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C# 기본사항

 대소문자 구별 (Case Sensitive)

 Semicolon ( ; ) 사용
 { } 으로 블록 구분
 // 주석문 한줄
 /* 주석문 여러 줄 */
 using System ;
 namespace projectname ;
 class Class1
{ public static void Main(string[ ] args)
{ // TODO: Add code to start application here
2021년 11월 2일 C# 프로그래밍 1

 Structure of a C# Program
 Basic Input/Output Operations
 Recommended Practices
 Compiling, Running, and Debugging

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• Structure of a C# Program

 Hello, World
 The Class
 The Main Method
 The using Directive and the System
 Demonstration : Using Visual Studio
to Create a C# Program

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Hello, World

using System ;
class Hello
public static void Main( )
Console.WriteLine("Hello, World");

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The Class

 A C# Application is a Collection of Classes,

Structures, and Types
 A Class is a Set of Data and Methods
 Syntax
class name
{ ….. }
 A C# Application Can Consist of Many Files
 A Class Cannot Span Multiple Files

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The Main Method

 When Writing Main, You Should :

• Use an uppercase "M" as in "Main"
• Designate one Main as the entry point to the
• Declare Main as public static void Main
 Multiple Classes Can Have a Main
 When Main Finishes, or Returns, the Application

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The using Directive and the System Namespace

 The .NET Framework Provides Many Utility Classes

• Organized into namespaces
 System is the Most Commonly Used Namespace
 Refer to Classes by Their Namespace

System.Console.WriteLine ("Hello, World");

 The using Directive

using System;
Console.WriteLine ("Hello, World");

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Demonstration using Visual Studio

// 기본 폼 – 콘솔응용 프로그램

using System ;
namespace helloworld
class Class1
{ static void Main (string[ ] args)
{ //
// TODO: Add code to start application here

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• Basic Input/Output Operations

 The Console Class

 Write and WriteLine Methods
 Read and ReadLine Methods

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The Console Class

 Provides Access to the Standard Input, Output,

and Error Streams
 Only Meaningful for Console Applications
• Standard Input - Keyboard
• Standard Output - Screen
• Standard Error - Screen
 All Streams May Be Redirected
• prog1 > progout.txt

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Write and WriteLine Methods

 Console.Write and Console.WriteLine Display

Information on the Console Screen
• WriteLine outputs a line feed/carriage return
 Both Methods Are Overloaded
 A Format String and Parameters Can Be Used
• Text formatting
• Numeric formatting

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Text formatting

 { N, M }
• N : the Parameter Number
• M : Field Width and Justification

 Console.WriteLine("{0,10}", 99);
" 99"
 Console.WriteLine("{0,-10}", 99);
"99 "

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Text Formatting

Console.WriteLine("The sum of {0} and {1} is {2}", 100,
200, 100+200);
Console.WriteLine("Left justified in a field of width 10:
{0,-10}", 99);
Console.WriteLine("Right justified in a field of width 10:
{0,10}", 99);
Note : use backward slash (\) to turn off the special
meaning of the character.
"\{" = {, "\\" = \, "@\\a\b" = \\a\b

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Numeric formatting

 { N : Format M }
• N : the Parameter Number
• M : Field Width and Justification
 Formatting
• C : currency
• D : decimal integer
• E : exponential notation
• G : either Fixed point or Integer
• N : the number with embedded commas
• X : the number by hexadecimal notation

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Numeric Formatting

Display the number

C as currency

D as a decimal integer

E by using exponential notation

F as a fixed-point value

G as either fixed-point or integer

N with embeded commas

X by using hexadecimal notation

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Console.WriteLine("Currency formatting - {0:C} {1:C4}", 8.8, Ê-888.8);
Console.WriteLine("Integer formatting - {0:D5}", 88);
Console.WriteLine("Exponential formatting - {0:E}", 888.8);
Console.WriteLine("Fixed-point formatting - {0:F3}", Ê888.8888);
Console.WriteLine("General formatting - {0:G}", 888.8888);
Console.WriteLine("Number formatting - {0:N}", 8888888.8);
Console.WriteLine("Hexadecimal formatting - {0:X4}", 88);

