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Congreso - Seminario Internacional de

Fundaciones Profundas

Bolivia. Del 23 al 26 de abril de 2013.

Luciano Dcourt
Eng. Civil Professor Universitrio
Previsin de la capacidad de
carga de pilotes de todos los
tipos, en base al ensayo SPT

Interpretacin de ensayos de
Common Procedures for
Foundation Settlement
Are They Adequate ?

H. G. POULOS (1999)

It is axiomatic that an essential

ingredient for successful settlement
prediction is the selection of
appropriate geotechnical
parameters. It is the authors
experience that settlement
predictions are far more sensitive to
the technical parameters and site
chacacterization than to the
method of analysis (e.g. Poulos,
Fundaes Rasas

Sapata de 2,50m x 2,50m. Brooklin. So Paulo. SP.

Essa prova de carga foi executada pelo IPT e analisada em

Dcourt (1999).

O solo local era uma areia siltosa, cinza e amarela (saprolito de

migmatito). Ao redor da sapata, foram executadas pelo
Engesolos trs sondagens tipo SPT-T. As distncias dessas
sondagens ao eixo da sapata, assim como entre s, eram de
menos de 2,0m. Ainda assim, seus resultados diferiram de
valores nada desprezveis. Os valores de NSPT e de T das trs
sondagens, assim como os valores mdios para cada
profundidade, so apresentados na figura 6.
Observa-se que aproximadamente profundidade
z=2,80m, o valor medido mdio de T das trs
sondagens T=14,33 superou o valor mnimo T=7,7 em
86% enquanto que o valor mximo T = 20,6 superou o
mdio em 44%. J a relao entre o valor mximo e o
mnimo a essa profundidade foi de 2,68 vezes, ou
seja, 168%.

O valor mdio utilizado nas previses decorreu de

uma anlise eststica da mdia dos valores de Neq e T
com a profundidade, considerando-se a profundidade
caracterstica de 2,85m (o,7B abaixo da cota da
sapata), obtendo-se: (Neq) = T/1,2 = (9,08 + 1,25 x
2,85)/1,2 = 10,53. O resultado da prova de carga
apresentado figura 7.
FELLENIUS, B.H. (1999)
Bearing Capacity of Footings and Piles Does it Really Exist ?
Symposium on Southern Ontario Glacial Soils

It is suggested that the behavior of a small or large diameter footing

as well as a pile toe is governed by compression of the soil bellow
the footing or pile toe and not by bearing capacity.
Fig. 3 shows relations between the Nq-bearing capacity factor as a
function of phi, as proposed by different authors. The scatter of
values is substantial for any phi-value. Considering that phi is
difficult to know within a degree or two, it is amazing that the
arbitrary nature of the calculated N-factors has not long ago sent the
formula to the place where it belongs the museum of old
paradigms whose time has passed. However, the bearing capacity is
so well entrenched that stating that it is wrong and should not be
used would seem to border or committing heresy. When I now say
so, should I fear being burned at the stake, or is the practice ready to
accept new views ?
DCOURT, L. (1999)
Behavior of Foundations Under Working Load Conditions

What has been done in the past 60 years was adequate, but, only for that time. On
the threshold of the 21st century, however, it is mandatory that we clear our minds
of some concepts that helped for a while but, now prevent any further
development of the art of designing foundations.
One must recognize that, for all foundations, other than displacement piles,
bearing capacity is a myth. In engineering practice it is an exception rather than a
One must also recognize that the linear elastic behavior of foundations, except for
pre-stressed soils, is another myth. As a matter of fact the foundation stiffness is
highly stress/strain dependant.
It is being proposed that design approaches based on these concepts be abandoned.
But, what matters most is that there are no reasons to complain about the
abandonment of these concepts, so deeply rooted in our minds.
Procedures exist, like the one here presented, that allow foundations to be
designed in a very simple, realistic and reliable way.
Emphasis has to be given to settlements. All foundation designs in the 21 st century,
other than for displacement piles, should rely exclusively on settlement
computations, leaving the ghosts of bearing capacity theories and failures to the
past, duly exorcised and buried, to show up never more.
Pilote hincado

d=500,0mm l=15,0m

Meyerhof Dcourt
Ei = 48% Ei = 72%

=9 (M) ou 6 (D) {ad(tf/m2) = 1,8 (M) ou 3(D)

= 18 (M) ou 12 (D)

Qs = x 0,5 x 15 x 1,8= 42,42 (M)

Qs = x 0,5 x 15 x 3= 70,69tf (D)

Qp = 0,1963 x 40 x 18= 141,34tf (M)

Qp = 0,1963 x 40 x 12= 94,2tf (D)
Qu = 42,42 + 141,34= 183,76tf (M)
Qu = 70,69 + 94,2 = 164,89 (D)
Tabela 8.8 Valores do Coeficiente
em funo do tipo de estaca e do
tipo de solo.
Tabela Valores do Coeficiente K para sapatas e
bases de estacas escavadas e do tipo de solo.

Tipo de solo K (kg/cm) K (tf/m)

K (kN/m)
Argilas saturadas 0,8 8,0
Solos intermedirios 1,0 10 ,0
Areias 1,2 12,0

* Ruptura definida como Quc para s = 0,1 Beq

Aplicao do
D&C na Bolvia
Tabela X
Valores de ruptura convencional por atrito lateral, Qs
Tabela Y
Valores de ruptura convencional por ponta, Qp
Segundo Terceros (2013) En ensayos de carga realizados en Santa Cruz se constata que
este coeficiente vara entre 2 y 2,818 para deformaciones mximas admisibles de 15mm.
Considerando que o valor mdio de relao (Qs)PC / (Qs)DQ de 0,82, variando entre um
mnimo de 0,426 e um mximo de 1,455, conclui-se que:
Para um coeficiente de segurana aparente, CS, de 2,0, os coeficientes de segurana reais
seriam de;

(CS)mdio = 1,64
(CS)mnimo = 0,85
(CS)mximo = 2,91

Para um coeficiente de segurana aparente, CS, de 2,8, os coeficientes de segurana reais

seriam de;

(CS)mdio = 2,3
(CS)mnimo = 1,2
(CS)mximo = 4,07

Para o coeficiente de segurana aparente de 2,8, teremos: CS (real) = 2,6 1,4.

Essas consideraes confirmam que o valor maior de coeficiente de segurana proposto por
Terceros (CS = 2,8) adequado no caso da utilizao da frmula Dcourt & Quaresma de
forma direta, isto , sem nenhuma correo para as diferenas entre os valores de NSPT, da
Bolivia e do Brasil, assim como para o fato de as estacas serem escavadas sob bentonita e
no estacas de deslocamento (pilotes hincados).
Provas de Carga

- Bolvia -

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