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Fivin Chazna Putri Utami


dr. Rizal Daulay, Sp.OT.,MARS.
Name : Mr. M
Age : 20 years old
Gender : a men
Religion : Moslem
Occupation : Freelance
Address : Jakabaring, lorong
Budimulya, Palembang
Chief Complain
He was felt pain on his left
knee since one month ago
Clinical History
A man, 20 years old was felt pain on his left knee, since one month ago,
such as being stabbed, theres no radiation of pain, theres no
association pain with nausea and vomitus, the timing of Pain was felt
continuosly. Not affected activity or rest, and he was felt the pain has
incrased. He also has another complain such as lump on left knee It has
palpable hard and pain, as big as quial egg.

2 weeks ago, paint has incrased, a lump

enlarged quickly, palpable hard and pain, finally, on april
then his knee being stiff and cannot 11th 2017 he came
straighten. He was felt his left thigh to hospital
smaller than right one, he has unable to
stand, so he use wheel chair.

Trauma history was

General State
On date april, 11th 2017
General Condition : Good
Sensory : Compos Mentis
Vital Sign
Blood Pressure : 120/80 mmHg
Pulse Rate : 86x/minute
Respiratory Rate : 20x/minute
Temperature : 36,7 C
Local State
Region Genu Sinistra

Look :
Tumor (+) hiperemis (-), venectation (+),
deformity (+), surgical scar (-), wound (-) ,
bleeding (-), swollen (-)
Local State
Region Genu Sinistra

Feel :
tenderness (+), crepitation (-),
temperature same like the left one,
NVD (sensibility is good, dorsalis pedis
arterial pulse (+), capillary refill time < 2s)
Local State
Region Genu Sinistra
Active Movement : Limited
Passive Movement : Limited
Range of Movement : Limited
Local State
Region femoralis Sinistra
Look :
Tumor (-) hiperemis (-), venectation (-), deformity (-),
muscle Atrophy (+), surgical scar (-), wound (-) , bleeding
(-), swollen (-), left thigh is smaller than the right one.

Feel :
tenderness (-), crepitation (-), temperature same like the
left one, NVD (sensibility is good, dorsalis pedis arterial
pulse (+), capillary refill time < 2s)
Local State
Region femoralis Sinistra
Movement :
Active Movement : Limited
Passive Movement : Limited
Range of Movement : Limited
apparent leg length (right leg) 9ocm
apparent leg length (left leg) 90 cm
true leg length (right leg) 84 cm
true leg length (left leg) 84 cm
leg length discrepancy (LLD) is 0 cm

Diameter knee (right) 36 cm

Diameter knee (left) 42 cm, Bump (12x10 X3 cm)
Clinical Photo
Clinical Photo
Laboratory Results

Osteosarcoma Genu Sinistra

Rontgen Genu Sinistra AP/LAT

Skeletal in Extremitas Inferior
Os Femur
Vascularisasi Extremitas Inferior

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