of other scientists
4. Discovery = figuring out something all by yourself
a. Limited method of teaching science
b. Teacher guides inquiry just as scientists use prior knowledge

B. Teaching the products of science

1. Presents what is known as organized by text or teacher
2. Often omits the thinking and experiments that led to the products
3. Minimizes hands-on and minds-on science activities
4. Results in memorizing facts with little personal meaning
5. Content without much process
II. Content and Process
A. Inquiry = the what and the how of understanding the world
1. Content = what = body of knowledge = facts, concepts, laws,
principles and theories
a. Major goal of science is to increase this knowledge
b. Provides the foundation for further inquiry
c. Facts without context, history, and personal meaning are difficult to
incorporate into conceptual change for students

2. Content with Process = how = methods, techniques, experiments,

history of how content has been obtained
a. Students must be involved in the processes of finding out
b. First hand investigation leads students to the knowledge
c. “Teaching science as inquiry”

3. Process with Content = “teaching science by inquiry”

a. Main focus is engaging students in finding out
b. Teach students how to inquire scientifically
c. Students are active, but may learn little content
d. Often used in elementary or middle school
B. Science “by” and “as” Inquiry
1. Jerome Burner (1960’s) advocated learning by doing
a. Science by inquiry (Process)
b. Emphasize active learning; de-emphasize rote learning of content
c. Students can experience excitement of finding out without being turned
off by memorizing many terms and facts
d. Students would be efficient at acquiring and using information to solve

2. Joseph Schwab (1960’s) advocated science as inquiry

a. Science research involves construction of the mind, not just facts
b. Teach students how scientists interpret information and form ideas
c. Don’t just tell facts, but how scientists arrived at them
d. Steps of science as inquiry
i. How knowledge arises from interpretation of data
ii. Interpretation of data proceeds on the basis of changing concepts
iii. Knowledge changes as concepts change
iv. Knowledge changes only for good reason: we know better now
e. Stressed student conducted research
III. Inquiry Strategies and Techniques
A. Asking question
1. Asking the right question is critical to scientific inquiry
2. Asking the right question is critical to teaching science as inquiry
3. Write questions on the board for students to answer
a. Guides instruction as student try to answer them
b. Encourages students to state what they think
4. Yes/No questioning technique
a. Have students ask the teacher yes/no only questions during lesson
b. Allow students to use materials to test out own ideas
c. Students eventually arrive (with guidance) at accepted concept
d. Shifts responsibility for learning away from teacher to students

B. Science process skills

1. Stresses acquisition of skills associated with scientific inquiry
2. Examples: observing, classifying, measuring, predicting,
interpreting, hypothesizing, experimenting (p. 95)
3. Many middle school curricula begin with units on these skills
4. Content is secondary to the skill being taught
C. Discrepant Events
1. Attention getting event that puzzles the observer
2. Encourages equilibration by the student
3. Proper guidance then leads to search for explanation
4. Example: Does a drop of water roll or slide down wax paper?

D. Inductive Activities
1. Allow students to discover a concept through lab activity
2. Discover first, then name and discuss the concept
3. Experience before vocabulary approach
4. Formalized as the Learning Cycle
a. Exploration: engagement to stimulate thinking about a concept
b. Invention: exploration and explanation of relationships and concepts
c. Application: elaboration into everyday life; generalizing knowledge
5. Example: Mixing of colored salt-water solutions (p. 97)

E. Deductive Activities
1. Typical lecture followed by laboratory approach
2. Vocabulary before experience
3. Example: lecture on acids/bases/pH followed by classification lab
F. Gathering Information
1. Scientists spend much time in the library or in discussion as well as
in the lab
2. May be an exploration step in the 5E lesson plan
3. Assigned readings, text, newspaper/magazine, internet searching
4. Can be evaluated with a written report; should require citations
5. Can assign interviews, surveys as a way to gather information from

G. Problem Solving
1. Can lead to excellent inquiry skills for students
2. Can simulate what scientist do on a daily basis
3. Situations relevant to students’ live should be used
a. Raise questions
b. Plan procedures
c. Collect information
d. Form conclusions
4. More than solving problems at the end of the chapter
5. Example: Where should a new electric power plant be located?
H. Science Projects
1. True scientific inquiry by students rather than simulation or example
2. May be tied to science fairs or other competitions
3. Incentive for some competitive students or those seeking
recognition for their science abilities
4. Helps identify “gifted” science students
5. Require much time and effort outside of class for students, parents,
and teachers
6. Typical science project types
a. Hobby show-and-tell (display collections, photographs, animals, etc…)
b. Display on natural phenomena (hurricane, lightening, etc…)
c. Model: 3D or working models of technology or natural phenomena
d. Report and poster: literature work and a public report on it
e. Laboratory Exercise: public demonstration of a concept through lab
f. Observational study: bird counting, weather patterns, etc…
g. Experimental study: fertilizer and plant growth, moisture and corrosion
7. Judging should be done in categories
a. Criteria: creativity (20%), procedures (30%), understanding (20%),
display quality (15%), and oral presentation (15%)
b. Realize all students don’t have the same resources ($, parents, time)
IV. Inquiry learning often involves student groups
A. Stimulates and maintains inquiry better than individual work
B. Enhances problem solving and concept development
C. Increases student involvement and helps classroom
D. Important aspects of cooperative learning
1. Organize student groups to accomplish learning outcome
a. Make sure group contains students who can do each task
b. Make sure student in a group can work well together
2. Identify topics that will motivate student inquiry
3. Ask groups for preliminary outline: productivity and guidance
4. Monitor the investigations (in class easy, out of class more difficult)
5. Help students with final reports
a. This is where students demonstrate concepts learned
b. Often key step in fully understanding the topic
6. Have students orally report
7. Reward student effort by appropriate evaluation
a. Individual accountability
b. Reward for lengthy or difficult projects
V. Concerns About Inquiry Instruction
A. Science reform calls for change from traditional to inquiry
1. Science teachers need to form personal rationale
2. Appropriate teaching for each group of students

B. Common concerns science teachers should be familiar with

1. Understanding by administrators, parents, others
a. Show balance of content and process
b. Show meeting of local, state standards
2. Time: inquiry teaching takes more preparation and classroom time
3. Materials and Equipment: activities require more of both
4. Facilities: school facilities don’t always support inquiry learning
5. Learning
a. Can’t sacrifice mastery of crucial content
b. Minds-on as well as hands-on activities are consistent with inquiry
6. Discipline: not always easiest during activities
7. Colleagues: resistant to change or successful with tradition
8. Administration: quiet orderly classrooms not always possible
9. Parents: some value college preparation, standardized tests more
than deeper understanding

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