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Eat For Vitality

In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth and populated the
Earth with broccoli, cauliflower and spinach, green and yellow and red
vegetables of all kinds.
Then using God's great gifts, Satan created Ben and Jerry's Ice
Cream and Krispy Creme Donuts. And Satan said, "You want
chocolate with that?" And Man said, "Yes!" And they gained 10
pounds. And Satan smiled
So God said, "Try my fresh green salad." And Satan presented
Thousand-Island Dressing, buttery croutons and garlic toast on the side.
And Man and Woman unfastened their belts while they laid “helplessly on
the couch”.
God then said, "I have sent you heart healthy vegetables and olive oil in which to
cook them." And Satan brought forth chicken-fried steak so big it needed its own
platter. And Man gained more weight and his cholesterol went through the roof.
God then gave Organic, Hormone-free beef so that Man might
consume quality calories and still satisfy his appetite. And Satan created
McDonald's and its 99-cent double cheeseburger. Then said, "You want
fries with that?" And Man replied, "Yes! And Super Size them!" And
Satan said, "It is good." And Man went into cardiac arrest.
God sighed and created quadruple bypass
surgery. Then Satan created HMOs.
what are we building
our bodies with ?

You do not have to know all the biochemistry

behind how the body builds strong bones and
muscles... You just have to ask yourself... do
you want to make it with Twinkies ???
Food Consumption in the U.S
Between 1900 and 1980 Fresh fruit and vegetable
consumption decreased from 40% to less than 5%
Butter consumption decreased 75%
Lard consumption decreased 66%
Unprocessed potato and sweet potato consumption
decreased 40%
Processed potatoes comprise 33% of all white
potatoes consumed
The majority of these are in the form of french fries
The fast food industry sells 75% of all french fries eaten
Whole grain consumption decreased 50%
Food Consumption in the U.S
Beef consumption increased 75%
Dairy product consumption (other than butter)
increased 25%
Cheese consumption increased 400%
Fat and oil consumption increased 150%
Margarine consumption increased 800%
Corn syrup consumption increased 400%

Sugar consumption increased 50% (the average person

consumes 150 pounds of REFINED WHITE SUGAR per
Processed fruit and vegetable consumption (other than
citrus fruit)
Food Consumption in the U.S

Between 1910 and 1980 Poultry consumption increased 350%

Fresh apple consumption decreased 70%
Fresh fruit consumption decreased 33%
Between 1930 and 1980 Processed citrus fruit consumption increased 2500%
Fresh citrus fruit consumption decreased 50%
Between 1940 and 1980 Egg consumption decreased 25%
Food coloring consumption increased 90%
Between 1960 and 1980 Soft drink consumption increased 300%
? teaspoons of sugar in Coke.
Each person consumes 38 gallons of soft drinks annually (one fifth of our sugar
intake is in soft drinks)

*Statistics compiled by the United States Department of Agriculture

The discoveries and conclusion of Dr. Price
are presented in his classic volume
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.
The book contains striking photographs of
handsome, healthy primitives and illustrates
in an unforgettable way the physical
degeneration that occurs when human
groups abandon nourishing traditional diets
in favor of modern convenience foods.
What should
we be
Fats have gotten a bad rap over the years. Now
everyone is into low fat diets... but it is that
thinking that has actually contributed to
American’s health predicament.
True or False
Unsaturated Fats clogs arteries.
The fatty acids found in artery clogs are mostly unsaturated (74%)
of which 41% are polyunsaturated.
Lancet 1994 344:1195
True or False
To avoid, or decrease heart disease, we should
use margarine instead of butter.
Margarine eaters have twice the rate of heart
disease as butter eaters.
Nutrition Week 3/22/91 21:12
True or False
A vegetarian diet is the best diet to protect you
against atherosclerosis
The International Atherosclerosis Project found that vegetarians had
just as much atherosclerosis as meat eaters.
Lab Invest 1968 18:498
True or False
Heart disease in America is caused by consumption of cholesterol and
saturated fat from animal products.
During the period of rapid increase in heart disease
(1920-1960), American of animal fats declined but the
consumption of hydrogenated and industrially processed
vegetable fats increased dramatically.
Animal fats cause, or at least contribute to cancer
and heart disease.
Animal fats contain many nutrients that protect against cancer and
heart disease; elevated rates of cancer and heart disease are
associated with consumption of large amounts of vegetable oils.
Fed Proc July 1978 37:2215
True or False
Coconut oil, (high in saturated fat), can contribute
to heart disease.
When coconut oil was fed as 7% of energy to patients recovering from heart
attacks, the patients had greater improvement compared to untreated
controls, and no difference compared to patents treated with corn or safflower
Populations that consume coconut oil have low rates of heart disease.
Coconut oil may also be one of the most useful oils to prevent heart
disease because of its antiviral and antimicrobial characteristics.
JAMA 1967 202:1119-1123;
Am J Clin Nutr 1981 34:1552
true or false
Saturated fats are bad for you.
Saturated fats actually improve the production of all prostaglandins by facilitating the
conversion of essential fatty acids.
-Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation Journal 20:3
• In summary, our choice of fats and oils is one of extreme
importance. Most people, especially infants and growing children,
benefit from more fat in the diet rather than less. But the fats we eat
must be chosen with care. Avoid all processed foods containing
newfangled hydrogenated fats and polyunsaturated oils. Instead, use
traditional vegetable oils like extra virgin olive oil and small amounts
of unrefined flax seed oil.

