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By : Ns. Tiara, MNS

Anatomy mata
What is glaucoma?
Glaucoma is a group of diseases that
damage the eyes optic nerve and can result
in vision loss and blindness. However, with
early detection and treatment, you can
often protect your eyes against serious
vision loss
Gloucoma : gangguan okular yg di tandai
dengan perubahan pada pusat saraf optik dan
kehilangan sensitivitas visual dan jarak
pandang (Elin, 2009).
Gloucoma adalah gangguan penglihatan yang
disebabkan oleh meningkatnya tekanan bola
1. Bertambahnya produksi cairan mata oleh
badan cilliary
2. berkurangnya pengeluaran cairan mata di
daerah sudut bilik mata/dicelah pupil
Anatomy of glaucoma
Klasifikasi gloucoma
1. Open-angle glaucoma ( gloucoma sudut
2. Closed-angle glaucoma ( gloucoma sudut
tertutup/sempit )
Open-angle glaucoma ( gloucoma
sudut terbuka)
The most common form
of the disease (type yg
paling sering )
Pembendungan terhadap
aliran keluar aqueous
sehingga menyebabkan
Penimbunan dan dapat
memicu proses
degenerasi trabecular
This causes a buildup of
pressure that damages
the optic nerve.
Closed-angle glaucoma (Glaukoma
Sudut Tertutup
In closed-angle glaucoma, the
distance between the cornea
and the iris closes completely,
stopping fluid from draining
from the eye.
In the acute form of closed-
angle glaucoma, this happens
suddenly, often in a matter of
hours. (glucoma tertutup acut
terjadi tiba2, dlm hitungan jam)
In chronic closed-angle
glaucoma, this can take weeks
or even years (glucoma
tertutup kronik dalam hitungan
bulan / tahun)
Acute closed-angle glaucoma is a medical
emergency and has a sudden onset of
Severe eye pain (nyeri pada mata)
Headaches (especially in dim light) (sakit keapala)
Blurred vision (penglihatan kabur)
Nausea (mual)
Redness in the eye (kemerahan pada mata)
If you have these symptoms, see your eye doctor
or go to an emergency room immediately
The same scene as viewed by a person
Normal vision
with glaucoma
Risk factors
Non-modifiable risk factors are things you cant change
(factor yg tidak bisa di rubah):
Increased age (usia)
Female gender (jenis kelamin = perempuan)
Naturally high levels of pressure in the eye(tingkat tekanan
di mata)
Family history of glaucoma (sejarah keluarga)
Nearsightedness (rabun dekat)
Ethnicity: People of African or Hispanic descent have a
greater risk of open-angle glaucoma. Those of Asian or
Inuit descent have an increased risk for other types of
You can change modifiable risk factors (faktor yg
bisa di rubah):
Manage diabetes and high blood
pressure(manage DM dan tekanan darah)
Protect your eyes from injuries and infections
(lindungi mata dari cidera dan infeksi )
If you have other risk factors, talk to your eye
doctor before using antihistamines,
antidepressants, dilating eye drops or steroids, or
beginning a weight training program
Manifestasi klinis
Pemeriksaan penunjang
1. Oftalmoskopi : untuk melihat fundus mata
bagian dalam ; retina, diskus optikus macula
dan pembuluh darah retina)
2. tonometri ( alat untuk mengukur tekanan
intra okuler
3. perimetri : kerusakan nervus optikus
4. ultrasonograpi : struktur okuler
Masalah keperawatan
1. Ketidakseimbangan nutrisi kurang dari
kebutuhan tubuh
2. resiko cidera
3. nyeri akut bd TIO
4. gangguan citra tubuh
5. ansietas b.d factor fisiologis

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