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December 1, 2015

Hola Chemistry Student!

You will need your computer,

notebook, and pencil.

Valence electrons are electrons found on the
outer energy shell of an atom
Electrons available to be lost, gained, or
shared in the formation of chemical
Found in the highest energy level.

Valence electrons

in the same group (family) have the
same number of valence electrons

vertical columns containing elements
with similar properties.
Groups are also called families due to
their similar physical and chemical
For this course, the groups are numbered 1-
18 with Group 1 being on the far left and
Group 18 being on the far right of the
periodic table.

horizontal rows in order of atomic
number; each period represents a
finite grouping of elements
Currently, there are 7 periods
good conductors of heat (thermal energy)
Good conductors of electricity
Malleability hammered or rolled, bendable
Ductile can be pulled into wire
Luster shiny when polished
Brittle not malleable or ductile
Poor conductor of electricity
Poor thermal conductor

Metalloid line (Zigzag Line)
Solid at room temperature
brittle solids
Have properties of metals and nonmetals
semiconductors of electricity
Conduct heat under some conditions
Elements : Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr
Hydrogen (H) is not a Alkali Metal
its a nonmetal
# Valence electrons: 1 electron
Reactivity: extremely reactive,
reacts with water, air, and
nonmetals/ they give up 1 electron
when bonding
Description: malleable (bendable),
silvery, soft enough to be cut with a
dull knife
Because of their reactive nature,
they are not found in elemental
form (always in a compound)
Elements: Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra
Reactivity: Second most reactive
group of metals/ they give up 2
electrons when bonding
# Valence Electrons: 2 electrons
Description: Harder, denser, and
stronger than alkali metals/
Radium (Ra) is radioactive
Because of their reactive nature,
they are not found in elemental
form (always in a compound)
Elements: Scandium (21) through Zinc (30)
Yttrium (39) through Cadmium (48)
Lanthanum (56) through Mercury (80)
Actinium (89) through Roentgenium (111)
Reactivity: Typically less reactive than alkali and
alkaline earth elements/ can use the two outermost
shells/orbitals to bond with other elements
# Valence electrons: 1 or 2 electrons
Description: High luster, dense metals, and good
conductors of electricity
Many of the most commonly recognized metals are in
these groups (Gold, Silver, Copper, Iron)
Many are found in pure form
Elements: F, Cl, Br, I, At
Reactivity: VERY reactive, react
violently with metals to form salt,
and fluorine is the most reactive
# Valence Electrons: 7 electrons
Description: exist in all 3 phases of
matter, nonmetals
Elements: He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn
#Valence Electrons: 8 electrons (stable
Reactivity: Inert gases that do not react
with other elements, found as individual
Description: colorless, odorless, gases at
room temperature
Neon, Argon, Krypton, and Xenon are all
used for different types of lighting
Radon is radioactive
A few noble gas compounds have been
formed under extreme conditions
Element placement in the periodic
table is key and is not by accident!
Elements belonging to certain
families have similar physical and
chemical properties! So in periodic
table, you really are who you group


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