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The Speech Outline

This is the framework of the entire speech
showing the principal points to be covered,
the order, their relationship to one another
and their importance.
- Introduction
- The Proposition
- The Body
- The Conclusion
Accomplishes two main goals
Captures attention and develops interest
by establishing common ground between
speaker and audience.
Shows purpose of speech, leads audience
to proposition.
The Last Word
After the summary comes the ending which
gives a feeling of completeness. We should
avoid abrupt endings. If our purpose or
discussion is a persuasive type, we should at
the end conclude with an appeal or a challenge
or a provocative thought or question.
Sometimes, we could end our speech with a
story or a quotation. Some speakers prefer to
go back to their opening remarks. This method
can work well by giving a feeling of unity and
successful completion.
Are words, phrases, sentences or groups
of sentences which join ideas together and
direct thoughts along paths we intend to
follow. Transitions tell the audience where
you have been, where you are, where you
intend to go. They link the main divisions
of the speech and at the end of the main
points in the body of speeches. They
commonly contain such wordings as:
In addition to..
There is another reason (element, factor,
consideration, fact).
Equally important is .
Since ..Is so,
Questions can also serve as useful transition.
- How?
- Why?
- What?
- When?
- Where?
- Who?
What is a Proposition?
- Every good teacher has three major
- The good teacher knows his subject
- The good teacher knows his teaching
- The good teacher knows how to relate to
- There are new careers in the healthcare
- Health workers perform a variety of
- Laboratory technicians obtain useful
information on patients levels of stress
- Physicians assistants performs certain
diagnosis and therapies.
Patterns of Organisation
Chronological pattern
Spatial pattern
Topical pattern
Ascending and descending order
Casual sequences
Problem-Solution sequence
Indirect sequence
Direct sequence
Motivated sequence
Function of Outlines
Convey the basic plan
Provide for content and organisation
Use of full-sentences or proposition to
represent our plan.
Reveal the nature of ideas and the
characteristic of their relationship should
be clear verbally and visually. There are no
hard and fast rules. However, these rules
assist us draw an outline.
Kinds of Speeches
The After-Dinner speech
The Nominating speech
The Presentation speech
The Acceptance speech
The Welcome speech
The Tool of Persuasion in the
Communication Process
In our daily relationships with
people, we employ our verbal and
non-verbal powers or skills to
influence people. At the same
time, we seek gratifying response
including the acceptance of our
ideas, plans and values.
The Tool of Persuasion in the
Communication Process.
We essentially live by persuasion.
Functionally, persuasion simply means
identifying with people positively to
influence others. It involves finding ways to
relate to them in their beliefs, feelings
and attitudes. And of course, we can
influence people negatively too e.g. peer
groups relationships with regards to anti-
social behaviour in the society.
In varying degrees, people necessarily are
caught up in their own lives and patterns of habit
and thought. We might call them private
provinces of being. We each have our
provincial nature or territory and for anyone to
relate with us, he/she must try to meet us in our
province. Good communication or persuasion is
based on a transaction between speaker and
audience featuring means by which the parties
involved can cooperate. The areas of agreement
are found in the same places as the areas of
disagreement: in concepts, methods, attitudes,
words and customs.
Types of Speech
Developing our Central Idea
There are many kinds of support
material from which to choose. They
- Facts
- Testimonies
- Examples whether extended or brief,
real or hypothetical
Methods of Delivery
How to Evaluate and Assess a
Whenever a speech is given, it is
often evaluated or criticized whether
formally or informally, be it experts or
analysts. Speech critique is a normal
occurrence particularly with our
political leaders.
Ethical theory
Truth theory
Pragmatic theory
Artistic theory
Contribution theory
Eclectic or relativistic theory

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