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Day 1 - Finding the Lightness in Your Life – A Personal Journey

“Lightness and weightiness… are both choices in life.” ― Erik Pevernagie

Welcome to our 21-Day Meditation Experience, Shedding the Weight: Mind, Body and Spirit. We are delighted you are joining us on this adventure to
transform all of our heaviness and burdens in life to lightness and fulfillment. Together we will understand that “shedding the weight” is not only an
issue for our bodies, but that we are also weighed down with emotional, mental, and spiritual burdens.
Today we discover that we don’t have to struggle to shed our burdens – all we need to do is expand our awareness. In that awareness we find the
inner fulfillment that is our true self. This state of expanded awareness is the lightness in your life, and allows you to effortlessly let go of heaviness
that doesn’t serve you.
As we continue this Meditation Experience over the next few weeks, we will explore all the ways to shed our weight, whether it is physical, mental, or
Libera el peso de tu mente, cuerpo
Abre y reoonoce de lo que realmente estás hambriento, y rellena ese hambre con
Una nueva comprensión de nuestras barreras
de fullfiment, nos saca de nuestro nivel de satisfacción

Day 1 - Finding the Lightness in Your Life – A Personal Journey

Question 1 of 4
Consider the ways you feel weighed down in your life. Write a list of the burdens in your mind, body, and spirit that you wish to lighten in these three weeks.

Day 1 - Finding the Lightness in Your Life – A Personal Journey

Question 2 of 4
Write down three things you can do to find lightness in your life. For example, these could be listening to music, taking a

Question 3 of 4
Reflect on what nourishes your inner self, and then describe two things you can do
today that nourish your spirit.

Question 4 of 4
Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.
Question 1 of 4
Write down what felt heavy and resistant to
just physically but emotionally as well.

Question 2 of 4
Describe your most effective tool for remov
feelings of heaviness. It could be taking an
bath, or going salsa dancing.

Question 3 of 4
Write a short description of the moment tod
felt you were most fully engaged in the pres
describe your state of mind – was it peacefu

Day 2 - Transforming Heavy to Light

Question 4 of 4
“When you allow your ways to be light you go high.” ― Raphael Zernoff Use this space to reflect further on your exp
In today’s meditation, we explore how to transform the heaviness in our lives to our natural state of lightness.
The heaviness of our burdens comes from our attachment to past pain and trauma, as well as anxiety and
fear of the future. As we learn to live consciously in the present moment, we find we don’t have to do anything
to let go of burdens of pain and fear – they let go of us. Our natural state of balance in life is lightness and
Question 1 of 4
Reflect on a negative situation in the past that you didn’t
handle as well as you would have liked to. Write down
how you could respond differently next time.

Question 2 of 4
Describe a moment yesterday or today where you felt a
sense of flow and ease. That is what a life in balance feels
Question 3 of 4
Write about an area of your life – such as your
Day 3 - Begin with Emotional Balance
“Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm, and relationships, job, or health – where you would like to
harmony.” ― Thomas Merton experience more flow and balance. Go on to describe how
In today’s meditation, we learn that we can restore emotional balance and
equanimity by returning our attention to the still awareness in the background that would change your experience of that area of life.
of our minds. When we act from a feeling of lack, we remain out of balance
and stuck in our old unfulfilling habits. But emotions are meant to flow freely, Question 4 of 4
to rise and fall without being held. In meditation, we reach the calm, centered Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.
place inside that doesn’t hold on or get stuck to toxic habits and old memories,
so shedding emotional baggage happens naturally.
Question 1 of 4
Write about a lack in your life that is being filled by cravings or bad

Question 2 of 4
Now, write down how you can more directly address that lack. For
example, if a lack of self-esteem is a big part of what’s driving
unhealthy habits, consider helping someone using a talent you
have. It could be giving piano lessons if you are a musician, or
helping them sort out their business expenses if you are good with

Question 3 of 4
List the areas of your life in which you already feel fulfilled, and then writ
down how you can start building on that fulfillment.
Day 4 - Fulfillment Holds the Key
“We wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment.” ― Hilaire Belloc
Question 4 of 4
Everyone can feel the difference between emptiness and fullness, and it is this experience that
allows us to feel our way to better lifestyle choices. Today we learn that there are many kinds of Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.
hunger, but only one state of fulfillment. When you give yourself what you really want and need,
unhealthy habits, such as overeating, cease to be a problem.
Instead of fighting against a habit that always fights back, ask yourself, “What am I hungry for right
now?” then seek to satisfy that hunger directly.
Question 1 of 4
Write down two kind gestures you can offer to the people
around you today to be a source of love and positivity at
work or home.
Question 2 of 4
What relationship gives you the most positive input? Write
about how that relationship has changed you for the

Question 3 of 4
Now write down three things you can do to support all the
positive aspects of all your relationships.
Day 6 - The Key to Positive Input
“Making each moment count positively is all that life demands from you.” ― Edmond
Mbiaka Question 4 of 4
We learn in today’s meditation that every experience influences our life. We metabolize
everything we encounter – physically and emotionally – so each experience becomes a
Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.
part of our minds and bodies.
Negative experiences are metabolized differently than positive experiences. If you
overload the system with negative input, it goes out of balance.
If you substitute positive inputs instead, these also get metabolized into your overall
wellbeing, energy level, and health. The best inputs are any experiences that make you
feel lighter physically and emotionally, from the freshest organic foods to laughter to the
beauty of Nature.
Positive input strengthens you on every level, making it much easier to rid your system
of toxins.
Question 1 of 4
Write down the ways in which you glimpsed your true self
today, through moments of beauty, truth, creativity, and
bliss. Include how these moments made you feel. Remind
yourself that this is a reality that is always yours.

Question 2 of 4
Think about the moments today when you had to
struggle and use effort. Now describe how these
moments of struggle made you feel.

Question 3 of 4
As part of the healing process, how could you remove
some everyday burdens you are carrying? Write down
three actions you can take to lighten your load –
Day 8 - Making Lightness the New You physically, psychologically, or emotionally. For example,
“Renewal requires opening yourself up to new ways of thinking and you could spend more time with people who lift you up
feeling.” ― Deborah Day and emanate positive energy.
The burdens we carry around with us have become part of our
attitudes, habits, beliefs, and behaviors, but they are not permanent. Question 4 of 4
Habits are the outcome of old decisions and they can be changed Use this space to reflect further on your
only through new decisions and choices. experience today.
In today’s meditation, we discover that the most important decision
we can make is to embrace the possibility of our true self. When we
let higher intelligence do the work, getting rid of burdens isn’t a
Question 1 of 4
Write down three positive beliefs you hold about yourself,
then list one way you can act upon it. For example, if you
have a good self-image, take a step to improve someone
else’s self-image.
Question 2 of 4
Identify three negative beliefs about yourself, then list one
thing you can do for each belief that would help to
diminish and heal it. This should be a step you can
realistically and easily take. For example, if you hold the
belief that you are unlovable, consider a way to act
friendlier and show others your positive feelings toward
them, which is how lovable people behave.
Day 9 - Put Your Beliefs into Practice
Question 3 of 4
“What happens when people open their hearts? They
Write down three ways you can be easier on yourself
get better.” ― Haruki Murakami
instead of self-judgmental. For example, you could stop
In today’s meditation, we discover that when you
running yourself down in front of others.
activate a positive belief, your cells get the message.
By intending to heal, you do heal.
We proceed with small steps by taking a few moments Question 4 of 4
every day to be kind to yourself, forgive yourself, repeat Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.
your belief in healing, and enjoy your recovery.

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