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Bipolar Disorder

By: Sabira Gannie

What is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is
a serious mental
illness that is
characterized by
extreme mood
swings from mania
to depression.
Mania is an
elevated mood,
while depression is
an abnormally low

Psychoanalytic Approach
The psychoanalytic
approach to bipolar
disorder says that
the cause of both
episodes arise from
a low self-concept.
episodes represent
this, while manic
episodes represent
a defense against
the low selfconcept.

Trait Approach
Excessive happiness,
irritability, less need for
sleep, racing thoughts,
increased energy, etc.

Sadness, loss of energy,
increased need for sleep, change
in appetite, thoughts of
death/suicide, etc.

Biological Approach
The biological
approach to
bipolar disorder
suggests that
high or low levels
such as
serotonin, or
norepinephrine is
the cause.

Humanistic Approach
The humanistic
approach suggests
that bipolar
disorder occurs
stop or hinder a
person and force
them to loose
there drive toward
and the ultimate
fulfillment of ones
dreams, desires,
and potential.

Behavioral and Social Learning

learning approach
to bipolar disorder
suggests that
these behaviors
are learned and
therefore can be

Cognitive Approach
Individuals in a manic
phase often have
grandiose thoughts,
such as one being
capable of doing
anything. Those in a
depressive phase
often have selfdeprecating thoughts,
such as I am terrible
at this, or why cant I
do anything right?

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