When the previous code is run, it displays the following:

Currency formatting - $88.80 ($888.8000)

Integer formatting - 00088
Exponential formatting - 8.888000E+002
Fixed-point formatting - 888.889
General formatting - 888.8888
Number formatting - 8,888,888.80
Hexadecimal formatting – 0058

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Read and ReadLine Methods

 Console.Read & Console.ReadLine read User


 Read reads the next character

 ReadLine reads the entire line input

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• Recommended Practices

 Commenting Applications
 Generating XML Documentation
 Demonstration : Generating and view XML
 Exception Handling

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Commenting Applications
 Comments Are Important
• A well-commented application permits a
developer to fully understand the structure of
the application
 Single-Line Comments
// Get the user's name
Console.WriteLine(" What is your name ?");
name = Console.ReadLine( );
 Multiple-Line Comments
/* Find the higher root of the
quadratic equation */
x = (……) :
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Generating XML Documentation

/// <summary> The Hello class prints a greeting

/// on the screen
/// </summary>
class Hello
{ /// <remarks>
/// ….
/// </remarks>
public static void Main( )
Console.WriteLine("Hello, World");

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Exception Handling

using System;
public class Hello
public static void Main( string [ ] args)
try { Console.WriteLine (args[0]) ; }
catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine("Exception at {0}",

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• Compling, Running, and Debugging

 Invoking the Compiler

 Running the Application
 Demonstration : Compiling and Running
 Debugging
 Demonstration : using Visual Studio
 The SDK Tools
 Demonstration : Using ILDASM

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Invoking the Compiler

 Common Compiler Switches

 Compiling from the Command Line
 Compiling from Visual Studio
 Locating Errors

/? Or /help /warnaserror
/out /target
/main /checked
/optimize /doc
/warn /debug

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Compiler Options
 > csc week2.cs
 > csc /t:exe week2.cs
 > csc /out:week2.exe /t:exe week2.cs
 > csc /r:assemb1.dll,assemb2.dll /out:result2.exe
 /t: target (exe, library, module)
 /out:
 /r: reference

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Running the Application

 Running from the Command Line

• Type the name of the application

 Running from Visual Studio

• Click Start Without Debugging on the Debug

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Demonstration : Hello, World !

Console.WriteLine( "Hello World !");

Console.WriteLine("Type your name and press

string name = Console.ReadLine( );

// Write text to the console

Console.WriteLine("Hello " + name + "!");
// Control + F5

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 Exceptions and JIT Debugging

 The Visual Studio Debugger
• Setting breakpoints and watches
• Stepping through code
• Examining and modifying variables

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The SDK Tools

 General Tools and Utilities

 Windows Forms Design Tools and Utilities

 Security Tools and Utilities

 Configuration and Deployment Tools and Utilities

 Demonstration : Using ILDASM

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The Process of EXE/DLL Source
Managed Execution (MSIL and Compiler Code
(MSIL and
Class Loader
JIT Compiler
With optional

Trusted, Managed Call to an

Pre-JITed Native Uncompiled
Code only Code method


Runtime Engine
Security Checks
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C# Keywords

 Keywords Are Reserved Identifiers

• abstract, base, bool, default, if, finally
 Do Not Use Keywords As Variable
• Results in compile-time error
 Avoid Using Keywords by Changing
Their Case Sensitivity
• Int INT; // poor style

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Keywords in C#
abstract as base bool break byte
case catch char checked class const
continue decimal default delegate do double
else enum event explicit extern false
finally fixed float for foreach goto
if implicit in int interface internal
is lock long namespace new null
object operator out override params private
protected public readonly ref return sbyte
sealed short sizeof stackalloc static string
struct switch this throw true try
typeof uint ulong unchecked unsafe ushort
using virtual void while
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