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Roby Arya Brata, S.H.,LL.M.,MPP.,Ph.D.

Program Magister Perbankan Syariah

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Semester Ganjil 2017/2018
Roby Arya Brata
Roby Arya Brata finished his Ph.D. program in public policy and governance at the Australian
National University. His Ph.D. research was on anticorruption policy implementation in
Indonesia. A graduate in international law from Padjadjaran University (Indonesia), he then
completed his two master degrees in law (LL.M, with Honours) and public policy (MPP) from
Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand). Prior to his Ph.D. studies, he was a senior
government official acting as Head of Constitutional and Administrative Legal Division at the
Cabinet Secretariat/the Office of the President of Indonesia. He was a legal analyst at the
Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights. He was later appointed as an Assistant to
Chairman of Presidential Unit for Government Reform and Program Management (later UKP4).
Roby has also acted as an Indonesia Delegate involving in several international negotiations. He
is now tasked as a Deputy Assistant for Law, Human Rights and Buraucratic Reform at the
Cabinet Secretariat of Indonesia. A part-time lecturer at universities in Indonesia and with more
than 20 year experiences in legal and policy analysis, he had been invited as a guest lecturer at
The Australian National University and The University of Sydney in Australia. He was a speaker
at various international conferences on law and anticorruption. He is a columnist on governance,
public policy, anticorruption, and legal issues. He is a governance consultant and a resource
person for TVs and media. His books “Memperkuat Negara dan Pemerintahan” and “Why did
Anticorruption Policy Fail?” (USA) have recently been published. In 2000, he was awarded as the
first prize winner of a national essay writing competition organized by the Indonesian
Intellectual Property Society and the Indonesian Association for Scientific Writers. He was a
strong candidate commissioner for the Indonesia Anticorruption Commission/KPK 2015-2019.

Roby Arya Brata, S.H., LL.M. (Hons.), MPP, Ph.D.

Mobile: 081 384 767 742
Islamic Business Ethics
What is Ethics?

Business and trade among Muslims is not a new thing. If

highlighted trading history of Islam, its history starting in
the early scene where the man two sons of Adam, Habil
and Qabil namely has pioneered the field of
entrepreneurship. Habil pioneered the former, while Qabil
pioneered agriculture farming (Nor, 2012).
The Prophet himself was directly involved in the business
before being appointed apostles. Since the age of 12 years
recorded history that often follow his entourage of his uncle
Abu Talib out of business in Sham (Nizho & Mohd, 2008). He
became one of the traders who market goods owned by
Khadijah binti Khuwailid (R.A) to the countries such as
Syria and Yemen.

There are two sources to be used as a guide to business

ethics in Islam, namely the Quran and the Sunnah. Abu
Hurairah ra from the Prophet Muhammad said:
Meaning: "I leave behind me two things, you will not be lost
forever as long as you stick with that the position of both the
Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet".

In addition, this issue was discussed by the scholars in a

branch of the science of Fiqh al- Muamalat. An
entrepreneur who understands business ethics in Islam
can ensure that business is conducted blessed by Allah SWT.

The main goal of Islamic entrepreneurship towards the formation of

entrepreneurs who are always conscious of the Almighty Allah (Ab, 2009).
Entrepreneurs who fear will always be committed to serve in order to
realize a holistic and balanced entrepreneurship.
Islam places great emphasis on regulation and business ethics in human
life. Ethics as a rule good or bad, right or wrong, moral teachings about
behavior and actions, especially in the economy comes out to the Muslim
faith. Whatever is done will be linked to the objective world and hereafter.
 Therefore, the main requirement that must be emphasized is that the
practice of good business ethics and social responsibility of the company.
In addition, to ensure that every entrepreneur who dabbled in the
business can avoid all evil nature (mazmumah) and to illuminate merit
(mahmudah). This is important to ensure the interest of the community in
order to secure from all the elements that can trigger conflict, injustice,
oppression and a sense of dissatisfaction (Nor, 2012). They are able to
protect the rights of both parties, as the seller of the trader and the
consumer as a customer of goods involved.
Ethics Defined
The word “ethics” originates from 8the Greek word “ethos”, which means
“character, spirit and attitude of a group of people or culture” (Loeb 1971).
According to the Oxford Dictionary, ethics is defined as: (1) a system of moral
principles by which human actions may be judged as good or bad, right or
wrong; (2) the rules of conduct recognized in respect of a particular class of
human actions.
 Rachels and Rachels (1993) note that ethics represent a set of moral
principles, rules of conduct or values. According to Burks (2006), the issue
of ethics arises when a person has to make a decision from various
alternatives relating to moral principles. Rania (2006) highlights ethics in a
more general term as web relationships with others. Delaney (2005)
contends that ethics is concerned with the good worth sought in life and
with the rules that ought to govern human behavior and human interaction.
 Ogbonna and Ebimobowei (2011) state that ethics is reflected in the
principles that a person uses in governing his/her actions and the personal
standard by which a person distinguishes the right from the wrong. Elegido
(2000) describes ethics as it is the mission for, and the understanding of, the
good life, living well, a life worth living. Thus, he thinks ethics is largely a
matter of perspective by putting every action and goal in its place, knowing
what is important doing and what is not.
(Islamic) Ethics Defined

Nwagboso (2008) believes ethics is in confusion and ferment among

all people and he highlights that ethics is not about what person is or
what person was, or even about what person will be but ethics is
about what ought and have to be. Because of that, Nwagboso (2008)
thinks ethics is the standard by which person should judge action or
character. On the other hand, Hayes, Schilder, Dassen and Wallage
(1999) define ethics as a set of moral principles, rules of conduct or
values and ethics is relevant when a person has to make a decision
from different choices concerning ethical principles.
From an Islamic point of view, ethics is related to several Arabic
terms. These terms are as follows: ma‘ruf (approved), khayr
(goodness), haqq (truth and right), birr (righteousness), qist
(equity), ‘adl (equilibrium and justice), and taqwa (piety). Good
actions are described as salihat and bad actions are described as
sayyi’at. However, the term that is most closely related to ethics in
the Quran is akhlaq (Beekun 1996).
(Islamic) Ethics Defined
Ethics in Islamic Perspectives
Ethics in Islamic Perspectives
Goodness in Islamic View
Goodness in Islamic View
Concept of Syumul
Framework of Islamic Business Ethics
Influencing Factors in Ethical Behavior
Illegal Business in Islam
Illegal Business in Islam
Thruthfulness in Business Transactions
Islamic Business Ethical System
There are many ways to implement business ethics in Islam. One of them is
the trader or an entrepreneur should have knowledge of the regulations and
business ethics of Islam. It is demanding that they read and understand the
things that are outlined in the Qur'an and Sunnah. In addition, they must
believe that they will be brought before Allah on Judgment Day that arise
fear to disobey Allah. Therefore, they should perform and practice of
business ethics sanctioned by Islam. Without this confidence will be the
birth of entrepreneurs who are trying to avoid the discharge of business
according to Islamic ethics, especially when it involves cost, effort and time.
They should be actively involved in defending the rights of the users and
provide the information to government agencies and the private sector to
find that there are a handful of entrepreneurs who committed fraud or
breach of business ethics as outlined.
 Further, the government has an important role to provide clear guidelines
and complete information about business ethics in Islam, to be distributed
to businesses and entrepreneurs, as well as ensure that businesses and
entrepreneurs understand the guidelines and implement them.
Terima kasih


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