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Centre For Foundation Studies

Department of Sciences and Engineering

FHMM1014 Mathematics I

Chapter 1
Number and Set
FHMM1014 1
Mathematics I
1.1 Real Numbers System
1.2 Indices and Logarithm
1.3 Complex Numbers
1.4 Set

FHMM1014 2
Mathematics I
1.1 Real Numbers

FHMM1014 3
Mathematics I
Real Numbers
What number system have you been using most of
your life?
The real number system.

A real number is any number that has a decimal


FHMM1014 4
Mathematics I
Set of Real Numbers
(i) Natural Numbers, N
Counting numbers (also called positive integers)
N = { 1, 2, 3, }
Whole Numbers:
W {0} N {0,1, 2,3, }

(ii) Integers, Z
Natural numbers, their negatives, and 0.
Z = {, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, }
FHMM1014 5
Mathematics I
Set of Real Numbers
(iii) Rational Numbers, Q
Numbers that can be represented as a b ,
where a and b are integers and b 0.
All rational number can be represented by:
(a) terminating decimal numbers
such as 5 2 2.5, 1 2 0.5, 3 4 0.75
(b) nonterminating repeating decimal numbers
such as 2 3 0.666..., 2 15 0.1333...

FHMM1014 6
Mathematics I
Set of Real Numbers
(iv) Irrational Numbers, I
Numbers which cannot be expressed as a ratio of
two integers. They are non-terminating & non-
repeating decimal numbers.
I 2, 3, 5, e , ,
Note: The square roots of all natural numbers which are not
perfect squares are irrational.

(v) Real Numbers, R

All rational and irrational numbers.
FHMM1014 7
Mathematics I
Set of Real Numbers

FHMM1014 8
Mathematics I
Real Number Line

8 4 0 4 8


4 53

FHMM1014 9
Mathematics I
Example 1 (a)
Identify each number below as an integer, or
natural number, or rational number or irrational
8, 21, 0, , 0.5381, 7, 1.5,

2.005, 0.3333, 0.1234, , 9

FHMM1014 10
Mathematics I
Operations on Real Numbers
(i) Commutative Law
* Addition : a b b a

* Multiplication : a b b a

FHMM1014 11
Mathematics I
Operations on Real Numbers
(ii) Associative Law
* Addition : a (b c) (a b) c

* Multiplication : a(bc) (ab)c

FHMM1014 12
Mathematics I
Operations on Real Numbers
(iii) Distributive Law
(1) a(b c) ab ac
(2) a(b c) ab ac

FHMM1014 13
Mathematics I
Operations on Real Numbers
(iv) Identity Law
* Addition : a0 0a a

* Multiplication : a 1 1 a a

FHMM1014 14
Mathematics I
Operations on Real Numbers
(v) Inverse Law
*Addition : a (a ) (a ) a 0

*Multiplication : a a 1

FHMM1014 15
Mathematics I
Operations on Real Numbers
(vi) Zero Property Law

* Multiplication :
a b 0 a 0 or b 0

FHMM1014 16
Mathematics I
Identify the law that justifies each of the following statements:
(a) x ( x y) x x x y
2 2 2

(b) (2 x 3) 5 2 x (3 5)
(c) 2 x (5 3x) (2 x 5) 3x
(d) If a b 0, then a b
(e) If ( x 5)( x 4) 0
x 5 0 or x 4 0
FHMM1014 17
Mathematics I
Example 1(b) Solution

FHMM1014 18
Mathematics I
Interval Notations for Real Numbers
For any two different real numbers, a and b, with a < b:
The open interval is defined as the set
(a, b) {x : a x b} x
a b
The closed interval is defined as the set
[a, b] {x : a x b} x
a b
The half-closed (or half-open) interval is defined as
(a, b] {x : a x b} or [a, b) {x : a x b}
x x
a b a b
FHMM1014 19
Mathematics I
Example 2
(i) Express each interval in terms of inequalities,
and then graph the interval.
(a) [1, 8) (b) [2.5, 8]
(c) (3, )

(ii) Graph each set.