• Acquaint yourself with the merits of coconut oil for baking and with
animal fats for occasional frying. Eat egg yolks and other animal fats
with the proteins to which they are attached. And, finally, use as much
good quality butter as you like, with the happy assurance that it is a
wholesome—indeed, an essential—food for you and your whole family.

• Organic butter, extra virgin olive oil, and expeller-expressed flax oil in
opaque containers are available in health food stores and gourmet
markets. Edible coconut oil can be found in Indian or Caribbean
• Every cell in the human body contains
protein. It is a major part of the skin,
muscles, organs, and glands. Protein is
also found in all body fluids, except bile
and urine.

• Youneed protein in your diet to help

your body repair cells and make new
ones. Protein is also important for
growth and development during
childhood, adolescence, and pregnancy.
Protein-containing foods are grouped as either complete or incomplete
Complete proteins contain all nine essential amino acids. Complete proteins are
found in animal foods such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, and milk products
such as yogurt and cheese. Soybeans are the only plant protein considered to
be a complete protein.
Incomplete proteins lack one or more of the essential amino acids. Sources of
incomplete protein include beans, peas, nuts, seeds, and grain. A small amount
of incomplete protein is also found in vegetables.
Plant proteins can be combined to provide all of the essential amino acids and
form a complete protein. Examples of combined, complete plant proteins are
rice and beans, wheat cereal, and corn and beans.
Carbohydrates are one
of the main types of
food. Your liver breaks
down carbohydrates
into glucose (blood
sugar). Your body uses
this sugar for energy
for your cells, tissues
and organs.

Carbohydrates are called simple or complex, depending on how fast your body
digests and absorbs the sugar. You get simple carbohydrates from fruits, milk
products and table sugar. Complex carbohydrates include whole grain breads and
cereals, starchy vegetables and legumes. Complex carbohydrates and some
simple carbohydrates provide vitamins, minerals and fiber.
Good Carbohydrates
Good carbohydrate foods are
those that are still in their
natural state, or they are still
similar to their natural state.
They are foods that have not
been processed or altered by
people or machines.
Good carbohydrates are
generally high in fiber. Foods
high in fiber will give you
energy over longer periods of
time. They also give you a
sense of feeling full. Foods
that are high in fiber help to
lower cholesterol levels, as
well as aiding the body in toxin
Bad Carbohydrates
Bad carbohydrate foods are
those that have been refined
and processed. These foods
are not in their natural state.
Most of the nutritional value
has been removed from these
foods. Bad carbohydrate foods
are generally loaded with
many additives, including
colorings, flavorings and
Bad Carbohydrates
Most bad carbohydrate
foods are usually very
tasteful and are
packaged for easy
handling. However, they
are generally considered
harmful to the body
because they are not
easily digested and they
spike an individual’s
blood glucose level. Bad
carbohydrate foods
include candy, baked
goods with refined white
flour, white pastas, and
Bad Carbohydrates
1. Reduce your grain-based carb products in the diet (cereal, pasta, rice, crackers,
etc) and focus more of the diet on healthy grass-fed and/or free-range meats and
eggs, grass-fed raw dairy, and TONS of vegetables and fruits.

2. Instead of the grains for most of the carbs, try getting most of your carbs from
vegetables, sweet potatoes, and a variety of whole fruits and berries (NOT fruit
juices, which remove the beneficial fiber as well as other essential parts of the fruit)

3.  If you're going to get any grains at all, focus on the most nutrient dense and
fibrous portions of the grain... the germ and bran... this means that the best parts
are getting oat bran instead of oatmeal, and using rice bran and wheat germ
(beware of gluten in wheat if you have any intolerance) by adding to your yogurt,
cottage cheese, salads, soups, etc.  This way you get all of the most beneficial
nutritious parts of grains without all of the excess starches and calories.

