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odjeljak/kompartiment ekstracelularne tenosti

u kome se nalaze krvne elije, a ispunjava vaskularne
prostore - arterije, kapilare i vene
The amount of blood in the body has been measured in
various ways. Naturally the volume of blood can be
expected to vary with the size of the body. The blood
volume of an adult human of average size is about 6-8 %
(in man 52-83 mL/kg; woman 50-75 mL/kg).
Copyright 2009, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Krv 4 - 6 litara
52 - 62 (55)% je teni
deo - krvna plazma
38 - 48(45)% su
elijski elementi

Arterijska svjetlo crvene

boje (O2)
Venska tamnija (CO2)
Water 90 %
Solids 10 %
Inorganic chemicals: sodium, calcium, potassium,
magnesium, chloride, bicarbonate, phosphate, sulfate
0,9 %
Organic chemicals:
Proteins: serum albumin, serum globulin, fibrinogen 8 %
Others: 1,1 %
Nonprotein nitrogenous substances: urea, uric acid,
creatine, creatinine, ammonium salts, amino acids
Nonnitrogenous substances: glucose, fats, cholesterol
Gases: oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen
Funkcije krvi
1. Transportna
1. Breathing function of blood.
gasovi - Od plua do svake elije i obrnuto
2. Trophic function of blood.
hranljive materije - Od digestivnog trakta do svake elije 3. Excretory function of blood.
hormoni - Od endokrinih ljezda do ciljnog / ih tkiva 4. Hormonal regulation.
produkti metabolizma - Od svake elije do ekskretornih organa 6. Temperature regulation.
7. Maintaining the acid-base balance of
2. Regulatorna
8. Supporting the water-electrolytic balance.
elektrolitni balans (fizioloke vrijednosti elektrolita)
9. Homeostasis function.
acidobazna ravnotea (fiz.vrijednosti pH)
10. Protecting the body from bacteria and
tjelesna temperatura other organisms that can cause diseases or
other abnormal conditions.
3. Zatitna
Nosioci imunskih reakcija (elije i antitela)
mehanizam koagulacije
Krvna plazma
Teni dio krvi
Liquid part of blood - Pale yellow made up of 91% water, 9% other
Colloid: Liquid containing suspended substances that dont settle out
1.Hranljive materije absorbovane iz digestivnog trakta
2.Otpadni produkti iz tkiva
3. elektroliti
5.Plazma proteini
Albumini i globulini
Albumin: 30-50g/l, Important in regulation of water movement
between tissues and blood - koloidno-onkotski pritisak
Globulins: Immune system or transport molecule
Fibrinogen: Responsible for formation of blood clots
One liter of plasma has 65-85 gram of proteins. Concentration of albumins is 35-50 g/L; globulins is alpha-1-globulins 1-4 g/L, alpha-2-
globulins 4-8 g/L, beta-globulins 6-12 g/L, gamma-globulins 8-16 g/L; fibrinogen 2-4 g/L.

Plasma which are not contain fibrinogen called serum (it is necessary for
understanding the immunology, therapy etc.)
Albumins: on 80 % it provides oncotic pressure, contacts with
bilirubin, fat acids, antibiotics, sulfanilamids. It connects with them
and transports them. It produces in liver in average quantity of 17
gram per day.
Globulins produces in lymphatic nodes, in liver, in
bone marrow in average quantity of 5 gram per day.
Alpha-1-globulins connected with carbohydrates (for
example 2/3 of all glucose connected with alpha-1-
globulins. This is glyco proteins.)
Alpha-2-globulins connect 90 % of cupper. This is
cerruloplasmin. Its may produced in hormons, for
example, thyroxin, connected by vitamin B12. From
this protein produce angiotensines (substances which
are take place in increase of blood pressure).
Beta-globulin carry out 75 % of fats, iron (for example,
Gamma-globulins has protective functions (for
example, antibodies).
Fibrinogen is a protein which are produced by liver and take place in
hemostasis system. Fibrinogen is dissolved form, which transform in
insolved form fibrin and provide coagulative hemostasis (plug
production) and prevent bleeding.
Daily production of fibrinogen is 2-4 g/L.
3 Classes of Plasma Proteins
Albumins (60%) - Transport substances:
fatty acids
thyroid hormones
steroid hormones
1. Globulins (35%) - Antibodies, also called immunoglobulins
2. Transport globulins (small molecules):
hormone-binding proteins
apolipoproteins (lipoproteins)
steroid-binding proteins
Fibrinogen (4%) - Molecules form clots
Produce long, insoluble strands of fibrin
Other Plasma Proteins
1% of plasma:
changing quantities of specialized
plasma proteins
enzymes, hormones, and

Origins of Plasma Proteins

90% made in liver
Antibodies made by plasma cells
Peptide hormones made by
endocrine organs
Total blood volume (liters) = 7% of body weight (kilograms)
About 1/2 the volume of whole blood is cells and cell products
Plasma resembles interstitial fluid, but contains a unique mixture of
proteins not found in other extracellular fluids
Each type of blood cell performs a different function.

Red blood cells (Erythrocytes)

White blood cells (Leukocytes)

Platelets (Thrombocytes)

Leucocytes and platelets

Quantity of cells, their changing
Erythrocytes (In men 4,0-5,1 Tera/L; in women 3,7-4,7
Tera/L. The quantity of erythrocytes may be increase in
pregnancy, in physical training, mental work, in newborn or
Leukocytes (4-9 Giga/L. The number of leukocytes can
increase physical work, emotional load, in newborn,
inflammation or decrease.)
Platelates (180-320 Giga/L.)

