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Bagus Anugrah Eka Putra

Karel Yohanes Lisazo Mamuaya

Muhammad Farizal
Robi tri samudra
A Report text is a type of text that announce
the result of an investigation or announce
The text about Baduy people above is called a
factual report (information report). A factual
report aims to povide information about
natural of social phenomena. In this case, the
text provides information about Baduy people.
Paragraph Part of Text
1. Little more than three hours away
from jakarta there is a traditional
community that has turned their back
away from modern technology. They
dont own phones, use the internet, Classification
wear shoes or listen to the radio. Living
in voluntary isolation, they are a
secretive group who turn away
outsiders. This group lives close to the
city of Banten and they are known as
the Baduy people.
2. Generally, the Baduy are divided into
two groups: The Baduy Dalam and The
Baduy Luar. The Baduy Luar act as bufer
zone to stop visitors from entering the Description
sacret Inner circle, the Baduy Dalam
.even though both groups are barefoot,
it is so easy to differentiate them.
Baduy Dalam wear white and black
cloth as clothing, meanwhile Baduy
Luar wear black and cloth just like
us. Some people say that the black
cloth the Baduy Luar people wear is
an indication that they are not pure
anymore, that they are breaking
some rules of the community, such as
their willingness to accept modern
influence into their daily lives.
3. Right after you go into the outermost
village of Baduy called Kaduketu 1, you
can straight away sense a different
atmosphere we can see middle-aged
women walking around with a log over
their shoulder and kids chasing each
other with big smiles on their face.
Traditional Baduy houses in
Kaduketu 1 are made of bamboo that
is bound with rattan wood. It is
impossible to find a concrete house
inside Baduy territory.
4. With many great views and fresh air,
Baduy offer a lot of things for you to
explore. You can take a bath down the
river or simply walk around, observing
the interesting Baduys daily life. The
Baduy relies on farming to meet their
daily needs. During harvest season, they
will keep their paddy into the barn that
is called leuit. Leuit is usually located
quite far from the settlement, keeping
the paddy safe if any disaster happens
in their living space.
5. Electronic devices are banned
inside Baduy Dalam. Hence, it is
prohibited to take photographs.
There are lots of stories about
tourists who forced to take a shot but
they were followed by bad lucks
afterwards. Their camera fell down
the hill or into the river, said Jaka, an
Baduy Luar native.
6. If were thinking about want to do
when we come here, then we need not
worry because there are lots on offer,
like enjoying rhe true relaxing times
and the feeling of being isolated from
modern technology and man-made
One favorite thing to do might be
observing communal life in the
settlement. It is a very relaxing
exoerience and sometimes visitors
find themselves missing the
simplicity and beuty of the place.
Simple present tense
is use to clarify about phenomenon, incident, happening affair.