For best results with grains, try to stick only to sprouted grain products if you're
going to eat any grains at all.

4. To replace the void if you're used to consuming lots of bread, pasta, cereals, and
other carb sources... try filling that void with more healthy fats such as nuts, seeds,
avocados, nut butters as well as healthy proteins such as raw grass-fed dairy and
meats, whole free-range organic eggs, etc. Healthy fats and proteins go a long way
to satisfying your appetite, controlling proper hormone and blood sugar levels, and
helping you to make real progress on fat loss.
Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables contain

essential vitamins, minerals, and
fiber that may help protect you
from chronic diseases. Compared
with people who consume a diet
with only small amounts of fruits
and vegetables, those who eat
more generous amounts as part of
a healthful diet are likely to have
reduced risk of chronic diseases,
including stroke and perhaps other
cardiovascular diseases, and certain
Fruits and Vegetables
The Colors of Health
Fruits and vegetables come in terrific
colors and flavors, but their real
beauty lies in what's inside. Fruits and
vegetables are great sources of many
vitamins, minerals and other natural
substances that may help protect you
from chronic diseases.

To get a healthy variety, think color.

Eating fruits and vegetables of
different colors gives your body a
wide range of valuable nutrients, like
fiber, folate, potassium, and vitamins
A and C. Some examples include
green spinach, orange sweet
potatoes, black beans, yellow corn,
purple plums, red watermelon, and
white onions. For more variety, try
new fruits and vegetables regularly.
Lets say we are eating the perfect diet. Is that
good enough?!?!?

No because our soil is deficient.

And our bodies are
Are all supplements equal???

Whole Foods vs. Isolate

and Synthetics

Natural means vitamins as found in natural foods, untampered with any way
that might change their molecular, their biological or biochemical
combinations, or their action. This usually means that only the fiber and
moisture are removed. All labels of truly NATURAL food concentrates
should indicate the exact food source from which the vitamin is obtained.
Means it had a natural food as its original source but was treated with various
high powered chemicals, solvents, heat and distillations to reduce it down to
one specific, pure crystalline vitamin or amino acid and hence is no longer
natural. It no longer has its synergistic components, that is ,its enzymes,
co-enzymes, minerals, mineral activators, and co-vitamin helpers.
Means that in the laboratory the scientist has reconstructed the exact
structure of the CRYSTALLINE molecule by "putting together" or chemically
combining the same molecules from other sources. On the label for either
Synthetic or Crystalline only the chemical name of the single vitamin is
usually given. Legally it is not necessary to give the source from
which the synthetic chemical is derived.
Synergy Vs. Mass Action

Whole Food- “law of synergy”. This feeds and nourishes.

Synthetic Vitamins, (Nutraceutical), lacking this synergy,
require supra-physiologic doses to force enzyme
pathways. This is known as the “law of mass action”
A small apple contains only 5.1 mg of Vitamin C.
But the same contains polyphenols and
flavanoids-beneficial food compounds that equal
the effect of 1,500 mg of vitamin C.

Nature, volume 405, page 903

Pure Commercial Vitamin C Acerola - Tropical Cherry
(ascorbic acid). (natural vitamin C).
The world’s two largest producers of ascorbic acid
(Synthetic Vitamin C) are BASF and Roche

5 Steps to from Corn Starch to Ascorbic Acid

1. Corn Starch refined to refined sugar (Glucose) C6-H12-
2. Refined Sugar is hydrogenated into sorbitol
3. Sorbitol is fermented into sorbose
4. Sorbose + Acetone reacted with Sulfuric Acid yielding 2-
keto-L-gulonic acid
5. 2-keto-L-gulonic acid washed in an alcohol bath creating
crude Ascorbic Acid C6-H8-O6
If you know you have to supplement...

Wouldn’t it make sense to do it with natural

food concentrates ?

"Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your

Hippocrates 460 - 359 BC
Basic Recommendations

• Multivitamin - Catalyn

• Fish Oil - Tuna Omega or Blue Ice Cod Liver Oil

• Mineral
- Mintran, Minchex, Trace Mineral B-12,
or Organically Bound Minerals
Action Steps

• Clean out pantry

• Shop and replace bad foods with good foods

• Eat a balance diet

• Supplement diet with whole food concentrates

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