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Market Entry Threat

+ No scale effect
+ Low differentiation
+ Capital requirements low
- Learning and experience curves
+/- Access to distribution channels
+ Government policy bid mechanism use
Supplier Bargaining Power Rivalry Amongst Competitor Buyer Bargaining Power
Low Intense High

- Diffused supplier + High fixed costs + Homogenous offering

- Non – differentiated product + Perishable product + Concentration of buyers
- Low switching cost + Lack of a price leader + Low value to customers
- Face substitutes + Consistent size/power - Necessary product
+ Threat of forward integration - Slowly rising market price + Low switching cost
- Industries an important - Low exit barrier + Buyers in low/non profit business
customer + Homogenous offerings for management +Buyers could backward integrate
consulting + product does not save buyer money
Substitutes + Product quality is not important to
Low – Moderate buyers’ final product quality
+ Purchased product is higher % of
+ In – house services cost

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