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Group 2-A

Somatic symptom disorder (SSD formerly known

as "somatization disorder or "somatoform
disorder") is a form of mental illness that causes
one or more bodily symptoms, including pain.
The symptoms may or may not be traceable to a
physical cause including general medical
conditions, other mental illnesses, or substance
abuse. But regardless, they cause excessive
and disproportionate levels of distress.

The symptoms can involve one or more different

organs and body systems, such as:
Neurologic problems
Gastrointestinal complaints
Sexual symptoms

Types of Somatoform Disorder

Hypochondriasis is defined as a preoccupation
with fears of having or the idea that one has a
serious disease based on misinterpretation of
bodily symptoms. This preoccupation persists
despite appropriate medical evaluation and
reassurance. Hypochondriasis is distinguished
by a set of beliefs and attitudes about illness.

Somatization Disorder a disorder in

which the person dramatically complains
of a specific symptom such as nausea,
difficulty swallowing, or pain for which
there is no real cause.

Conversion Disorder - a much rarer somatoform

disorder, might cause people to lose their voice,
sight, or hearing or to become paralyzed in one
or more of their limbs. They also may have
trembling or lose feeling in various parts of their
bodies. The condition is psychological, because
medical examination can find no physical
explanation for the symptoms. It typically
begins suddenly after an extremely
stressful event in a person's life.

Body dysmorphic disorder occurs when

a person becomes obsessed with a flaw in
his or her physical appearance that is
either a minor flaw or a flaw that does not

Psychoanalytic explanation of somatoform
disorders assume that anxiety is turned
into a physical symptom. The unconscious
conflicts, originating in childhood, are
believed to be at the root of the problem.

Behavioral explanation points to the

negative reinforcement experienced that
maintains the abnormal behavior.

Cognitive explanation of the disorders

focuses on giving too much attention to
the body, leading the person to
exaggerate normal bodily sensations and
catastrophize minor symptoms

Socio-cultural explanation of the disorders

direct to family stress, emotional stress
and exposure to an ill parent during
Genetic data suggests that somatoform
disorders tend to run in families.

Cognitive behavioral therapy it examines
how peoples thoughts and behaviors can
be modified to relieve pain.
Hypnosis this allows the person to
recover memories or thoughts deemed
connected to the occurrence of physical

Psychotherapy is the appropriate treatment for

somatoform disorders. With the help of a mental
health professional, a person tries to understand
and resolve anxiety, trauma, or conflicts that are
behind these conditions. Treatment may take
varying lengths of time, depending on the
severity of a disorder in a particular person.

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