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The correlation between the height and diameter of the trees

What is proportional to a cells surface area?


Rate of exchange of materials


Rate of heat production


Rate of waste production


Rate of oxygen consumption











interphase because no (individual) chromosomes are visible / genetic

material visible as chromatin / chromosomes/DNA has not condensed /
nuclear envelope/nucleolus/nucleus is visible
DNA synthesis/replication/OWTTE;
(cell) growth / increase in the number of organelles/specific organelle
transcription/synthesis of RNA;
Mark only the first process on each line if more than two processes are
listed. Do not accept error carried forward if mitosis is the answer in (i).

retain the capacity to divide;

they are undifferentiated / unspecialized;
have the ability to differentiate (along different pathways) / are
Mark only the first process on each line if more than two processes are listed.


[2 max]

[2 max]

named source of stem cells e.g. bone marrow / cord blood / inner cell mass of
embryo / embryonic stem cells;
name of condition that is treated using the stem cells e.g. leukaemia / heart
disease / diabetes / other possibility;
one precise detail of how the stem cells replace/ replenish (differentiated) cells
that are the cause of the condition;


Source: stem cells obtained from bone marrow;
Condition: leukaemia;
Detail: patients bone marrow cells (are killed and) replaced with the stem cells;



Plant cells



Animal cells

a. chloroplasts/plastids

no chloroplasts/plastids;

b. cell wall

no cell wall;

c. large (central) vacuole

no large (central)vacuole;

d. no centrioles


e. no lysosomes


[2 max]

Answers do not need to be shown in a table format.




membranes are porous/permeable allowing diffusion;

diffusion is (passive) movement (of particles) from high to low concentration;
due to random motion/kinetic energy of molecules / no ATP involved;
diffusion continues until concentrations are equal (across the membrane);

[2 max]


(can) move solutes against a concentration gradient;

using energy/ATP;
specific for the solute/molecule transported;
protein pumps change shape (as they transport molecules);

[2 max]


b. fertility stops first at 50 years old whereas other systems decline more slowly;
c. before menopause, breathing capacity drops less rapidly than cardiac capacity /
vice versa;
d. after menopause, breathing capacity drops more rapidly than cardiac capacity /
vice versa;

410 min day1 (accept answers in the range of 400 min day1 to 420 min day1)


a. post-menopausal/older women do more of the foraging;

b. if women share the food that they forage then the Grandmother Hypothesis
would be supported / vice versa;
c. difficult to determine as there is an overlap between time spent in different
category of groups;

[2 max]

a. older/skilled women could provide more food when they no longer reproduce;
b. this could provide more food for offspring/group leading to greater success for
the group;
c. (in competition with other groups) this group would survive to pass on the
genes for menopause;
d. allows younger women to use time/energy to reproduce and care for offspring;

[2 max]



[3 max]









active transport



movement down the concentration gradient / from high to low concentration;

through channel proteins/ion channels;
passive transport / it requires no energy from the cell / no ATP;
for molecules that cannot pass through the phospholipid bilayer;
channel is specific/selective to the ion/molecule being transported;

[3 max]

vesicles / vacuoles / endosome


S. aureus inhibited more by modified human surfactant which has no protein than
by the other (surfactants) which have protein;
Do not accept answer without reference to proteins.






any visible characteristic that distinguishes between B and (eg (three pairs of)

the rest;
legs/no legs)
distinguishes (eg body divided into many segments /

between C and D;
body not divided into many segments)
characteristic specific to C and different (eg C had cylinder shape and

characteristic specific to D;
D has pores)
cell wall only in plant cells;
starch granules only in plant cells;
chloroplasts only in plant cells;
centrioles only in animal cells;
(large) vacuole in plant cells;


phase A:
phase B:

centromeres split/break;
(sister) chromatids/chromosomes separate;
dragged/pulled/movement to separate poles;
by shortening of spindle microtubules;
Do not allow events other than those in anaphase.

tumours / cancer


conservation of the base sequence of DNA;

adenine pairs with thymine and cytosine pairs with guanine;

[2 max]

[2 max]

anaphase (occurs at an) intermediate (stage); (both needed)

prophase (occurs at an) early (stage); (both needed)


[3 max]


[2 max]
(do not accept

initials only)

both (daughter) cells/DNA strands produced have identical genetic inf ormation;

[2 max]



N 1 1 /4 /B IO L O /H P 2 /E N G /T Z 0 /X X /M


(a )

(b )

(c )


8 3 ( a l l o w w h o l e n u m b e r a n s w e r s i n th e r a n g e o f 8 2 to 8 4 )

[1 ]


5 (a llo w 4 )
D o n o t a l l o w a n s w e r s w i th tw o d i ffe r e n t n u m b e r s .

