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Computer Graphics

It includes publishing, education,

entertainment, and visualization of
computed data.
There are two basic ways to tell a
computer how to draw a picture:
Vector Graphics the computer is told to put a real
or imaginary pen in a particular position and then
draw a line a certain distance in a certain
Raster Graphics or Bitmap Graphics the screen
or plotting area is divided into a rectangular array
of point (called pixels, from picture cells), and the
computer is told what color each point should be.
The amount of fine detail that a particular
graphics device can show is called
The resolution of a printer is usually given
in dots per inch; the resolution of a
screen is given as the size of the whole
A good laser printer can print 1200 dots
(pixels) per inch, so that an 8x10-inch
picture is a 9,600x12,000 array of pixels
and contains far more details than the
screen can display.
Paint Program
It is a type of program for drawing pictures on a
personal computer. The user draws with mouse
pointer (or a graphic tablet), and commands are
provided for drawing circles, lines, rectangles, and
other shapes, as well as for drawing freehand and
choosing colors.
Paint programs treat the picture as a grid of
pixels. Shadings are easy to produce by
manipulating the color of each individual pixel. It
is hard to move an element of the picture if it is
not where you want.
More sophisticated paint programs are called
photopaint programs because of their ability to
retouch photographs and produce realistic
Draw Program
It is a graphic program that operates in
terms of lines and shapes.
Unlike a paint program, a draw program
treats the picture as a collection of objects,
each of which will be printed as sharply as
the printer can print.
The sharpness of the picture is not limited
by the resolution of the screen.
Individuals circles, lines, rectangles, and
other shapes can be moved around without
affecting other objects they overlap.
Individual pixels cannot be edited.
Draw programs are preferred for drawing
diagrams, while paint programs are
superior for pictorial artwork or correcting
Some popular draw programs include:
Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw, and
Macromedia Freehand.
Photopaint program
It is a type of bitmap editing program
with special tools and filters for
manipulating photographs. You can also
create illustrations from scratch with the
drawing tools provided.
In many ways, photopaint programs are
the professional versions of the limited
paint programs that come with operating
systems. They are proportionately
difficult to learn and master.
A graphical image represented as an
array of brightness values.
It can be imported into other application
programs such as word processors and
page layout programs, but you will not be
able to edit it in those environments. You
must use a paint program to change
A bitmap image uses only black and
white with no other colors or shades of
Bitmap Graphics
A method of displaying pictures on a
computer. The picture is treated as a
large array of pixels, each of which is
stored in a specific memory location.
The picture is drawn by specifying the
color of each pixel.
The range of light and dark values in a
grayscale image.

An image that is mostly white and black
with very few intermediate gray shades.

An image has little difference between
the darkest darks and lightest lights.
Examples of Free Paint Program:
Project DogWaffle
Realworld Paint
Tux Paint
Laz Paint
Online Paint and Drawing Apps:
Sketch n Paint
Queeky Paint
License Paint Program:
Adobe Photoshop
Corel Painter
Particle Shop
Art Rage
Autodesk Sketchbook Pro
Command of MS Paint:
Ctrl + A Select entire canvas
Ctrl + C Copy selected area
Ctrl + X Cut selected area
Ctrl + V Paste clipboard data
Ctrl + Z Undo last action
Ctrl + Y Redo action
Ctrl + E Shows image properties
Ctrl + G Toggles grid lines
Ctrl + P Print the picture
Ctrl + R Show or hide the ruler
Ctrl + W Open the Resize and Skew dialog box
Ctrl + N Create a new picture
Ctrl + O Open a picture
Ctrl + S Save changes to a picture
Ctrl + Page Up Zoom in
Ctrl + Page Down Zoom out
Ctrl + B Bold selected text
Ctrl + I Make selected text italics
Ctrl + U Underline selected text
Ctrl + Num Pad +Scale up and tool or shape
Ctrl + Num Pad Scale down tool or shape
Alt-F Opens the File menu
Alt-H Shows key help/ Switch to Home tab
Alt-V Switch to View tab
Alt-F4 Close the window
Alt-Esc Minimizes MS Paint interface
Alt-Spacebar Equivalent to right-clicking on the
title bar
F1 Open Paint Help
F11 View a picture in full screen mode
F12 Save the picture as a new file
F10 Displays key tips like the Alt key
Right Arrow Move the selection or active
shape right by one pixel
Left Arrow Move the selection or active
shape left by one pixel
Down Arrow Move the selection or active
shape down by one pixel
Up Arrow Move the selection or active
shape up by one pixel
Draw Marquee from Center Alt-Marquee
Add to a Selection Shift
Subtract from a Selection Alt
Intersection with a Selection Shift-Alt

Make Copy of Selection w/Move tool Alt-Drag Selection

Make Copy of Selection when not in

Ctrl-Alt-Drag Selection
Move tool
Move Selection (in 1-pixel
Arrow Keys
Move Selection (in 10-pixel
Shift-Arrow Keys
Ctrl-click on Layer Thumbnail (in Layers
Select all Opaque Pixels on Layer
Restore Last Selection Ctrl-Shift-D
Feather Selection Shift-F6
Move Marquee while drawing
Hold Space while drawing marquee

Fit on Screen Double-click on Hand tool or Ctrl-0

100% View Level (Actual Pixels) Double-Click on Zoom Tool or Ctrl-Alt-0

Zoom in Ctrl-Space-Click or Ctrl-Plus(+)

