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Craniofacial Development &


Yani Corvianindya Rahayu

Perkembangan kepala & leher

Minggu ke 4 pembentukan cranial (head)

& cervical (neck) kira2 panjang embrio

3 mgg IU
Sel-sel berdiferensiasi dalam 3 germ layers.
These specialized layers of cells are ectoderm
(forming all nerve and some epithelial tissue),
mesoderm (forming all connective, muscle and
some epithelial tissue) and endoderm (forming
some epithelial, tissue)
Akhir mgg ke 3 ectoderm differentiates into
neuroectoderm and epidermis. Neuroectoderm
forms the neural tube (eventually becoming the
brain and spinal cord) and neural crest.

neural crest cells and lateral plate mesoderm

membentuk pharyngeal arches bakal
pembentukan rongga mulut & digestive system.

Mesoderm migrasi ke perifer mulai mgg ke 5 lateral

plate mesoderm
Neural crest cells, produksi tulang cranial
(neurocranium) diantara pharyngeal arches,
neural crest cells and lateral plate mesoderm
membentuk tulang rahang dan lower face

Tanda panah menunjukkan arah

tujuan sel neural crest ke skeletal &
jar ikat

Neural crest membentuk

tulang fasial (kuning) & cranial (pink)

pembentukan palatum antara

prominence maksila & mandibula

Pembentukn palatum sekunder pada

prominen maksila

Pembentukan palatum primer pada

prominen medial nasal

CLEFT PALATE (palatoschisis)

Kegagalan fusi prosesus lateral palatina
Uvula split
Menghubungkan rongga mulut dengan

CLEFT LIP (Cheiloshisis)

Celah pada bibir yang berlanjut ke daerah
Unilateral incomplete, unilateral complete
& bilateral complete

2 tipe proses ossifikasi:

endochondral ossification, and
intramembranous ossification..

Skull development
Tulang tengkorak tumbuh pesat smpai
usia 7 th
The neonate face at birth is comprises
only approximately one-eighth of the total
cranium, a ratio which, by adulthood
becomes one-half.

Cranial sutures are various facial

points of skull growth and expansion

a disorder that involves premature fusion
of the cranial vault sutures pertumbuhan
abnormal & adisproposional tulang

syndromic craniosynostosis
fusion of sutures is combined with other
systemic abnormalities, such as hearing
loss or polysyndactyly.
This type of craniosynostosis has a
genetic basis and is often familial.

Tongue Lymphatic Malformation

Skull malformation
The Inca practiced ritual skull malformation by wrapping the heads of babies of
the nobility to create other-worldly shapes that reinforced their special status.

Craniofacial malformation caused by


Baby girl born with lymphatic


Craniofacial disorders

1.gene mutations and chromosomal

2.structural or numerical anomalies
3. specific inheritance pattern

Critical stages during development

cell division and implantation occur and are
vital for future development

1/2 and 2/3 of all human conceptions do not

develop successfully to term (Chromosomal
errors )



2 - 8 minggu IU
pathogenesis congenital malformations
embryo is more susceptible to teratogens
that produce congenital malformations
Teratogens (environmental agents) :
infectious agents, drugs or
pharmaceuticals, chemicals and physical
agents, and maternal disease

9 mgg birth (fetus)

growth and differentiation of organs
Major structural defects are less likely to
environmental factors, including
mechanical forces, vascular disruptions,
drugs, and maternal disease can alter
normal development

Different organs have different critical

day 15 through to day 60 of gestation is
critical for many human organs.
The brain and skeleton are always
sensitive, from the beginning of week
three to the end of pregnancy and beyond.

mechanical forces, intrauterine constraint,
and lack of fetal movement
defects during the last trimester
Extrinsic forcesdistortion of facial
structures, abnormal positioning of the
extremities and head, alterations in joint
mobility, joint dislocations, nerve palsies
contraction of the cervical muscle
altered head position.

destruction of normally developed tissues
or organs
birth defects associated with rupture of the
fibrous tissue made to repair the amnion-that adheres to the developing individual
and can lead to circulatory compromise
and further necrosis later in development.

are intrinsic defects in the developing human
that result in localised abnormalities during the
development of organs and body parts
Major malformations are those that interfere with
normal function
Minor malformationsoften have only cosmetic
the cleft palate, lip fails to close, defects in tooth
development, and incomplete growth of the

Terima kasih
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