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What do Terrorists Want ??

The Goals

Religious Goals
Mengubah kebijakan dan sistem politik di Moslem majority

countries -> Groupe Islamique Arm of Algeria

Mengubah kebijakan luar negeri other countries -> Al
Beberapa kelompok berusaha merealisasikan hukum suatu
agama menjadi hukum publik -> Abhinav Bharat of India
Minority group berusaha mendapatkan hak yang lebih

besar atau bahkan otonomi khusus untuk kelompok agama

mereka karena mereka menghadapi diskriminasi (Filipina)
Majority group kadangkala bertujuan mengusir kelompok
agama minoritas dari suatu wilayah tertentu

Ethnic/nationalist Goals
Etnis minoritas menggunakan cara-cara teror dengan

tujuan untuk memperoleh otonomi atau bahkan

kemerdekaan penuh -> Euskadi Ta Askatasuna of Spain
more limited goals = policy changes to ending of
discrimination -> Moro National Liberation Front
Political system changes to accommodate greater
representation in ruling circle
Etnis mayoritas menggunakan cara-cara teror dengan

tujuan menekan minoritas agar mereka tidak membuat

negara baru sendiri -> Ulster Defence Association
Atau agar mereka tak bergabung dengan negara
tetangga yang beretnis sama

Ideological Goals
Left wing want to promote greater equality, opposed to

hierarchy and differences in economi wealth

Mereka ingin mengubah nature of political system
Atau minimalnya mengubah political leadership
Leftists di Amerika Latin dan Eropa Barat pada 1960an
melawan ketidakadilan akibat kapitalisme di ranah domestik
dan global
Baader-Meinhof Group, Naxalite/Communist Party of India
Right wing want to prevent socialism and other political views
They targeted migrants, because they oppose foreign

religions, foreign cultures, different races -> Ku Klux Klan,

Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund

Combinations of Objectives
Leftist group & drug cartels in Colombia
Keduanya sama-sama melawan pemerintah dan sama-

sama mendapat keuntungan saat pemerintah lemah

Religious & ethnicity
Case of Chechnya
Religious, ethnicity, and social class
Case of Northern Ireland
Anti-colonial groups in the old European empire see

their struggle as both nationalist and as part to resist

domination and exploitation by capitalist class in the
colonizing power

Government Terrorism
Government is using violence as part of

attempts to preserve policies, the political

system, and especially the leadership
Government also using violence to avoid
threats to the integrity of the state

Domestic versus International

Domestic terrorists attack targets in their own

country and avoid foreign property and

They seek to bring about changes in the
policies of their government, in the political
leadership, or in the political system
They may to create a new satate or, at least,
join to a neighbouring state

International terrorists want to change the

foreign policy of the foreign government

Al Qaeda attacks in Madrid (2004) and London
(2005) were intended to convince Spanish and
British governments to withdraw their military
support for US in the Middle East
They also want to stop Western support of the
repressive regimes in Middle East countries

Who Becomes a Terrorist?

Frederick J. Hacker (1976) classified terorrists as

crazies, criminal, or crusaders

Crazy? = there is no evidence that persons suffering

from mental disorders are overrepresented in the

various terrorist groups, even though there may be
individuals with problems in some groups
Criminals (opportunists)? = mungkin saja, white
merchants might join the KKK since it provided
useful personal contacts in business
Crusaders? = the believers usually have higher level
of commitment

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