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Implementasi Strategi

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 2

Importance of Implementation
• Strategi yang baik akan bisa menaikkan
kinerja organisasi hanya jika strategi
tersebut dilaksanakan dengan baik
• Pelaksanaan strategi melibatkan seluruh
anggota organisasi
• Perlu menyiapkan infrastruktur
pelaksanaan strategi utk melancarkan

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 3

Importance of Implementation
• Strategi yang baik akan bisa menaikkan
kinerja organisasi hanya jika strategi tersebut
dilaksanakan dengan baik
• Strategy is easy, but execution is hard
• Survey: 57 % perusahaan gagal
mengimplementasikan strategi (executing
strategic initiatives)
• Good implementation starts with good strategic
input: the soup is only as good as the
• Syncronizing the long time horizon of strategic thinking
with the short-term focus required for actions
• During business planning, distinguishing between strategic
fit and what’s most important next
• Maintaining the distinction between ends and tactical
• Balancing constancy of purpose with the reality orf
business cycles market perturbations
• Coping with the fact that strategy implementation is both
deterministic and emergent
From Strategy to Implementation

Mission Statement

Strategies and Plans

- Corporate objectives
- SWORT analysis
-Training, development, and
retention policies
Management Acc. Inf
Action Planning: Systems:
- Operational Objectives - Feedback/Feedforward loop
- Key tasks and Responsibility - Performance information set
- Resource allocations -Timely reporting for decision
- Performance target setting making
-Agreement and performance - Suggestion box

Performance Recognition
- Measuremen of Performance
- Reward and Sanction
- Training Needs Assessment
Implementasi Strategi

Designing Operasionalisasi Visi

Infrastructure - Visi
- Organisasi/struktur - Tujuan
- Sistim dan prosedur - Ukuran
- Alokasi usmber daya - Target
- Best practice /TQM - Inisiatif (Program)
- Reward - Cascading
- Budaya
- Kepemimpinan
Pengembangan Infrastruktur
Build A Resource
Strong ORg Allocation

Strategy Well Crafted

Culture & Impementation Policies
Work Envmnt Agenda

Reward & Comm and Best Practices

Incentives Inf. System & TQM

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 8

Implementation Issues
• Faktor yang mempengaruhi kelancaran
pelaksanaan strategi
 Organisasi yang kuat (e.g., people,
Kecakapan manajemen
(Management’s Skills)
Staffing dan pengembangan
kompetensi staff

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 9

Pengembangan Infrastruktur
• Faktor yang mendukung pelaksanaan..
 Alokasi sumberdaya ke strategy
crictical activities
 Mengembangkan kebijakan yang
mendukung strategi (strategy
supportive policies)

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 10

Pengembangan Infrastruktur
• Menerapkan best-practices dan mendorong
terjadinya continuous improvement
• Menerapkan sistim informasi, sistim
komunikasi, dan sistim operasi yang
memungkinkan karyawan malaksanakan
peran strategik mereka dengan lancar

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 11

Pengembangan Infrastruktur
 Menerapkan Sistem Pemberian
Penghargaan (Reward system) yang
menghubungkan kinerja karyawan
dengan tujuan strategik perusahaan
 Mengembangkan budaya yg sesuai
dengan strategi (condusive)

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 12

Pengembangan Infrastruktur

• Menerapkan strategic
leadership yang diperlukan
untuk mendorong
kelancaran implementasi

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 13

Struktur Organisasi
• Struktur membantu mengidentifikasi aktivitas-
aktivitas kunci/utama organisasi dan cara
pengkoordinasian aktivitas tersebut untuk
mencapai tujuan organisasi
• Struktur menujukkan recurring of activities
• Struktur akan mempengaruhi perilaku organisasi

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 14

Struktur Organisasi
• Aktivitas keputusan utama dalam mendesain
 Pembagian tugas (division of labor): tingkat
spesialisasi tinggi ---- rendah
 Departementalisasi (departementalization):
homogeen ---- heterogeen
 Rentang pengendalian (span of control): jumlah
bawahan narrow ---- wide
 Pendelegasian wewengan: tersentralisasi ----

