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Prepared by:

group 1



Vasectomy, or male sterilization, is the

ligation and transection of part of the vas
deferens, to prevent the passage of the
sperm from the testes.


The purpose of the vasectomy is to provide

reliable contraception. Vasectomy is the
most reliable method of contraception and a
faster recovery time than female
sterilization methods.


Avoid taking aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil,

Medipren, Motrin, Nuprin) or naproxen
(Aleve) two weeks before or after the
operation. All of these can thin you blood
and cause bleeding. Try acetaminophen
(Tylenol, Datril, Panadol) to relieve pain.


Place patient on bed rest for several

hours after surgery to prevent dicomfor
Apply ice bags intermittently to the
scrotum for several hours after surgery to
reduce swelling and relieve discomfort.
Avoid strenuous activities for several days

Wearing tight underpants for a week (day

and night) will help to prevent swelling or
bruising. Heavy lifting or vigorous sport
should be avoided for at least a week
following the operation, and sexual
activity can be resumed as soon as the
man feels comfortable.
There are no major restrictions besides
not doing any strenuous activity for 3 to 5


Instruct the client he will need to ejaculate as many

as 15 to 20 times before the sperm will be cleared
from both the sperm-carrying tubes. For that reason,
keep using some form of birth control until your
doctor is sure you are sterile. You will return to your
doctors office after you have had a specific number
of ejaculations or at the time given you. It takes
different periods of time from one person to another
for systems to rid themselves of sperm. Your doctor
will usually examine two or more specimens of
ejaculate, to determine when you are sterile. Only
after you have two sperm-free samples will you be
considered unable to get a woman pregnant. This
may take three months or longer.

Instruct the client to call the doctor if:


have a fever.
You have swelling that will not go down or keeps
getting worse.
You have trouble urinating, or passing your water.
You can feel a marble-sized lump forming in your
You have bleeding from an incision that does not
stop even after you have pinched the site
between two gauze pads for 10 minutes.

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