[1 ]

m o re s te m c e lls a re fo rm e d in c o n tro l / je t
b lo o d s tre a m / g re a te r ra n g e in c o n tro l;
g ra p h is rh y th m ic in c o n tro l / c o n tro l h a s m
g re a te r n u m b e r o f s te m c e lls p ro d u c e d in
n u m b e r in d a rk p e rio d in je t la g ;
g ra p h is s h ifte d to th e rig h t in je t la g / s te m

la g re d u c e s th e re le a s e o f s te m c e lls in to
o re re g u la r p a tte rn ;
lig h t p e r io d in c o n tro l, w h e re a s g re a te r
c e lls a re re le a s e d la te r in tim e in je t la g ;

[2 m a x ]

(h y p o th e s is s u p p o rte d in c o n tro l) if s te m c e lls a re h a rv e s te d to w a rd s th e e n d

o f th e d a rk p e rio d / (h y p o th e s is s u p p o rte d ) a s s te m c e lls s ta rt in c re a s in g in
d a rk p e rio d ;
(h y p o th e s is n o t s u p p o rte d ) in c o n tro l a s p e a k o f s te m c e lls o c c u rs d u rin g lig h t
p e rio d /lo w e s t n u m b e r d u r in g d a rk p e rio d ;
(h y p o th e s is s u p p o rte d ) if p a tie n t is je t-la g g e d a s m o re s te m c e lls a re p ro d u c e d in
d a rk p e rio d ;

[2 m a x ]

(d )

m R N A is tra n s la te d to p ro te in / in v o lv e d in p ro te in s y n th e s is

(e )

c le n b u te ro l a n d is o p r e n a lin e b o th p r o d u c e m o r e s te m c e lls th a n c o n tro l;

c le n b u te ro l re le a s e s fe w e r s te m c e lls th a n is o p re n a lin e / is o p re n a lin e re le a s e s th e
m o s t s te m c e lls ;
is o p re n a lin e p ro d u c e s th e le a s t m R N A fo r C X C L 1 2 ;
c le n b u te ro l p ro d u c e s th e s a m e a m o u n t o f m R N A fo r C X C L 1 2 a s c o n tro l;




(g )

[1 ]

[3 m a x ]

C X C L 1 2 in h ib itio n in itia lly d e c re a s e s o c c u rre n c e o f d ia b e te s ;

in th e firs t 2 5 / u p to 2 6 /2 7 /2 8 w e e k s ;
C X C L 1 2 in h ib itio n d o e s n o t p re v e n t o c c u rre n c e o f d ia b e te s (ju s t d e la y s it) /
e v e n tu a lly th e s a m e le v e l o f d ia b e te s ;

[2 ]

C X C L 1 2 b re a k d o w n a llo w s s te m c e ll m o b iliz a tio n re d u c in g in c id e n c e

o f d ia b e te s / s te m c e lls fro m th e b o n e m a rro w c a n re g e n e ra te th e is le ts
(in p a n c re a s )

[1 ]

is o p re n a lin e is a n in h ib ito r o f C X C L 1 2 / in h ib its s y n th e s is o f C X C L 1 2 m R N A ;

d e la y s o n s e t o f d ia b e te s / a llo w s s te m c e ll m o b iliz a tio n / a llo w s is le t r e g e n e r a tio n ;
d o e s n o t c u re th e d is e a s e ;

[2 m a x ]


(c )

g ra p h is s h ifte d to th e rig h t in je t la g / s te m c e lls a re re le a s e d la te r in tim e in je t la g ;

[2 m a x ]

(h y p o th e s is s u p p o rte d in c o n tro l) if s te m c e lls a r e h a rv e s te d to w a r d s th e e n d

o f th e d a rk p e rio d / (h y p o th e s is s u p p o rte d ) a s s te m c e lls s ta rt in c re a s in g in
d a rk p e rio d ;
(h y p o th e s is n o t s u p p o rte d ) in c o n tro l a s p e a k o f s te m c e lls o c c u rs d u rin g lig h t
p e rio d /lo w e s t n u m b e r d u r in g d a rk p e rio d ;
(h y p o th e s is s u p p o rte d ) if p a tie n t is je t-la g g e d a s m o re s te m c e lls a r e p ro d u c e d in
d a rk p e rio d ;

[2 m a x ]

(d )

m R N A is tra n s la te d to p ro te in / in v o lv e d in p ro te in s y n th e s is