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 15

Jenis Struktur
• Fungsional: organisasi dibagi ke dalam satuan-satuan yang
bertanggung jawab atas pelaksanaan aktivitas fungsional
• Geographic: organisasi dibagi ke dalam satuan-satuan unit yang
bertanggung jawab atas daerah geografis
• Divisional: organisasi dibagi ke dalam divisi-divisi yang
bertanggunjawab atas sekelompok konsumen atau produk
• Strategic business unit: organisasi dibagai ke dalam satuan-satuan unit
yang bertanggungjawab atas satu kelompok bisnis tertentu
• Matrix organisasi: unit-unit yang ada dalam organisasi
bertanggungjawab terhadap ‘dua atasan’

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 16

Desain Struktur
• Faktor yang menentukan sturktur:
 Size
 Teknologi
 Strategi

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 17

Kepemimpinan Organisasi
• Kepemimpinan menyangkut upaya untuk
menggunakan ‘ pengaruh ’ untuk memotivasi
anggota organisasi mencapai tujuan
• Tantangan utama dalam memimpin organisasi
adalah memupuk komitmen anggota organisasi
untuk mengadapi perubahan (embracing change)
dan melaksanakan strategi yang diperlukan untuk
menghadapi perubahan tersebut

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 18

Tugas Pemimpin
• Menjelaskan dan mensosialisasi strategic intent
• Membangun organisasi (building an organization)
• Menjamin terjadinya kesamaan pengertian
mengenai prioritas strategik
• Menjabarkan batas tanggung jawab kepada para

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 19

Tugas Pemimpin
• Empowering dan delegasi wewenang
• Memecahkan masalah koordinasi dan komunikasi
dalam organisasi
• Memupuk komitmen setiap anggota organisasi
terhadap visi dan misi
• Senantiasa mengetahu apa yang terjadi di dalam
• Shaping organization culture
• Assignment of Key Persons

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 20

• Budaya organisasi merupakan sistem nilai dan
asumsi yang dianut oleh semua anggota organisasi
• Budaya organisasi merupakan identitas organisasi,
sesuatu yang mendasar yang membedakan satu
organisasi dengan organisasi yang lain
• Secara umum budaya terdiri dari: artifacts, norms,
beliefs and values, dan basic assumptions
• Organisasi yang sehat adalah organisasi yang
mempunyai strong culture (budaya organisasi lebih
kuat daripada budaya unit organisasi)

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 21

Reward Systems
• Sistem reward harus disesuaikan atau dihubungkan dgn
strategic performance
• Reward merupakan salah satu sarana penting untuk
menumbuhkan komitmen terhadap organisasi
• Jenis Reward:
– Extrinsic reward: reward yang diberikan oleh pihak
eksternal (superior) yang berupa gaji, promosi, dan
– Intrinsic reward: reward yang merupakan bagian dari
pekerjaan itu sendiri yang bisa berupa tanggung jawab,
tantangan, dan feeback yang melekat

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 22

Non-Traditional Reward..
• Cafetaria-style fringe benefits: karyawan diberi
pilihan mengenai tunjangan yang diterimanya
• Banking time-off: jika target tercapai, maka
karyawan akan diberi ‘tabungan’ liburan (cuti)
• Skill-based pay: besarnya upah dihitung/ditentukan
berdasarkan tingkat keahlian (skill) yang dimiliki
atau ditunjukkan oleh karyawan
• Gainsharing: sistem insentif yang ditentukan
berdasarkan suatu rumus tertentu; karyawan akan
memperoleh bagian dari ‘ keuntungan ’ yang

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 23

Operasionalisasi Visi dan
The Balanced Scorecard

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 24

From Strategy to Implementation

Mission Statement

Strategies and Plans

- Corporate objectives
- SWORT analysis
-Training, development, and
retention policies
Management Acc. Inf
Action Planning: Systems:
- Operational Objectives - Feedback/Feedforward loop
- Key tasks and Responsibility - Performance information set
- Resource allocations -Timely reporting for decision
- Performance target setting making
-Agreement and performance - Suggestion box

