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Principal of soil Science


Practical 5: Determination of Soil Bulk Density

Plant Protection Department

Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry
University of Duhok

Defining soil bulk density

Understand the difference between bulk density and
particle density
Describe the importance of determining bulk density of soil.
Calculating soil bulk density using core and clod methods

What is soil bulk density.
Bulk density (Db): is defined as the weight of oven dry soil divided by the
total volume, which includes the volume of the soil particles and pores
Is a measurement of how tightly soil particles are pressed together.

It is expressed in g/cm3 or Mg/m3

Db = Bulk density (g/cm3)
M = Mass of oven-dry soil (g)
V = Volume of cylinder (cm3)
Comparison of bulk density of different particles

Larger pores Smaller pores

Generally bulk density of soil ranged Less porosity Greater porosity
from 1.1 to 1.8 g/cm3.

Bulk density of soil varies widely with

soil texture and structure.
Clay Sand
Bulk density values of fine texture soils
(clay) commonly ranged from 1.0 to 1.6
g/cm3, while those of coarse texture soils
(sand) ranged from about 1.3 to 1.8

Organic soils have a low bulk density; it

may range between 0.4 - 0.8 gm/cm3.
Particle density (Dp)

Particle density is defined as the mass of oven dry soil divided by

the volume of soil particles alone
- Particle density considers only the mineral solids.

Particle density is a
relatively constant
parameter and is
sometimes assumed
to be 2.65 g/cm3.
Applications (uses) of measuring soil bulk density.

1. Predicting compaction of soil.

- A bulk density greater than 1.6 g/cm3 may indicate soil compaction

Specific problems that might be caused

by compacted soil (high bulk density):

It may cause restrictions to root growth

Can result in shallow plant rooting

Poor plant growth
Influencing crop yield
No Compaction
Compaction (plow pan)
General relationship of soil bulk density to root growth based on soil texture

Ideal bulk Bulk densities Bulk densities

densities for plant that affect root that restrict root
Soil Texture
growth growth growth
(grams/cm3) (grams/cm3) (grams/cm3)
Sands, loamy
< 1.60 1.69 > 1.80
Sandy loams,
< 1.40 1.63 > 1.80
Sandy clay
< 1.40 1.60 > 1.75
loams, clay loams
Silts, silt loams < 1.40 1.60 > 1.75
Silt loams, silty
< 1.40 1.55 > 1.65
clay loams
Sandy clays, silty
< 1.10 1.49 > 1.58
clays, clay loams
Clays (> 45%
< 1.10 1.39 > 1.47
Continue .
Normal soil Compacted soil

Compaction also decreases

infiltration, thereby
increasing runoff and the
hazard of water erosion.
No moisture
water air
no air

Poor aeration
Applications (uses) of measuring soil bulk density.

3. Estimating porosity of the soil.

What is the porosity of the soil with the PD = 2.65 g cm-3

and bulk density = 1.32 g cm-3 ?
What is the relationship between bulk
density and porosity?


Applications (uses) of measuring soil bulk density.

3. Converting moisture content of soils from the bases

of weight to volume bases.

Using the following equation:

v = is the volumetric water content.
Wd = is the gravimetric water content.
Db = bulk density
Applications (uses) of measuring soil bulk density. Cont.

4. Calculation weight of soil in Donum, hectareetc.

Problem 3. If a soil has bulk density of 1.25 g/cm3, calculate the

how many kg of soil are in 30 cm depth of soil. Area = 1ha

We will come to this problem latter at the end of this lecture.

Methods of measuring bulk density

Cylindrical core method

Clod method

Excavation Method

Gamma Radiation method

Determination of bulk density by Cylindrical core method

1. Clean the soil surface and make it even with knife.
2. Carefully insert a thin-walled cylindrical tube or pipe (of known weight
and volume) into the soil with a block of wood and a hammer. Be careful to
avoid compaction of the soil during collection of the cores.
Determination of bulk density by Cylindrical core method

3. Remove the cylinder carefully by spade without losing its contents to
maintain a known volume of sample as it existed in situ.
Determination of bulk density by Cylindrical core method


4. Trim off any excess soil extended beyond each end

of the cylinder with a sharp knife.
Determination of bulk density by Cylindrical core method

5. Put the sampler in a labeled plastic bag and
transfer to lab.

6. Place the sample in the oven and dry it at

105 C for 24 hr.

7. After 24hr remove the sample from oven

and cool it in a desiccator.
Determination of bulk density by Cylindrical core method


8. Weigh the sample immediately and calculate the weight of the soil
sample alone by subtracting form the weight of the cylinder.
Determination of bulk density by Cylindrical core method


V= r2 h

Where: r is the radius of cylinder

h = is the height or depth of the cylinder
= 3.14
Example 1. Calculate soil bulk density if the you the following
data: Weight of oven dry soil is 260g; diameter of cylinder is 6
cm; height of cylinder is 8 cm.

V= r2 h
V = 3.14 (6/2 cm)2 8 = 226.08 cm3
Determination of Bulk density by Clod method
This method depends on Archimedes low (principles) in estimating the volume
of clod.

When an object is completely immersed in a fluid, the volume of water will

displace equal to the volume of immersed object.

40 30 = 10 ml volume of
displaced water = volume of
Determination of Bulk density by Clod method


1. Carefully collect soil clods from a field. If roots are

present, cut them carefully with scissors.

2. Place the clod in oven and dry it at 105 C for 24

hr, or take a separate soil clod and determine the
moisture content of the soil sample and calculate
the oven dry weight of the soil.

3. Tie and hold the clod with a thread and carefully weigh it Ws.
Determination of Bulk density by Clod method

4. Dip the clod in the melted paraffin wax (with known density usually 0.9
g/cm3), hang it to dry for 5 10 minutes. Additional melted wax coatings
may be applied to make the clod more water-proof.

5. Weigh the coated clod with paraffin wax (Ws + Wp).

6. Immerse the clod completely in a graduated

cylinder half full with water, and detect the
change in water volume in the cylinder (Vs + Vp).
Wight of dry clod is (Ws)
Weight of clod and paraffin wax (Ws + Wp)
Volume of paraffin and clod (Vs + Vp)
Density of paraffin is 0.9 g/cm3

Weight of paraffin (Wp) = (Ws + Wp) Ws)

Volume of soil clods (Vs) = (Vs + Vp) (Vp)

Example 2. Calculate the bulk density of soil by clods methods if you have
the following information:
Wight of dry clod is (Ws) = 20g
Weight of clod and paraffin wax (Ws + Wp) = 25g
Volume of paraffin and clod (Vs + Vp) = 20ml
Density of paraffin is 0.9 g/cm3


Weight of paraffin (Wp) = (Ws + Wp) Ws

= 25 20 = 5g
Volume of soil clods (Vs) = (Vs + Vp) Vp
Solution: Continue..

= 5.56 cm3

(Vs) = (Vs + Vp) Vp

= 20 cm3 5.56 cm3 = 14.44 cm3

= 1.39 g/cm3
Quiz Time?!


Problem 3. If a soil has bulk density of 1.25 g/cm3, calculate the

how many kg of soil are in 30 cm depth of soil. Area = 1ha

Take a piece of paper and try to solve this problem. I will give you
10 minute for can discuss with your partner if you like
What are the causes of soil compaction (High soil bulk density)?

How high soil bulk density (compacted soil) can be reduced?

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