(a) (1,3) [2,8] (b) (1,3) [2,8]

FHMM1014 20
Mathematics I
Example 2 Solution

FHMM1014 21
Mathematics I
Absolute Values
The absolute value (or modulus) of a real number, x
is denoted by x .

x if x0
x if x0

FHMM1014 22
Mathematics I
Absolute Values

x a a x a

x a x a , x a

FHMM1014 23
Mathematics I
Example 3
Find the values of x if

(i) 3x 1 5
(ii) 2x 6 x ,

FHMM1014 24
Mathematics I
Example 3 Solution

FHMM1014 25
Mathematics I
Indices and

FHMM1014 26
Mathematics I
1.2 Exponents
If a is any real number and n is a positive integer, then
the nth power of a is:

a aa a
(multiply a n times).

The number a is called the base and

n is called the exponent.

FHMM1014 27
Mathematics I
Properties of Exponents
For m,n Integers and a, b Real numbers ,
1 n
(i) a a a
m n mn (v) n
(ii) a a a
m n
(vi) (ab) a b
n n n

(iii) ( a ) a a
m n mn n
(vii) n
(iv) a 1 0 b b
n n
a b
b a
FHMM1014 28
Mathematics I
Exponential Equation
An equation with a variable in the exponent is
called an exponential equation.
Property :
** If a 0 , a 1, and a a , then x y.
x y

** If a 0 , a 1, and x y , then a x
a y

Note : Both bases must be the same!!

FHMM1014 29
Mathematics I
Example 4

Solve (a) 2 16

(b) 16 64
2 x 1 x 3

FHMM1014 30
Mathematics I
Example 4 Solution

FHMM1014 31
Mathematics I
Example 5

Solve the equation

2 2 x 3
3(2 ) 16 0 .

FHMM1014 32
Mathematics I
Example 5 Solution

FHMM1014 33
Mathematics I
Exponential Functions
The exponential function with base a is defined
for all real numbers x by:
f ( x) a x

where a > 0 and a 1.

FHMM1014 34
Mathematics I
Example 6

If f ( x) 2 , find f (1), f and f (3)

FHMM1014 35
Mathematics I
Example 6 Solution

FHMM1014 36
Mathematics I
Natural Exponential Base
Definition of e :

1 1 1 1 1
e ... 2.71828...
n 0 n ! 0 1! 2! 3!
e can be defined in many other ways, one which arises
from the study of compound interest defines e as
e lim 1
2 3 n
x x x x
e 1 ...

1! 2! 3! n 0 n !
FHMM1014 37
Mathematics I
Natural Exponential Base
y 3x

y ex
y 2x

-2 -1 0 1 2
x x
** e is between 2 and 3x , because e is between 2 and 3.
** Note: Same y-intercept (0, 1).
** For x 0 , the graphs show that 3 x e x 2 x.
** For x 0, the graphs show that 3 e 2 .
x x x

FHMM1014 38
Mathematics I
Graphs of Exponential Function

FHMM1014 39
Mathematics I
Natural Exponential Functions
2 0.32 3.8
Find the values of e , 3e and e

FHMM1014 40
Mathematics I
Definition of logarithm :
For a 0, a 1, and x 0,

xa n
means log a x n

** 1 a 0
log a 1 0

** a a log a a 1

FHMM1014 41
Mathematics I
Graphs of Logarithmic Functions

FHMM1014 42
Mathematics I
Properties of Logarithms

(i) log a xy log a x log a y

(ii) log x
a y log a x log a y

(iii) log a x p log a x


FHMM1014 43
Mathematics I
Properties of Logarithms

log b c
(iv) log a c
log b a

(v) log a b
log b a

FHMM1014 44
Mathematics I
Example 7

Solve the equations

(i) log3 x 2 log3 x log9 27
(ii) 2 log x 3 log 9 x

FHMM1014 45
Mathematics I
Example 7 Solution

FHMM1014 46
Mathematics I
Example 7 Solution

(ii) 2 log x 3 log 9 x
2 log 3 3 log 3 x 9 2 log 3 x 9

log 3 x log 3 9 4 log 3 x 4 4
log3 x 9 log3 x 8 0

log3 x 8 log3 x 1 0
log 3 x 8 or log 3 x 1
x 38 or x 31
FHMM1014 47
Mathematics I
Natural Base Logarithms
Common Logarithm
logb x n where the base b 10.
Natural Logarithm is when the base, be.