Performance Recognition
- Measuremen of Performance
- Reward and Sanction
- Training Needs Assessment
Balanced Scorecard
• Sistim penilaian kinerja yang menunjang
kelangsungan hidup dan sustainability of growth
• Sistim penilaian kinerja yg dikembangkan
berdasarkan strategi perusahaan
• Sistim penilaian kinerja yang mengintegrasikan
aspek finansial dengan aspek lain yg penting bagi

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 26

Pengertian Balanced Scorecard

• Basic Philosophy of Control:

 Jika anda tidak bisa mengukur, maka
Anda tidak bisa mengendalikannya
 If you cannot measure, you cannot control
• Target control: mengarahkan keputusan dan
perilaku agar menunjang pelaksanaan

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 27

Aspek Kinerja yg Diukur


Customer Internal Business

Learning & Grwth

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 28

Aspek Kinerja yg Diukur


Customer Visi & Internal Business


Learning & Grwth

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 29

Why “Balanced”?

The Balanced Scorecard menjabarkan

strategi ke dalam sistim yg tergintegrasi yg
 Outcomes (lag indicators) and Performance
drivers (lead indicators)
 Internal and External Perspectives
 Qualitative and Quantitative Information
 Limited number of indicators

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 30

BSC Concept

BSC Overview
Scorecard (kartu skor) adalah kartu yang digunakan untuk mencatat skor
performance seseorang.Kartu skor juga dapat digunakan untuk
merencanakan skor yang hendak diwujudkan oleh seseorang di masa depan.

Balanced Scorecard
Kata balanced (berimbang) berarti adanya keseimbangan antara
performance keuangan dan non-keuangan, antara performance jangka
pendek dan performance jangka panjang, dan antara performance
yang bersifat intern dan performance yang bersifat ektern.

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 31



On-time delivery

Process Process Cycle
Quality Time

Learning and Growth


Bambang Riyanto L.S. 32

BSC Concept

BSC Perspectives

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 33


Strategic Strategic Action
Vision perspectives Success
Aims Measures Plan



Internal &

& Growth

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 34

Strategic Map
Maximize Financial Returns

FI Increase Revenue Growth Productivity

Increase New Revenue Sources Increase Cust. Val. Prop (CVP) Improve Cost Structure Improve Asset Utilization

Increase Market Share Increase Price Maintain Profit Margin Reduce Admin Cost Reduce Avg W/H VAlue

Trusted, Friendly, convenient and affordable Popular Model Only

Easy Parking Available and knowledgeable staff Friendly and welcoming staff
service and complaint
Affordable Financing Quality furniture Fast credit approval Delivery within 24 hrs handling

Sufficient staff in Handle credit

shop at all times requests in 10 Deliver the right Handle all complaints on the spot
IP minutes product to the right
address within 18 hrs Reduce no of items in selection

No item in selection at over 250$ Keep quality complaints 4 week selection

a month financing at minimum turn - over max

All staff members through selection training Reduce a number of admin employees
All staff members through Basic Sales Training All staff members through
SWA Operating Training Using Technology to improve process effectiveness

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 35



Internal Financial* Customer Innovation

business perspective perspective & Learning

Staff: Our staff is our biggest asset

Customer: Our success rest on

satisfying consumer needs

Innovation: Innovation is our key

to future growth

Excellence: Excellence is our way

of life
Bambang Riyanto L.S. 36
Strategic Planning with BSC

Strategic Objective & Measures

Strategic Objectives Measures

FI Maximize Financial Return IRR, NPV

Revenue Growth Revenue Growth (%)
Increase New Revenue Sources
Increase Market Share Market Share (%)
Increase CVP
Increase Price Price Growth (%)
Maintain Profit Margin Profit Margin (%)
Improve Cost Structure
Reduce Admin Cost Admin Cost ($)
Improve Asset Utilization
Reduce Average Warehouse Value Average Warehouse Value ($)

