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1.3 Morphology
1.4 Lexicon

Tio Fitri Ambarwati

English Department


Morphology is the field of linguistics that studies the form of the word /
part of the structure of language that includes words and parts of words
Morphological study materials is the word.
Morpheme is the smallest part of the language that has information on
the meaning or function.
For example, One word can also be composed of a single morpheme or
more :
One Mopheme
: Boy, Desire
Two Morphemes
: Boy + ish , Teach + er, Desire + able
Three Morphemes : Boy + ish + ness
Four Morphemes
: Gentle + man + li +ness
> Four Morphemes
: Un + gentle + man + li + ness
One Morpheme: "Train" = Tr + ain (It is wrong, Because can not be divided
into smaller parts again).
The word "Train" is a simple word (One Morpheme).
The word "Teacher" is a complex word (Two Morphemes)

Morpheme classification

Free morpheme : not bound (Morfem tidak terikat).

e.g. : book, pencil.
Bound Morpheme : bound (Morfem terikat), there are 2 that :
Inflectional morpheme : do not change the shape of the class / meaning
of the word (tidak mengubah bentuk kelas/makna kata).
Open + s = opens
Open + ed = opened
Open + ing = opening
+ es = goes
Derivational morpheme : changing the shape of the class / meaning of
the word (mengubah bentuk kelas/makna kata).
Arrange + ment = arrangement
Easy + ly
= easily
Useful + ness
= usefulness
In the Morphemic, there is a word consisting of :
Monomorfemis (One Morpheme)
e.g. : sleep, cloth, leg, paper.
Polimorfemis (Two Morphemes)
e.g. : teacher, writer, rider.

Morphological process is the process of word formation by linking morpheme with

another morpheme, one which is the basic form.
In this morphological process, there are three processes namely : Affixation, repetition or
reduplication, and compounding or incorporation.

1. Affixation
Affixes are bound morphemes that when added or attached to a base morpheme will change
the grammatical meaning of the basic morpheme.
e.g. : un-happpy, like-ly, etc.
2. Reduplication
Reduplication, which is usually denoted by {R}, also a morpheme, the bound morpheme,
because it changes the grammatical meaning of the word.
e.g. : zig-zag, ding-dong, tick-tack, riff-raff, criss-cross.
According to Ramlan (2001:69-76), reduplication can be divided into four categories,
namely :
a. reduplication whole, entire morpheme reduplication is basic, with no change in phoneme
and not combined with the process of affixing affixes, such as bikes in bicycles and books
in the books;
b. partial reduplication, reduplication is essentially part of the morpheme, for example, the
first being the first, and how a few;
c. reduplication combined with a process of affixing affixes, reduplication is going along
with the process of affixing and affixes together also supports the function, for example,
children being childrens, black to blackish; and
d. reduplication with phoneme changes, such as a motion gestures, a sundries
department, and so on.

3. Compounding e.g. : girlfriend, seaside

Recursiveness : a compound may itself become a modifier of a compound.
-coffee table
-coffee table repair
-coffee table repair service
-coffee table repair service management
-coffee table repair service management improvement
-coffee table repair service management improvement award....
Incorporation : similar to compounding, typically as noun-incorporation where a nominal
stem is fused with a verbal stem to yield a larger, derived verbal stem, e.g. to globe-trot.
Compounds are words formed from two roots. Both roots are normally free, as in the word
paperclip, which is a type of clip which hold paper together. However certain roots are bound
as they bear no meaning outside of the compound word in which they appear : Lukewarm,
There are many combinations :
a.Adjective + Adjective Bittersweet
b.Adjective + Noun Grandmother
c.Noun + Noun Base Ball
d.Noun + Verb Can Opener
e.Preposition + Noun Outwit
f.Preposition + Verb Underscore
g.Verb + Preposition Push up
h.Adverb + Verb Downside


Lexicon contains a collection of

lexemes (concerning the word) is a
language component that contains
all the information about the
meaning and usage of words in a
language / a language with
vocabulary including words and
Lexicology is the science that
studies the meaning (sense)
vocabulary in the language that
has been included / will be
included in the dictionary.
A lexical item (or lexical unit,
lexical entry) is a single word, a
part of a word, or a chain of words
(=catena) that forms the basic
elements of a language's lexicon
(vocabulary). Examples are cat,
traffic light, take care of, by the
way, and it's raining cats and dogs.
E.g. (in part-of-speech) :
storm (can be noun or verb)

Common types of lexical

items/chunks include :

Words, e.g. cat, tree

Parts of words, e.g. -s in trees, -er

in worker, non- in nondescript, -est in

Phrasal verbs, e.g. put off or get


Polywords, e.g. by the way, inside


Collocations, e.g. motor vehicle,

absolutely convinced.

Institutionalized utterances, e.g.

I'll get it, We'll see, That'll do, If I were
you, Would you like a cup of coffee?

Idioms, e.g. break a leg, was one

whale of a, a bitter pill to swallow

Sayings, e.g. The early bird gets the

worm, The devil is in the details

Sentence frames and heads, e.g.

That is not you think, The
problem was...

Text frames, e.g., In this paper we

explore...; Firstly...; Secondly...;
Finally ....

Lexicography is knowledge and the art of crafting language dictionaries

using certain systematic dictionary to produce a quality product, easy, and
Lexicology interrelated with lexicography, aiming to realize a good
dictionary, correct, complete, easy readers, to prevent errors in translation.
Two types of dictionaries, namely :
1. Vocabulary Dictionary (Dictionary which only provide related synonyms
of the word we're looking for)
2. Dictionary of Terms (Dictionary with a more detailed explanation related
to a particular theme)
The language used to give meaning, there are three dictionaries,
1. Monolingual Language
2. Bilingual
3. Multi Language

Bibliography / Reference about reduplication :

Ramlan. 2001. Morfologi Suatu Tinjauan Deskriptif. Yogyakarta : C.V.

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