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dr Amaliah Harumi Karim

3 tanda penting yang perlu diperhatikan pada
bayi PJB
Penurunan perfusi sistemik

BBL dengan PJB biasanya mempunyai 1 dari 4 gejala ini = murmur

asimptomatik, sianosis, HF, syok
Neonatus dengan murmur asimptom
Bising transient akibat aliran darah pada duktus arteriosus yang
sedang menutup. Terdengar dalam jam2 pertama.

Bising bisa asimtom, dan simtomatik

Lesi stenotik
katup pulmonal
Lesi stenotik
katup aorta
Lanjutan catatan
The increase in circulating catecholamines, combined
The term heart failure is a misnomer, however; total
To maintain this high level of left with the
left ventricular output is actually several times greater
ventricular output, heart rate and stroke volume are increased work of breathing, results in an elevation in
increased, total body
normal, although much of this output is ineffective
mediated by an increase in sympathetic nervous oxygen consumption, often beyond the oxygen
because it
system activity transport ability
returns directly to the lungs.
of the circulation.

of the heart occurs, with predominantly dilatation
and a lesser
Sympathetic activation leads to the additional
degree of hypertrophy. If left untreated, pulmonary
symptoms of sweating and irritability and the
vascular resistance
imbalance between
eventually begins to rise and, by several years of age,
oxygen supply and demand lead to failure to thrive
shunt volume will decrease and eventually reverse to
right to left
Regurgitation through the AV valves is most
commonly encountered in patients with partial or
complete AV
Additional lesions that impose a volume load on the heart septal defects (AV canal, endocardial cushion defects). In
include regurgitant lesions ( Chapter 422 ) and the these
cardiomyopathies lesions, the combination of a left-to-right shunt with AV
( Chapter 433 ) valve
regurgitation increases the volume load on the heart and
leads to more severe symptoms.
Lesions Resulting in Increased Pressure Load

The most frequent are obstructions to Less common are obstruction to

The pathophysiologic common ventricular outfl ow: valvular pulmonic ventricular infl ow: tricuspid
denominator of these lesions is stenosis, or mitral stenosis, cor triatriatum and
an obstruction to normal blood fl ow valvular aortic stenosis, and coarctation obstruction of the
of the aorta pulmonary veins

Ventricular outfl ow obstruction can

Unless the obstruction is severe, occur at
cardiac output will be maintained and the valve, below the valve (double-
the clinical symptoms of chambered right ventricle,
heart failure will be either subtle or subaortic membrane), or above it
absent (branch pulmonary stenosis or
supravalvular aortic stenosis).
This compensation
predominantly involves an increase in cardiac wall thickness
(hypertrophy), but in later stages it also involves dilatation and
can progress to ventricular dilation and failure.
The clinical picture is different when obstruction to outfl ow
is severe, which is usually encountered in the immediate newborn
period. The infant may become critically ill within several hours
of birth. Severe pulmonic stenosis in the newborn period (critical
pulmonic stenosis) results in signs of right-sided heart failure
(hepatomegaly, peripheral edema), as well as cyanosis from rightto-
left shunting across the foramen ovale
Severe aortic stenosis
in the newborn period (critical aortic stenosis) is characterized
by signs of left-sided heart failure (pulmonary edema, poor perfusion)
and right-sided failure (hepatomegaly, peripheral edema),
and it may progress rapidly to total circulatory collapse. In older
children, severe pulmonic stenosis leads to symptoms of rightsided
heart failure, but not to cyanosis unless a pathway persists
for right-to-left shunting (e.g., patency of the foramen ovale).
Coarctation of the aorta in older children and adolescents is
usually manifested as upper body hypertension and diminished
pulses in the lower extremities. In the immediate newborn period,
however, the clinical presentation of coarctation may be delayed
because of the presence of a patent ductus arteriosus. In these
patients, the open aortic end of the ductus may serve as a conduit
for blood fl ow to partially bypass the obstruction. These infants
then become symptomatic, often dramatically, when the ductus
fi nally closes, usually within the 1st 2 mo of life.
Atrial Septal Defect
Atrial septal defects (ASDs) can occur in any portion of the atrial
septum (secundum, primum, or sinus venosus)

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