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 37

Strategic Objectives & Measures
Strategic Objectives Measures

FI Maximize Financial Returns IRR, NPV

Revenue Growth Revenue Growth (%)
Increase New Revenue Sources
Increase Market Share Market Share (%)
Increase CVP
Increase Price PriceGrowth (%)
Maintain Profit Margin Profit Margin (%)
Improve Cost Structure
Reduce Admin Cost Admin Cost ($)
Improve Asset Utilization
Reduce Average Warehouse Value
Bambang Riyanto L.S.
Average Warehouse Value ($) 38
Strategic Objectives & Measures
Strategic Objectives Measures
CU “Trusted, friendly, convenient and affordable”
Friendly and welcoming staff Customer Staff Friendlyness Rating (%)
Available and knowledgeable staff Customer Staff Availabity Rating (%)
Customer Staff Knowledge Index (%)
Professional service & complaint handling Customer Service Level Index (%)
Easy parking Customer Parking Availability Index (%)
Delivery within 24 hrs Customer Delivery Rating (%)
Fast credit approval Customer Credit Approval Rating (%)
Quality furniture Customer Furniture Quality Rating (%)
Affordable financing Customer Financing Rating (%)

Popular Models Only Customer Selection Rating (%)

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 39

Strategic Objectives & Measures
Strategic Objectives Measures

IP Sufficient staff in shop at all times Staff in Shop (#.)

Handle all complaints on the spot Complaint Handled on the spot (%)
Always a free parking spot Hours with no parking spot available (hours)
Deliver the right products to the right No. of products deliver more than 18 hrs (#)
address within 18 hrs
Handle credit requests in 10 minutes Credit Request Handled in 10 minutes (%)
Keep quality complaints at minimum Quality complaint per 100 purchases (#)
No item in selection at over 250$ a month Items with more than $250 per month financing
financing (#)
4 week selection turn-over max. No. of items above 4 week turn-over limit (#)
Reduce no of un-pop. of items in selection No. of un-pop items in selections (#)

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 40

Strategic Objectives & Measures
Strategic Objectives Measures
LG All staff members through Basic Sales Percentage of employees with Basic Sales
Training Training Certificate (%)
All staff members through Selection Training Percentage of employees with current
Selection Certificate (%)
Reduce number of admin employees Number of Admin Employees (#)
Using Technology to improve process Percentage of Overhead Cost Reduction (%)
effectiveness Cost Effectiveness (%)
All staff members through SWA Operating Percentage of employees with SWA
Training Certificate

Note: SWA = Store Workflow Automation

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 41

Key BSC terminology
Strategy Map: Diagram of the
cause-and-effect relationships
between strategic objectives

Strategic Theme: Statement of How success

Operating Efficiency what strategy in achieving The level of Key action
must achieve the strategy performance programs
Profitability and what’s will be or rate of required to
critical to its measured and improvement achieve
More success tracked needed objectives
Fewer planes

Flight Lowest
Is on time prices

Objectives Measurement Target Initiative

• Fast ground • On Ground Time • 30 Minutes • Cycle time
Fast ground turnaround • On-Time • 90% optimization
turnaround Departure


Ground crew

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 42

Balanced Scorecard Example
Strategic Theme:
Objectives Measurement Target Initiative
Operating Efficiency
Profitability • Profitability • Market Value • 30% CAGR
• More • Seat Revenue • 20% CAGR
More Customers
Fewer Planes
Customers • Plane Lease • 5% CAGR
• Fewer planes Cost
Customer • Flight is on - • FAA On Time • #1 • Quality
Flight Lowest time Arrival Rating management
Is on Time Prices • Lowest prices • Customer • #1 • Customer
Ranking (Market loyalty
Survey) program
Internal • Fast ground • On Ground Time • 30 Minutes • Cycle time
Fast Ground turnaround • On-Time • 90% optimization
Turnaround Departure program

Learning • Ground crew • % Ground crew • yr. 1 70% • ESOP

alignment trained yr. 3 90%
Ground Crew yr. 5 100%
• Ground crew
Alignment • % Ground crew training

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 43

The End……….

Bambang Riyanto L.S. 44

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