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It is a combination of religion and

spirituality with secular counseling

to promote health and wholeness.

Most pastoral counselors are ordained

clergy or persons otherwise endorsed by a

religious faith group.
Some counselors are members of religious
organizations or congregations.
They have training in Theology and
Behavioral Sciences.

It is conducted among those with moral-spiritual

1. Have cognitive dissonance
2. Deciding whether to pursue or leave the
religious life or marriage
3. Planning a change of religious affiliation
4. Cannot find meaning in their pain and suffering

Biblical Counseling means passages and

messages from the Bible are communicated to

the clients.
Psychospiritual Counseling or Christo-Centered
The goal is to help the person understand the
meaning of his/her experiences, to see the hand
of God in the experiences and to make decisions
on the basis of Church or Biblical teachings.

Leisure has two meanings: that of idleness, and that of

gratification. Together with a culture of work, there must be a

culture of leisure as gratification. To put it another way: people
who work must take time to relax, to be with their families, to
enjoy themselves, read, listen to music, play a sport. But this is
being destroyed, in large part, by the elimination of the Sabbath
rest day. More and more people work on Sundays as a
consequence of the competitiveness imposed by a consumer
society. In these cases, we can see the other extreme: work
ends up dehumanizing people. When work does not yield to
healthy leisure, to restorative rest, then it enslaves you,
because then you are not working for dignity, but to compete.
Pope Francis

The goal is to educate and counsel people on

how to make the best use of their free time can

have a great impact on the physical and mental
well-being of individuals and society in general.
The problem of many people now is how to

ensure that they are still able to meet their

obligations and cut down on their leisure

Leisure counseling can assist individuals in

identifying options consistent with their

lifestyle and interest, making appropriate
choices and when needed, securing the
necessary education (Gibson and Mitchell,

Leisure counseling can therefor focus on:

1. Workaholics
2. Those who have problems with proper

3. Those who have a tendency to get so
absorbed in an activity

4. Those prone to addiction

5. Those with certain ailments
6. Those who tend to focus on their deficiencies
and need to build their self-esteem
7. Those who need friends and socialization
8. Those who do not have any idea what kind of
leisure activities they can engage in

Substance abuse refers to the harmful or

hazardous use of psychoactive

Counseling substance abusers is seen to

be the domain of rehabilitation centers by

former substance abusers who are already
in recovery.

The counseling sessions could focus on helping

the abusers:
1. admit they have a problem
2. recognize the destructive outcomes of their
3. desire to change
4. find appropriate avenues for initiating the
5. engage in follow-ups

Abstinence can be facilitated and expedited by the

counselor by directing the action to resolving issues

Encouraging the abuser to express what drives him/her to

use substances is a good starting point.

Is it to avoid pain or responsibility because of fear?
Is it a lack of faith in ones ability, or poor self-esteem?
Is it sadness or depression?

What is important is to pinpoint what the

individual believes the substance is doing for

The target is to help the individual find the means

to attain what the substance is attaining for

him/her without using the substance.

The great challenge facing us today is to learn

once again how to talk to one another, not simply

how to generate and consume information.
Pope Francis

It is the addiction to virtual realms of experience

created through computer engineering.

Addiction to on-line relationships

Cybersexual Addiction cyberporn
Cyber-relationship Addiction on-line friendships

Addiction to Other On-line Facets

Net Compulsions
Information Overload
Computer Addiction

Four or more symptoms

1. Preoccupation with previous or next internet use
2. Restlessness when attempting to stop internet use
3. Staying on-line longer than originally intended
4. Risking loss of relationships, educational and career

Using the internet to escape from problems
Lying to family members
Feeling a need to spend more time on-line to achieve
Feeling unable to control on-line use

The counselor can do the following:

1. Help the person admit that he/she is addicted
2. Discover and explain addictive triggers
3. Orient and train to use time management

4. Help the person to confront loneliness
5. Employ specific counseling interventions


Codependent partner or spouse or family

member who resents the addict, but at the

same time devotes time and energy in the
care of the latter, thus enabling him/her to
continue to engage in the behavior.

The counselor can help the codependent:

1. Distance from the addict
2. Clarify who is responsible for the addicts

3. Allow the addict to deal with the consequences
of his/her behavior
4. Accept that bot parties are addicted
5. Resolve dependency issues

an interaction between two people only the

client and the counselor

1. Routine interviews
2. Referrals
3. Voluntary/Walk-in
4. A counselors discovery from others or from
collected information that someone needs
assistance but is not seeking it.

This counseling is extended to several people with similar

concerns and desired common goals.

Criteria for using group counseling
1. Clients can benefit more from the set-up
2. Clients with similar concerns are willing to work
3. Have the ability to work cooperatively with a group
4. Members are free of mental and emotional baggage
5. Six to eight members only

more than one counselor handles an individual, a couple

or a group
1. Concern can be seen from different angles or
2. More options may be generated by more people
3. For couple counseling, male and female counselor is
4. For two or more counselors, one counselor can be
alert to the signals while the other is busy processing

It is extended only when spouses are

experiencing difficulties.
The partners are invited to discuss their

relationship difficulties and discover ways and

means by which issues might be resolved.

Family counseling involves bringing together all

the members of the family and observing the

dynamics in the family and how they operate on
the problem.
Goals are set with the family, and the roles of

each one in the goal attainment.

Multiple counseling is recommended to facilitate

observation and processing.

It is more effective when there is an opportunity to

observe reactions of different family members

while one of them is engaged in an active
interaction with one or the other counselor.

The Philippine situation

Counselors generally do more Individual

Counseling than Group Counseling.

Group Counseling is used if an already-formed
group approaches a counselor.
In cases involving partners, counselors tend to
use more Individual Counseling than Couple

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