Only WBCs are complete cells

RBCs have no nuclei or organelles
Platelets are cell fragments
Most formed elements survive in the bloodstream for only a
few days
Most blood cells originate in bone marrow and do not divide
Bl krvinky (leukocyty)

Charakteristika blch krvinek (leukocyt)

jejich buky maj jdro, jsou prsvitn
vznikaj v kostn deni
hlavn funkce obrana lidskho tla proti infekci
(vykonvaj funkci tzv. zdravotn policie v lidskm tle)
poet 6-10 tisc v jednom mm krychlovm krve (zvyuje
se pi infekci a zntech)

erven krvinka, krevn

destika a bl krvinka
White Blood Cells
Leukocytes or WBCs
Largest sized blood cells
Lowest numbers in the blood
(4,500 11,000 per microliter)
Formed in the bone marrow
and some in lymph glands
Primary cells of the immune system
Fights disease and foreign invaders
Contain nuclei with DNA,
the shape depends on type of cell
Certain WBCs produce antibodies
Life span is from 24 hours to several years
Size is 8-20 micrometers in diameter
There are five different types of WBCs
1. Neutrophils
2. Eosinophils
3. Basophils
4. Lymphocytes
5. Monocytes
Thrombocytes or PLTs

Formed in the bone marrow

Fragments from the cytoplasm of


Smallest of the blood cells

1-4 micrometers in diameter

Shape can be round, oval, or appear spiky

Life span of around 8-12 days

Zrele krvne elije

granulociti (n.e.b.)


Matina elija
Formed Elements
Red blood cells (erythrocytes) -
transport oxygen
White blood cells (leukocytes) - part
of the immune system
Platelets (thrombocytes) - cell
fragments involved in clotting 19-22

Sve krvne elije nastaju od

pluripotentne matine elije
(engl.stem cell)
Matina elija hematopoeze

Morfoloki nije
Nalazi se u
kostnoj sri
perifernoj krvi
krvi pupane vrpce

mononuklearna elija koja

ima CD34 antigen na
Matina elija hematopoeze
Stem cells are influenced by different trophic factors to
differentiate into the different classes of blood cells

Diferentovanje u sve krvne


Terapijska primjena
Transplantacija MH
Some of the trophic factors
1.Thrombopoietin (Liver)
2.Interleukin 3 (T
3.Erythropoietin (kidney cells)
4.Colony stimulating factor
(endothelial cells and
fibroblasts of bone marrow)
5.Granulocyte, macrophage
colony stimulating factor
(endothelial cells and
fibroblasts of bone marrow)
6.Macrophage colony
stimulating factor
7.Granulocyte colony
stimulating factor

Formation of Blood
Process of producing formed elements
By myeloid and lymphoid stem cells
Negative feedback systems regulate the total number of RBCs and platelets in circulation
Abundance of WBC types based of response to invading pathogens or foreign antigens
Hemopoiesis or hemotopoiesis
Red bone marrow primary site
Pluripotent stem cells have the ability to develop into many different types of cells
Stem cells in bone marrow
Reproduce themselves
Proliferate and differentiate
Cells enter blood stream through sinusoids
Formed elements do not divide once they leave red bone marrow
Exception is lymphocytes
Pluripotent stem cells produce
Myeloid stem cells
Give rise to red blood cells, platelets, monocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils
Lymphoid stem cells give rise to
Hemopoietic growth factors regulate differentiation and proliferation
Erythropoietin RBCs
Thrombopoietin platelets
Colony-stimulating factors (CSFs) and interleukins WBCs
Production of Formed Elements
Hematopoiesis or hemopoiesis:
Process of blood cell production
Stem cells: All formed elements
derived from single population
Proerythroblasts: Develop into red
blood cells
Myeloblasts: Develop into
basophils, neutrophils, eosinophils
Lymphoblasts: Develop into
Monoblasts: Develop into
Megakaryoblasts: Develop into
platelets 19-28


Developmental Aspects 2. diferentovanje limfoidne loze

3. Diferentovanje mijeloidne loze

Fetal blood cells form in the fetal

yolk sac, liver, and spleen
Red bone marrow is the primary 3
hematopoietic area by the
seventh month
Blood cells develop from
mesenchymal cells called blood
The fetus forms HbF, which has a
higher affinity for O2 than
hemoglobin A formed after birth
Stem cell transplants
Bone marrow transplant
Recipient's red bone marrow replaced entirely by healthy, noncancerous cells to
establish normal blood cell counts
Takes 2-3 weeks to begin producing enough WBCs to fight off infections
Graft-versus-host-disease transplanted red bone marrow may produce T cells that
attack host tissues
Cord-blood transplant
Stem cells obtained from umbilical cord shortly before birth
Easily collected and can be stored indefinitely
Less likely to cause graft-versus-host-disease

Copyright 2009, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Type and crossmatch
Complete blood count
Diagnostic Blood Tests Red blood count
Hemoglobin measurement
Hematocrit measurement
White blood count
Differential white blood count

Blood glucose tests
Microscopic examination reveals variations in size and shape of
RBCs, indications of anemias
Differential WBC count
Prothrombin time and platelet counts assess hemostasis
SMAC, a blood chemistry profile
Complete blood count (CBC)
Red blood cells (RBCs) make up 99.9% of bloods formed elements

47% +/- 5% in males
45% +/- 5% in females

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