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Effects of Chemotherapy

Keperawatan Dewasa I
Ns. Susana Widyaningsih,
S.Kep., MNS

The Side Effects of

Chemotherapy on the Body
Cancer cells divide more quickly than
healthy cells, and chemotherapy drugs
effectively target those cells.
Unfortunately, fast-growing cells that are
healthy can be damaged too. There are
many different chemotherapy drugs with
the potential for many different side
effects. These effects vary from person to
person and from treatment to treatment.

Factors that play a role in side effects

include other ongoing treatments,
previous health issues, age, and
lifestyle. Some patients experience few
side effects while others feel quite ill. A
lthough most side effects clear up
shortly after treatment ends, some may
continue well after chemotherapy has
ended, and some may never go away

Chemotherapy drugs are most likely

to affect cells in the digestive tract,
hair follicles, bone marrow, mouth,
and reproductive system. However,
cells in any part of the body may be

Circulatory & Immune

Routine blood count monitoring is a
crucial part of chemotherapy. Thats
because the drugs can harm cells in the
bone marrow, where blood is produced.
This can result in several problems. Red
blood cells carry oxygen to tissues.
Anemia occurs when your body doesnt
produce enough red blood cells, making
you feel extremely fatigued.

Other symptoms of anemia include:

pale skin
difficulty thinking
feeling cold
general weakness

Chemo can lower your white blood cell

count, which results in neutropenia.
Symptoms arent always obvious, but
a low white blood cell count raises
the risk of infection and illness.

Nervous & Muscular

The central nervous system controls
emotions, thought patterns, and
coordination. Chemotherapy drugs may
cause problems with memory, or make
it difficult to concentrate or think
clearly. This symptom sometimes is
called chemo fog, or chemo brain.
This mild cognitive impairment may go
away following treatment, or may linger
for years. Severe cases can add to
anxiety and stress

Some chemo drugs can cause pain,

weakness, numbness, or tingling
in the hands and feet (peripheral
neuropathy). Muscles may feel tired,
achy, or shaky. Reflexes and small
motor skills may be slowed. Its not
unusual to experience problems with
balance and coordination.

Some of the most common side effects

of chemotherapy involve the digestive
tract. Mouth sores and dry mouth
can make it difficult to chew and
swallow. Sores also may form on the
tongue, lips, gums, or in the throat.
Mouth sores can make you more
susceptible to bleeding and
infection. Many patients complain of
a metallic taste in the mouth, or a
yellow or white coating on the tongue.
Food may taste unusual or unpleasant.

These powerful drugs can harm cells

along the gastrointestinal tract.
Nausea is a common symptom, and
may result in bouts of vomiting.
However, anti-nausea medications
given in conjunction with
chemotherapy drugs can help
alleviate this symptom.

Other digestive issues include loose stools

or diarrhea. In some people, hard stools and
constipation can be a problem. This may be
accompanied by pressure, bloating, and
gas. Take care to avoid dehydration by
drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
Side effects involving the digestive system
can contribute to loss of appetite and
feeling full even though you havent eaten
much. Weight loss and general weakness
are common. Despite all this, its important
to continue eating healthy foods. -

Hair, Skin, and Nails

(Integumen System)
Many chemotherapy drugs affect the
hair follicles and can cause hair loss
(alopecia) within a few weeks of the
first treatment. Hair loss can occur on
the head, eyebrows, eyelashes, and
body. As troubling as it can be, hair
loss is temporary. New hair growth
usually begins several weeks after the
final treatment.

Some patients experience minor skin

irritations like dryness, itchiness, and
rash. You may develop sensitivity to
the sun, making it easier to burn

Psychological and Emotional

Living with cancer and dealing with
chemotherapy can exact an emotional
toll. Feeling fearful, stressed, or
anxious about your appearance and
your health. Some people may suffer
from depression. Juggling work,
financial, and family responsibilities
while undergoing cancer treatment
can become overwhelming.

Many cancer patents turn to

complementary therapies like
massage and meditation for
relaxation and relief.
Doctors or nurses may be able to
suggest a local cancer support group
where you can speak with others who
are undergoing cancer treatment

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