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Subatomic particles and their

Mass and Atomic number, isotopes
Calculating relative atomic mass
Radioactivity types of radioactive
Uses of radioisotopes

Its all about COLOR!...well


Students should be able to:
Describe the Bohr atomic model
Describe the experiment used to
produce the emission spectrum of
Interpret the hydrogen emission
Explain how data from the spectra
provide evidence for discrete energy
levels within the atom

Bohrs Model of the Atom

Main Points of the Bohr Model

Electrons orbit the nucleus in orbits that have a set
size and energy.
The energy of the orbit is related to its size. The
lowest energy is found in the smallest orbit.
Radiation is absorbed or emitted when an electron
moves from one orbit to another.

These orbits are now referred to as

principal quantum levels, meaning that
each energy level has a specific energy
value attached to it.
Electrons can move from one energy
level to another by either:
1. Absorbing energy
2. Releasing energy

The Electromagnetic

The energy associated with a particular

Wavelength/frequency of light can be
determined using deBroglies equation:
Where E = kinetic energy (in Joules),
h = Plancks constant (6.63 * 10-34 Js)
= frequency of light (s-1).

Energy and photons

Energy is quantized.
This means that it exists in discrete
packets called photons.
A photon ischaracterizedby either
wavelength, frequency or energy.

Experiment used to produce the Hydrogen Emission


Hydrogen gas is placed in a tube

with electrodes at both ends. This
apparatus is called a Hydrogen
Discharge Lamp. A voltage is applied
across the electrodes, thus supplying
energy to the electrons in the
hydrogen atoms.
What happens to the electrons?

The electrons are excited to higher

energy levels. They then relax, returning
to their original energy levels and
emitting light.
The tube glows bright pink.

Atomic Emission Spectrum

Diagram showing the

Hydrogen discharge
lamp on the left and the
Balmer series on the

The pattern of
visible lines that
we see (red,
aqua and blue)
is called the
Balmer Series,
so named after
the person who

Only a small part of the hydrogen

emission spectrum is seen with the
naked eye, most of it lies in the
either the infra-red or ultraviolet
region of the electromagnetic
It is possible to detect patterns of
lines in the ultra violet regions of the
Hydrogen Emission Spectrum. These
patterns are called the Lyman Series.

The Hydrogen Emission


increases in this direction
Wavelength increases this direction
Recall: Frequency and wavelength are inversely proportional. The
greater the frequency, the smaller the wavelength

Interpreting the Spectrum

What causes the colored bands that we see in the
Balmer series?
Lets suppose that an electron was excited from
energy level 1 to energy level 3. When it relaxes, it
falls back to energy level 1 but it can do so in 2
Falling directly from energy level 3 to energy
level 1
Falling from energy level 3 to energy level 2 and
then to energy level 1

When the electron falls from level 3 to level 2, it

loses the exact amount of energy as the energy
difference between the 2 levels. This energy is
seen as the red band in the Balmer series.

This diagram shows what each line in each series

corresponds to in terms of electron relaxations.
The Lyman series deals only with relaxations to
energy level 1. The Balmer series deals only with
relaxations to energy level 2

Each element has a unique


How data from the spectra provides evidence for discrete

energy levels within the atom

The lines produced from the emission

spectrum of hydrogen have discrete
frequencies, indicating they also have
discrete energies.
These energies correspond to the
energy difference between energy
levels. Therefore discrete energy levels
must be present in the atom.


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