Note : log10 x lg x
log e x ln x
lg10 1, ln e 1

FHMM1014 48
Mathematics I
Example 8

Solve the equation below:

e 2 x 4e x 12 0

FHMM1014 49
Mathematics I
Example 8 Solution

FHMM1014 50
Mathematics I
1.3 Complex Numbers

FHMM1014 51
Mathematics I
1.3 Complex Numbers
For example, the equation x 9 0 has no real

solution. If we try to solve this equation, we will get

x 9
But this is impossible, since square of any real
number is positive. Hence Mathematicians
invented the complex number system to solve all
quadratic equations.

FHMM1014 52
Mathematics I
Complex Numbers
A complex number in Cartesian form :
z a ib
(real part) (imaginary part)
where a, b are real numbers and
i 1 or i 1.

FHMM1014 53
Mathematics I
For the complex number z a ib

we define its complex conjugate to be:

z a ib

FHMM1014 54
Mathematics I
Operations of Complex Numbers
(a ib ) (c id ) (a c) i (b d )


(a ib ) (c id ) (a c) i(b d )

FHMM1014 55
Mathematics I
Operations of Complex Numbers

(a ib )(c id ) (ac bd ) i(ad bc)

(a ib ) (a ib )(c id ) (ac bd ) i(bc ad )

(c id ) (c id )(c id ) c2 d 2

FHMM1014 56
Mathematics I
Example 9
Express the following in the form of a single complex
number a + ib :
(i) (3 6i) (6 2i)
(ii) (3 6i) (6 2i)
(iii) (3 6i)(6 2i)
3 6i
1 2i

FHMM1014 57
Mathematics I
Example 9 Solution

FHMM1014 58
Mathematics I
Square Root of Negative Numbers

When i 2 1 i 2 i, where i 1

Therefore, for

x 2 9 32 (1) 32 i 2
x 3 i 3i
2 2

i.e the square root of a negative number will have 2

roots, same as square root of a positive number.

FHMM1014 59
Mathematics I
Square Root of Negative Numbers

For example,

(i) 3 i 3
(ii) 3 4 3 i 4 3 2i

FHMM1014 60
Mathematics I
Example 10

Solve the equation

x 2 3x 6 0

FHMM1014 61
Mathematics I
Example 10 Solution

FHMM1014 62
Mathematics I
Argand Diagram

To graph the complex number a + bi (or x + yi)

we plot the ordered pair of numbers (a, b) or
(x, y) in the Cartesian plane.
Imaginary axis y
| z | a b r
2 2

P( x , y )
a + bi
r =length

a Real axis 0
FHMM1014 63
Mathematics I
Example 11
Graph the complex numbers:

(a) z1 3 4i
(b) z2 6 8i
(c) ( z1 z2 )

FHMM1014 64
Mathematics I
Example 11 Solution

FHMM1014 65
Mathematics I
The modulus (or absolute value) of the complex number
z x iy is:
| z | x y
2 2

FHMM1014 66
Mathematics I
y The argument of z, denoted
by arg(z), is the angle
P( x , y ) between OX and OP.

r The principal arguments is

The angle is positive if
x counterclockwise and
negative if clockwise.

FHMM1014 67
Mathematics I
Example (a): Argument
(1) What is arg(z) if z = 1 + i?
From the diagram,

1| y|
| x |
1 1
1 4

FHMM1014 68
Mathematics I
Example (b): Argument

(2) What is arg(z) if z = 1 + i?