Zoom out Alt-Space-Click or Ctrl-Minus()
Hide all tools and panels Tab

Hide all panels except Toolbox and

Options bar

Rotate through full screen modes F

Scroll image left or right in window Ctrl-Shift-Page Up/Down

Jump/Zoom to part of Image Ctrl-drag in Navigator panel

Toggles layer mask on/off as

Layer Shortcuts
Create new layer Ctrl-Shift-N
Select non-contiguous layers Ctrl-Click layers
Click one layer, then Shift-Click another
Select contiguous layers

Delete Layer Delete key (while in the Move tool)

View contents of layer mask Alt-Click layer mask icon

Temporarily turn off layer mask Shift-Click layer mask icon

Clone layer as you move it Alt-Drag

Find/Select layer containing object Right-Click on the object w/Move tool

Change layer opacity Number pad keys (w/Move tool selected)

Cycle down or up through blend

Shift-Plus(+) or Minus()
(w/Move tool) Shift-Alt-letter (ie:
Change to a specific blend mode
N=Normal, M=Multiply. etc.)
Switch to layer below/above current
Alt-[ or Alt-]
Type Shortcuts

Double-Click on T thumbnail in Layers

Select all text on layer

Increase/Decrease size of selected

text by 2 pts

Increase/Decrease size of selected

text by 10 pts

Increase/Decrease kerning/tracking Alt-Right/Left Arrow

Align text left/center/right Ctrl-Shift-L/C/R


Fill selection with background color Ctrl-Backspace

Fill selection with foreground color Alt-Backspace

Fill selection with foreground color using

LockTransparent Pixels

Fill selection with source state in History

Display Fill dialog box Shift-Backspace
Sample as background color Alt-Click w/Eyedropper tool

To get Move tool While in any painting/editing tool-hold Ctrl

To get Eyedropper with Paint tools Alt

Change paint opacity (with Airbrush OFF) Number keys

Change paint opacity (with Airbrush ON) Shift-Number keys

Change Airbrush flow (with Airbrush ON) Number keys

Change Airbrush flow (with Airbrush OFF) Shift-Number keys

Cross-Hair Cursor Any painting/editing tool-turn Caps Lo

Decrease/Increase Brush Size [ or ]
Decrease/Increase Hardness of
Shift-[ or Shift-]

Switch between preset Brushes < or >

Open Brushes pop-up panel Right-Click in Image window

Erase to History panel's source state Alt-Eraser

Cycle down or up through blend

Shift-Plus(+) or Minus()
Shift-Alt-letter (ie: N=Normal,
Change to a specific blend mode
M=Multiply, etc.)
Create fixed color target from within
Shift-Click in image window
a dialog box
Alt-Click on target with Color Sampler
Delete fixed color target

Create new spot-color channel from Ctrl-Click on New Channel button in

currentselection Channelspanel
Pen Tool Shortcuts

To get Direct Selection tool while

using Pen

Switch between Add-Anchor and

Delete-Anchor Point tools

Switch from Path Selection tool to

Convert Point tool when pointer is Ctrl-Alt
over anchor point

To Select a whole path w/Direct

Selection tool

Convert path to a selection Ctrl-click on path name (in Paths panel)

Panel Shortcuts

Show/Hide Brushes panel F5

Show/Hide Color panel F6

Show/Hide Layers panel F7

Show/Hide Info panel F8

Show/Hide Actions panel Alt-F9

Open Adobe Bridge Ctrl-Alt-O

Other Shortcuts

Switch between open documents Ctrl-Tab

Undo or Redo operations beyond last one Ctrl-Alt-Z/Ctrl-Shift-Z

Apply Last Filter Ctrl-F

Opens Last Filter Dialog Box Ctrl-Alt-F
Hand Tool Spacebar
Hold Alt, Cancel turns into Reset Button, Click
Reset Dialog Box
Increase/Decrease value (in any option
Up/Down Arrow
field) by 1unit
Increase/Decrease value (in any option
Shift-Up/Down Arrow
field) by 10units
Replay last Transformation Ctrl-Shift-T
Measure Angle between Lines (Protractor After ruler is drawn, Alt-Drag end of line with
Function) Ruler Tool

Move Crop Marquee while creating Hold Space while drawing

Snap Guide to Ruler ticks Hold Shift while dragging

Highlight Fields in Options bar (n/a for all

Don't Snap object edge while moving Hold Control while dragging
V Move
M Marquee tools
L Lasso tools
W Quick Selection, Magic Wand
C Crop and Slice Tools
Eyedropper, Color Sampler, Ruler,
Note, Count
Spot Healing Brush, Healing Brush,
Patch, Red Eye
Brush, Pencil, Color Replacement,
Mixer Brush
S Clone Stamp, Pattern Stamp
Y History Brush, Art History Brush
E Eraser tools
G Gradient, Paint Bucket
O Dodge, Burn, Sponge
P Pen tools
T Type tools
A Path Selection, Direct Selection

Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse,

Polygon, Line, Custom Shape

K 3D Tools

N 3D Camera Tools

H Hand

R Rotate View

Z Zoom

D Default colors

X Switch Foreground and Background colors

Q Quick Mask Mode

To switch between all tools within groups, add the Shift key to the letters above

For example, to switch between rectangular and elliptical marquee hit Shift-M

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