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Common Cold


Definition of Common Cold

The common cold is a viral infection of the superior respiratory system,

including the nose, throat, sinuses, trachea, larynx, and bronchial
tubes. There are more then 200 different viruses that can cause a cold,
30-50% are caused by a group known as rhinoviruses. Almost all colds
clear up in less than two weeks without problems.

Rhinovirus: a virus type of the Picornavirus family that causes many

common colds and superior respiratory infections.

Body Systems That the Common

Cold Affects

Respiratory system- when having a cold it mainly focuses on the superior

part of the body throat, nose, lungs. Your throat can swollen up so you have a
sore throat. Your nose starts getting more mucus so you have a runny nose,
your lungs make it harder to breath and you cough.

Digestive System- When you are sick you may feel like you have
trouble digesting food and having stomach aches that is because your
digestive system is not digesting the food so you will fell weaker
because your body wouldnt get the nutrients from the food.

Immune System- viral particles enter the body, but most of time doesnt
cause any trouble until the immune system is weekend then you cant fight the
could and the virus will spread. When our immune system fights off the virus
you might feel weak and tired, it is very important for you to get plenty of sleep
so your immune system can fight the virus

Body systems when they are


Respiratory system- the lungs take in oxygen and expel

carbon dioxide as we breathe. The gas exchange process is
performs by the lungs. When you inhale air it goes in the throat,
the trachea, or windpipe, filters the air.

Digestive system- it is in the medial part of your body.It

begins with chewing the food and ends in the small intestine. As
the food passes the GI tract it mixes with digestive juices and
causes large molecules of food to break down to smaller ones.

Immune System- is made up of a network of cells and tissues

and organs that work to protect the body. One of the important
cells is the white blood cells which seek out and destroy diseases
causing substances.

Causes on how you can get a

common cold

A cold virus enters the body through your mouth, eyes or nose.
The virus can spread through droplets in the air when someone
who Is sick coughs sneezes or talks.

It can also spread hand to hand contact with someone who is sick
because the tiny infected droplets will go on your skin and you
might touch your nose or mouth, so you will then have the cold
virus inside you.

Factors that can increase your

chance of getting a cold

Age- if you are really young or really old you have a better chance
of getting sick because you immune system isnt as strong

Weekend immune system- if your immune system is weekend

it wont be Able to fight the virus as easy witch will give a better
chance of the virus spreading

Time of year- if you are allergic to pollen there will be times of

year you have a better chance of getting sick

Smoking- if you smoke you can get sick easier because it will
weekend your Immune system

Exposure- if you are exposed to someone else who is sick you

can get sick easier

Treatment for a Common cold

Cold and Flu medicine

Stay out of the cold

Get a lot of rest


Cough medicine

A cold face cloth if you have fever

Stay hydrated

Drink warm liquids

Add moisture to the air

Ginger Ale- will just make you feel better

Classification of the common cold

Communicable- The common cold can be spread from many

people In many different ways, some examples are Through air
when someone who is sick coughs, sneezes, or talks, and also
hand to hand contact to someone else who is sick

Pathogenic- you can get sick from germs from other people
who are sick is the cough or u touch a door knob.

Deficiency- you can lack certain nutrients that help prevent you
get sick. You can lack certain stuff that your immune system
would need to stay strong

Prevention for the common cold

There's no vaccine for the common cold but you can take proper
precautions when washing your hand so you have a lesser
chance of getting a cold, stay away from other people who are

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