From the diagram,

| y |
| x |
1 1


FHMM1014 69
Mathematics I
Example (c): Argument
(3) What is arg(z) if z = 1 i?
From the diagram,

| y |
| x |
1 1


FHMM1014 70
Mathematics I
Example (d): Argument
(4) What is arg(z) if z = 1 i?
From the diagram,
1 | y |
| x |
1 1

4 4

FHMM1014 71
Mathematics I
Example 12

Find the modulus and argument of the complex numbers:

(a) 3 4i
(b) 6 7i

FHMM1014 72
Mathematics I
Example 12 Solution

FHMM1014 73
Mathematics I
Square Roots of a Complex Number

How to find x iy ?
Let the answer be a ib . Hence
x iy a ib
x iy (a b ) i (2ab)
2 2

x a 2 b2
y 2ab
Equating the real & imaginary parts will produce 2 new
equations. x and y can be obtained by solving these 2
FHMM1014 74
Mathematics I
Example 13

Evaluate: (i) 3 4i
(ii) 6i

FHMM1014 75
Mathematics I
Example 12 Solution

FHMM1014 76
Mathematics I
Polar or Trigonometric Form
If is the argument of a complex number,
x = r cos and y = r sin ,
where y
r z x2 y 2
P( x , y )
arg( z ) tan 1
x r

So, z = r cos + ir sin x
z = r(cos + i sin )
This is the polar form of a complex number.

FHMM1014 77
Mathematics I
Example 14
Write these complex numbers, which are in Cartesian
forms, in Polar (trigonometric) form.

(i) z 3
(ii) z 6i
(iii) z 3 4i
(iv) z 2 3 2i

FHMM1014 78
Mathematics I
Example 14 Solution

FHMM1014 79
Mathematics I
Example 14 Solution

(iii) z 3 4i
r 32 42 5
arg( z ) tan 1 0.2952 for
z 5 cos(0.2952) i sin(0.2952)
(iv) z 2 3 2i
r (2 3) 2 (2) 2 4
1 2 5
arg( z ) tan 6
2 3
5 5
z 4 cos i sin
FHMM1014 6 6 80
Mathematics I
Example 15
1 1
(a) Given z i, find
4 2
i the modulus of z;
(ii) , the argument of z, where .

(b) Given z1 2 3i and z2 6 8i.

1 3
Express in the Cartesian form of x yi.
z1 2 z1 z2

FHMM1014 81
Mathematics I
Example 15 Solution

FHMM1014 82
Mathematics I
1.4 Sets

FHMM1014 83
Mathematics I
SET = Any collection of objects specified in
such a way that we can tell whether any
given object is or is not in the collection.

Each object in a set is called a member, or element, of

the set. Capital letters are often used to designate
particular sets.

a A means a is an element of set A

a A means a is not an element of set A
FHMM1014 84
Mathematics I
Let set A : { x x is an even positive integer which is
less than 13 }.
Set A = { 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12}

4 A , 10 A
9 A , 13 A

FHMM1014 85
Mathematics I
If each element of a set A is also an element of set B,
then A is a subset of B.

If set A and set B have exactly the same elements,

then the two sets are said to be equal.
Notation :
A B means A is a subset of B

A B means A is not a subset of B

FHMM1014 86
Mathematics I
Universal Set

A set that contains all the elements of the set in a

specific discussion is called the universal set. It is
represented by the notation .

FHMM1014 87
Mathematics I
Empty Set

A set without any elements is called the empty, or

null, set. It is represented by the notation .

Note : is a subset of every set.

FHMM1014 88
Mathematics I
Example 16
If A = { 3, 2, 2, 3 } , B = { 3, 3, 2, 2 } , and
C = { 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3 }.
Indicate whether the following relationships are TRUE
(T) or FALSE (F):-
FHMM1014 89
Mathematics I
Example 17
(a) Which of the following is False?
(i) { 0} (ii) { 0}

(b) List all the subsets of the set { 1, 2, 3, 4 }.