(e )

c le n b u te ro l a n d is o p r e n a lin e b o th p r o d u c e m o re s te m c e lls th a n c o n tro l;

c le n b u te ro l re le a s e s f e w e r s te m c e lls th a n is o p r e n a lin e / is o p re n a lin e re le a s e s th e
m o s t s te m c e lls ;
is o p re n a lin e p ro d u c e s th e le a s t m R N A fo r C X C L 1 2 ;
c le n b u te ro l p ro d u c e s th e s a m e a m o u n t o f m R N A f o r C X C L 1 2 a s c o n tro l;




(g )

[1 ]

[3 m a x ]

C X C L 1 2 in h ib itio n in itia lly d e c re a s e s o c c u rre n c e o f d ia b e te s ;

in th e firs t 2 5 / u p to 2 6 /2 7 /2 8 w e e k s ;
C X C L 1 2 in h ib itio n d o e s n o t p re v e n t o c c u rr e n c e o f d ia b e te s (ju s t d e la y s it) /
e v e n tu a lly th e s a m e le v e l o f d ia b e te s ;

[2 ]

C X C L 1 2 b re a k d o w n a llo w s s te m c e ll m o b iliz a tio n re d u c in g in c id e n c e

o f d ia b e te s / s te m c e lls fro m th e b o n e m a rro w c a n re g e n e ra te th e is le ts
(in p a n c re a s )

[1 ]

is o p re n a lin e is a n in h ib ito r o f C X C L 1 2 / in h ib its s y n th e s is o f C X C L 1 2 m R N A ;

d e la y s o n s e t o f d ia b e te s / a llo w s s te m c e ll m o b iliz a tio n / a llo w s is le t r e g e n e r a tio n ;
d o e s n o t c u re th e d is e a s e ;

[2 m a x ]








cell wall protects the cell from damage;

cell wall prevents the cell from bursting;
plasma membrane pumps substances/carries out active transport;
plasma membrane controls entry and exit of substances;
cytoplasm contains enzymes that carry out metabolism;
pili are used to connect bacterial cells/can pull bacteria closer together;
flagella used for locomotion/movement of the bacterial cell;
ribosomes synthesize proteins;
(naked) DNA of main chromosome is located in the nucleoid (region);
nucleoid initiates reproduction/binary fission;
(naked) DNA/chromosome/nucleoid controls/determines cell structure/ function;
plasmids confer (luxury) functions such as disease resistance/antibiotic
capsule protects cell/promotes adherence;
If the answer includes any eukaryotic structures, award [8 max].
both lipids and carbohydrates are primary sources of energy for organisms;
lipids store more energy per unit mass/per gram than carbohydrates / lipids
generally provide 2 to 3 times the energy of carbohydrates for a given mass;
lipids provide 38 kJ g1/9 C g1 whereas carbohydrates have 17 kJ g1/4 C g1;
carbohydrates are easier to transport (than lipids) making their energy more
because lipids are insoluble (in water) whereas (small) carbohydrates are soluble
(in water);
carbohydrates are more easily taken out of storage making their energy more
quickly available;
carbohydrates are short-term storage molecules, whereas lipids provide
long-term storage;
aerobic cell respiration if oxygen available and anaerobic if unavailable;
pyruvate enters mitochondrion for aerobic respiration;
whereas pyruvate stays in the cytoplasm for processing under anaerobic
pyruvate converted aerobically into carbon dioxide and water;
whereas pyruvate converted anaerobically to lactate;

[9 max]

[4 max]





Remember, up to TWO quality of construction marks per essay.





Award [1] for each structure clearly drawn and correctly labelled.
a. phospholipid bilayer with head and tails;
b. hydrophilic/phosphate/polar heads and hydrophobic/hydrocarbon/fatty acid/
non-polar tails labelled;
c. integral protein embedded in hydrophobic region of the phospholipid bilayer;
d. channel protein integral protein showing clear channel/pore;
e. peripheral protein on the surface (not embedded in hydrophobic region) can
be attached to integral protein;
f. glycoprotein with carbohydrate attached on outside;
g. cholesterol shown embedded in bilayer;

[5 max]


as volume of a cell increases, the ratio of its surface area to volume decreases;
food/oxygen enters through the surface of cells;
wastes leave through the surface of cells;
the rate of substance crossing the membrane depends on surface area;
more metabolic activity in a larger cell means more food and oxygen required;
large volume means longer diffusion time;
(large volume) means more wastes produced;
excess heat generated will not be lost efficiently (with low surface area to
volume ratio);
i. eventually surface area can no longer serve the requirements of the cell;
j. this critical ratio stimulates mitosis;
k. (thus) the size of the cell is reduced and kept within size limits;