From The Text we can see

The Red Words In next
Little more than three hours away from jakarta there is a traditional
community that has turned their back away from modern technology. They
dont own phones, use the internet, wear shoes or listen to the radio. Living in
voluntary isolation, they are a secretive group who turn away outsiders. This
group lives close to the city of Banten and they are known as the Baduy
Generally, the Baduy are divided into two groups: The Baduy Dalam and
The Baduy Luar. The Baduy Luar act as bufer zone to stop visitors from
entering the sacret Inner circle, the Baduy Dalam .even though both groups
are barefoot, it is so easy to differentiate them. Baduy Dalam wear white and
black cloth as clothing, meanwhile Baduy Luar wear black and cloth just like
us. Some people say that the black cloth the Baduy Luar people wear is an
indication that they are not pure anymore, that they are breaking some rules
of the community, such as their willingness to accept modern influence into
their daily lives
Right after we go into the outermost village of Baduy called Kaduketu 1,
you can straight away. we can see middle-aged women walking around with a log
over their shoulder and kids chasing each other with big smiles on their face.
Traditional Baduy houses in Kaduketu 1 are made of bamboo that is bound with
rattan wood. It is impossible to find a concrete house inside Baduy territory.
With many great views and fresh air, Baduy offer a lot of things for you to
explore. You can take a bath down the river or simply walk around, observing the
interesting Baduys daily life. The Baduy relies on farming to meet their daily
needs. During harvest season, they will keep their paddy into the barn that is
called leuit. Leuit is usually located quite far from the settlement, keeping the
paddy safe if any disaster happens in their living space.
Electronic devices are banned inside Baduy Dalam. Hence, it is prohibited
to take photographs. There are lots of stories about tourists who forced to take a
shot but they were followed by bad lucks afterwards. Their camera fell down the
hill or into the river, said Jaka, an Baduy Luar native.
If were thinking about want to do when we come here, then we need not
worry because there are lots on offer, like enjoying rhe true relaxing times and the
feeling of being isolated from modern technology and man-made things. One
favorite thing to do might be observing communal life in the settlement. It is a
very relaxing exoerience and sometimes visitors find themselves missing the
simplicity and beuty of the place.
Kurang lebih dari tiga jam dari jakarta ada komunitas tradisional yang
telah berubah kembali mereka jauh dari teknologi modern. Mereka tidak memiliki
telepon, menggunakan internet, memakai sepatu atau mendengarkan radio.
Hidup dalam isolasi secara sukarela, mereka adalah kelompok rahasia yang
berpaling luar. Kelompok ini hidup dekat dengan kota Banten dan mereka dikenal
sebagai orang Baduy.
Umumnya, Baduy dibagi menjadi dua kelompok: The Baduy Dalam dan
Baduy Luar. The Baduy Luar bertindak sebagai zona bufer untuk menghentikan
pengunjung memasuki lingkaran batin sacret, yang Baduy Dalam .even meskipun
kedua kelompok yang bertelanjang kaki, sangat mudah untuk membedakan
mereka. Baduy Dalam mengenakan kain putih dan hitam sebagai pakaian,
sementara Baduy Luar memakai hitam dan kain seperti kita. Beberapa orang
mengatakan bahwa kain hitam orang-orang Baduy Luar memakai merupakan
indikasi bahwa mereka tidak murni lagi, bahwa mereka melanggar beberapa
aturan masyarakat, seperti kesediaan mereka untuk menerima pengaruh yang
modern ke dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mereka
Tepat setelah kita masuk ke desa terluar dari Baduy disebut Kaduketu 1,
Anda dapat langsung merasakan atmosphereYou yang berbeda dapat melihat wanita
paruh baya berjalan-jalan dengan log di atas bahu dan anak-anak saling berkejaran
dengan senyum lebar di wajah mereka mereka. rumah Baduy tradisional di Kaduketu 1
terbuat dari bambu yang diikat dengan kayu rotan. Tidak mungkin untuk menemukan
rumah beton di dalam wilayah Baduy.
Dengan banyak pemandangan dan udara segar, Baduy menawarkan banyak
hal bagi sehari-hari menarik Baduy. The Baduy bergantung pada pertanian untuk
memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari. Selama musim panen, mereka akan tetap padi
mereka ke dalam gudang yang disebut 'leuit'. Leuit biasanya terletak cukup jauh dari
pemukiman, menjaga padi yang aman jika bencana apapun yang terjadi dalam ruang
hidup mereka.
Perangkat elektronik dilarang dalam Baduy Dalam. Oleh karena itu, dilarang
untuk mengambil foto. "Ada banyak cerita tentang turis yang terpaksa mengambil
tembakan tapi mereka diikuti oleh keberuntungan yang buruk setelah itu. kamera
mereka jatuh menuruni bukit atau ke sungai, "kata Jaka, seorang penduduk asli Baduy
jika kita berpikir tentang ingin lakukan ketika kita datang ke sini, maka
kita tidak perlu khawatir karena ada banyak ditawarkan, seperti menikmati rhe
benar santai kali dan perasaan terisolasi dari teknologi modern dan buatan
manusia hal. Satu hal favorit untuk dilakukan mungkin mengamati kehidupan
komunal di pemukiman. Ini adalah exoerience sangat santai dan kadang-kadang
pengunjung menemukan diri mereka hilang kesederhanaan dan tempat indah.
1. What is the traditional community referred to on paragraph one ?
Baduy people
2. What are characteristics of this traditional community?
They turn away from modern technology, they live in voluntary isolation,
and they turn away outsiders.
3. What is the similarity between people in Baduy Dalam and Baduy Luar ?
People from both Baduy Dalam and Baduy Luar are barefoot.
4. What are the differences between people in Baduy Dalam and Baduy Luar ?
Baduy Dalam wear white and black cloth as clothing, meanwhile Baduy
Luar wear black and other colors of clothing just like us.
5. What is the different atmosphere that you can sense when you enter Kaduketu ?
We can see middle-aged women walking around with a log over their shoulder
and kids chasing each other with big smiles on their face.
6. Is it possible to find concrete houses in Kaduketu? Why?
No, because traditional Baduy houses in Kaduketu are made of bamboo
that is bound with rattan wood
7. What can you explore in Baduy ?
In Baduy, we can explore many great views and fresh air. We can also take
a bath down the river or simply walk around, observing the interesting
Baduys daily life.
8. What is Leut ?
Leuit is a barn to keep the paddy during the harvest season. It is usually
located quite far from the settlement, keeping the paddy safe if any
disaster happens in their living space.
9. Are visitors allowed to take photographs in Baduy Dalam? Why?
No, they are not. Because electronic devices are banned inside Baduy
10. What are the writers favorite activities when she visits Baduy ?
The writers favourite activity is observing communal life in the

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