FHMM1014 90
Mathematics I
Operations of Sets




FHMM1014 91
Mathematics I
The union of sets A and B , denoted by A B ,
is the set of all elements formed by combining all the
elements of A and all the elements of B into one set.

A B { x x A or x B }

x may be an element of set A or set B or both.

FHMM1014 92
Mathematics I
The intersection of sets A and B , denoted by A B ,
is the set of elements in set A that are also in set B .

A B { x x A and x B }

x is an element of both set A and set B .

If A B , the sets A and B are said to be

disjoint or mutually exclusive.
FHMM1014 93
Mathematics I
Difference between 2 Sets
The difference between set A and set B,
is the set of elements in set A but not in set B.

A B { x x A but x B }

FHMM1014 94
Mathematics I
The complement of A , denoted by A 'or A, is the set
of elements in that are not in A .

A' { x x , x A}

FHMM1014 95
Mathematics I
Venn Diagram
Union :



FHMM1014 96
Mathematics I
Venn Diagram
Intersection :


FHMM1014 97
Mathematics I
Venn Diagram
Intersection : (A and B are mutually exclusive)



FHMM1014 98
Mathematics I
Venn Diagram
Complement :



A A'
A A'
FHMM1014 99
Mathematics I
Venn Diagram
Difference :


A B A B'
FHMM1014 100
Mathematics I
Example 18
If A = { 2, 4, 6 } , B = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } ,
C = { 3, 8, 9 } , and = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}.
Find :-
(i) A B (ii) A B
(iii) B C (iv) B C
(v) A' (vi) C '

FHMM1014 101
Mathematics I
Example 18 Solution

FHMM1014 102
Mathematics I
Example 19
Given that {x : 20 x 30, x },
A {x : x is multiple of 2},
B {x : x is a divisible by 3},
C {x : difference of the digits of x is more than 2}.

(i) (A B ) ' (iii) A ' B '
(ii) B' C (iv) A C
(v) (A C ) ' B
FHMM1014 103
Mathematics I
Example 19 Solution

FHMM1014 104
Mathematics I
Example 20
Given {x 5 x 10, x R}
A {x 1 x 8, x R}
B {x 3 x 5, x R}
C {x 2 x 7, x R}
Find, in interval notation, each of the following sets:
(a) A B C (b) A B
(c ) ( A B ) C (d ) ( B C ) A
(e) ( A C ) B
FHMM1014 105
Mathematics I
Example 20 Solution

FHMM1014 106
Mathematics I
Algebraic Laws on Sets
Commutative law

Associative law

Distributive law

De Morgans law

FHMM1014 107
Mathematics I
Commutative Law
For any two sets A and B,


FHMM1014 108
Mathematics I
Associative Law
For any three sets A, B and C,

A ( B C ) ( A B) C A B C

A ( B C ) ( A B) C A B C

FHMM1014 109
Mathematics I
Distributive Law
For any three sets A, B and C,

A ( B C ) ( A B) ( A C )

A ( B C ) ( A B) ( A C )

FHMM1014 110
Mathematics I
De Morgans Law
For any two sets A and B,
First law : ( A B)' A' B'
Complement of the union is the intersection of
the complements.
Second law : ( A B)' A' B'
Complement of the intersection is the union of
the complements.
FHMM1014 111
Mathematics I
Example 21

By using set algebra, prove that, for any sets A and B,

(i) A ( A ' B) A B

(ii) [ B ' ( A B ') ']' A B

FHMM1014 112
Mathematics I
Example 21 Solution

FHMM1014 113
Mathematics I
Example 22

By using set algebra, prove that, for any sets A and B,

(i) B ( B A) A B

(ii) A B A ' A B '

FHMM1014 114
Mathematics I
Example 22 Solution

FHMM1014 115
Mathematics I
The End
Chapter 1

FHMM1014 116
Mathematics I

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