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Nama Kelompok :
Afiyatul Muakhiroh (02)
Amalia Noor Elfrida (03)
Indah Nur Jannah
Nur Ifiati




Report text is to describe
the way things are (thing,
place, person, animal) with
reference to a range of
natural, man made, and
social phenomena in our

1) General Clasification
2) Descriptive

The Koalas

Koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) are herbivore

marsupials that live in eastern Australia. They are
the only species of the family Phascolarctidae.
The koala is also often called the koala bear
because it looks like a small bear or teddy bear.
However, it is not a bear. Its name is just "koala".


Koalas mostly eat leaves, bark and fruit of some

eucalyptus trees. Koalas do not drink often, they
get most of their water from the leaves they eat.


have brownish-grey or silver-grey fur, and

a big pink and/or black nose. They have sharp
claws which help them to climb.They can hear
and smell very well, but they cannot see very
well at all.


Koalas range in size from 24 to 33 inches

(60 to 85 centimeters) and in weight from 8.8
to 33 pounds (4 to 15 kilograms). This is an
unusually large size range. Koalas living in the
northern (warmer) part of their range are on
average 45 percent smaller than those in the
southern (colder) areas. In addition, males can
be up to 50 percent larger than females.


Koalas are mostly active at night. They live in

trees, and they do not like to be on the ground.
Koalas live alone most of the time, but they have
a social hierarchy with the other koalas who live
near. Koalas do not build nests or live in dens.
Their fur protects them from the weather. As a
result, the fur of animals living in the colder
regions of the range is thicker than that of
animals living where it is warmer.

BehaviorKoalas live in complex social groups. Koalas use a range

of sounds to communicate with one another over

relatively large distances. Males save fighting energy
by bellowing their dominance and they also bellow to
allow other animals to accurately locate the position of
the caller. Females do not bellow as often as males, but
their calls too are used to express aggression as well as
being part of sexual behaviour, often giving the
impression of fighting. Koalas also communicate by
marking their trees with their scent.

Females generally start breeding at about three or four years of
age and usually produce only one offspring each year. However,
not all females in a wild population will breed each year. Some
produce offspring only every two or three years, depending on
factors such as the age of the female and the quality of the
habitat. In the average female's life span of about twelve years,
this means that one female may produce only 5 or 6 offspring
over her lifetime.The new-born joey weighs less than one gram
and looks something like a pink jellybean. It is roughly 2cm
long, blind, hairless, and looks very different to the cute, fluffy
little bundle that it will become later.

Thank you

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