[7 max]

a. large molecules (proteins) must be digested into small molecules;

b. a protease/pepsin digests proteins into polypeptides;
c. pepsin works in the stomach / requires an acid/low pH/pH 2 to work;
d. polypeptides are digested by a protease/trypsin into amino acids;
e. trypsin acts in the small intestine / requires a basic pH/pH 8/high pH;
f. amino acids absorbed by diffusion/active transport;
g. absorption occurs in the villus/microvilli of the small intestine;
h. (amino acids absorbed) into capillaries;
i. blood carries amino acids throughout the body;
j. amino acids diffuse into cells/are absorbed by active transport;
k. cells use amino acids to build proteins;
l. assimilation is when amino acids become part of a cell;
m. proteins are synthesized at the ribosomes/ER of the cell;

[6 max]

(Plus up to [2] for quality)







(stem cells) have/retain the capacity to divide;

can be used to produce cell cultures/large number of identical cells;
can be used to repair/replace damaged/lost cells/tissue;
(stem cells) are undifferentiated / have not yet differentiated/specialized;
can differentiate/specialize in different ways / are pluripotent/totipotent;
can be used to form a variety of different tissues / form organs;
used in medical research;
used in treatment of (named) disease;

[5 max]

a. genes that are located on just one of the sex chromosomes/X or Y are
b. (sex-linked) genes present on the X chromosome are absent from the
Y chromosome / vice versa;
c. named recessive X-linked condition (e.g. colour blindness / haemophilia / other
valid example);
d. sex-linked conditions tend to be more commonly expressed in males;
e. female can be homozygous or heterozygous/carrier for a sex-linked/X-linked
f. affected males have only one copy of the gene / have carrier daughters but
cannot pass the condition on to sons;
g. carrier/heterozygous females can have affected sons/carrier daughters;
h. for a female to be affected (homozygous recessive) the father must be affected;
[5 max]
If the example used is of a recessive X-linked condition, use marking points ch.








a. cohesive properties help in transpiration pull/movement of water in plants;

b. high surface tension allows some animals to stride across its surface;
c. high latent heat of evaporation/large amounts of energy required for evaporation
makes it a good coolant;
d. high specific heat capacity causes it to maintain environmental temperatures;
e. low density as ice forms insulation of lakes allowing life below;
f. transparency for photosynthesis;
g. transparency for vision in animals;
h. solvent properties make it the medium for metabolic reactions;
i. solvent properties allow transport of (soluble) molecules/food;

[6 max]

a. osmoregulation is control of water balance in organisms/blood/tissues/

b. ADH regulates water levels/solute concentration of the blood;
c. produced/released when water in blood is too low;
d. it increases the permeability of the collecting ducts / increase in the reabsorption
of water;
e. leads to more aquaporins (in collecting duct cell membranes);
f. lower volume/less urine is produced/urine more concentrated;

[4 max]


water enters roots through the root hairs by osmosis;

root hairs provide an extended surface area (for active transport and osmosis);
active transport of ions from soil into the roots (enhances osmotic pressure);
osmotic pressure moves water into the xylem;
water is carried (in a transpiration stream) in the xylem;
adhesion of water to the inside of the xylem helps move water up;
12 movement

cohesion of water to itself enhances water

the xylem;
water diffuses into air spaces (in spongy mesophyll) of leaves;
it passes out through the stomata by evaporation/transpiration;
Award any of the following clearly drawn and correctly labelled.
evaporation sets up a transpiration pull that keeps the water moving;
cell wall; (shown as a double line)
guard cells control the rate of transpiration pull/evaporation;
the width
xylem vessels
are tubes
rings of
enhance water movement/resist
wall labelled as cell membrane)[8 max]
low pressure;

nucleoid/(region containing) naked DNA (distinguished from rest of cytoplasm)

ribosome; (dots in cytoplasm)
(Plus up to [2] for quality)
flagella; (at least a quarter as long as the cell)
pili; (less than a quarter as long as the cell)
[4 max]
Award [3 max] if any specifically eukaryotic structure shown.


helicase uncoils DNA/splits DNA into two strands;

(RNA) primase adds short length of RNA/primer;
primer allows attachment of (DNA) polymerase;
DNA polymerase III copies DNA;
adds nucleotides in the 5 t o 3 direction;
uses deoxynucleoside triphosphates/nucleotides that are free in cell;
two phosphates removed to release energy (required for the process);
(complementary base pairing of) adenine with thymine and guanine (reject A with T

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