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The used of MSG

Anggi Dwi Lestari

Afifah Dwi Septiana
Title and Content Layout with List
1. Makanan berasa tak lengkap jika dikasih micin---sering makan micin
2. Tp apa yg terjadi jika tubuh kebanyakan micin?
3. Msg adalah….
4. Dampak bagi tubuh…
5. Mekanisme scr biologi..
6. Kesimpulan: jangan terlalu bnyak msg
This can lead people to take in MSG high concentrations

Title and Content Layout with Chart

• “Please add a lot of micin on my food…”
• Maybe we often hear that words or maybe we say it whenever we order a food
just like meat ball or fried rice. Sure, many people love adding micin in their
food. In fact, there are also people who can not eat without micin, because
without it the food becomes more tasteless.
• What is exactly micin?
• Micin or MSG (Monosodium Glutamat) is one of additive substances.
This monosodium glutamate has a form like salt crystals or sugar.
Monosodium glutamate serves as flavoring. Glutamate actually does not have its
own taste, but it enhances other flavors and provides a savory taste.
• Glutamic acid (free acid of MSG) is the most abundant amino acid in the liquid
brain and spinal cord, and works as a neurotransmitter. Glutamic acid is a
component of folic acid and GTF (glucose tolerance factor) and it is a precursor of
GABA (gamma-amino butyric acid). In the intestine, glutamate is converted into
citrulin and arginine, an important regulator of the system immune. Thus,
glutamate is also essential for good intestinal function and maintenance of the
mucosal barrier. Its use is primarily as sodium salt (MSG) to strengthen the flavor
in food. As a supplement on the circumstances stress to improve the condition of
the intestines and the immune system, as well as the use improve brain function.
Side effects at high doses include headache, nausea, face to red, and a hot feeling
called chinese restaurant syndrome (Tan and Rahardja, 2002).
Two Content Layout with Table
• Unfortunately, MSG usage limits are not listed on the label. This condition can
lead people to use MSG in high concentration (Ismail, 2012).
• Is it okay if we consume it too much?
• Based on some researches, the levels of glutamic acid in human blood begin to
increase after consuming MSG 30 mg/kgBW/day, which means it has started to
surpass metabolic ability of the body. If still within controlled limits, this increase
in levels will decrease back to normal levels or as the original level in 3 hour,
mean the average in a day is limited to the maximal addition of 2.5-3.5 g of MSG
and should not be in high doses at once. Meanwhile, a spoon the average tea
contains 4-6 g of MSG (Maidawilis, 2010).
• According to Fahim (1999) MSG causes a decrease in histamine content means in the central
nervous system and causes damage to the brain. MSG causing obesity and growth and
developmental disorders body in neonatal mice. In addition some other researchers say that
MSG can cause endocrine disorders through hypothalamic-pituitary mechanisms (Maidawilis,

• According to the results of research conducted by Nizamuddin, (1993), it was reported that the
effect of giving MSG peroral to spermatogenesis and fertility of adult male mice, doses 2400,
4800 and 9600 mg/ kgBW/day for 49 day, causing a reduction effect of diameter of semniferous
and causing tubules spermatogenesis disorder in accordance with the amount of MSG dose
given. And the effect for female mice, after adulthood, in female mice who were given MSG
slowness occurred vaginal canalization and have longer estrus cycles than controls. After
adulthood, in male mice given MSG obtained signs fertility decreases, e.g reduced testicular and
pituitary weight (Maidawilis, 2010).

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