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Development of bilamina germ

Dr Sharifa Abdul Aziz

Summary of 1st week

Human development begins at fertilization.
Before fertilization, several important events
occurs like gametogenesis in male and
oogenesis in female with each haploid nos. of
chromosomes to meet each other to form
Fertilization is complete when maternal and
paternal chromosomes intermingle during
metaphase of 1st meiotic division of zygote.
As it passes along the uterine tube towards
uterus , zygote undergoes cleavage( series of
mitotic division).-- blastomeres.

3days later- morula is formed (16 cell stage).
Cavity occurs in morula- embryoblast (inner
cell mass) embryo proper+ some
extraembryonic tissue.
A blastocyst cavity- fluid-filled space
The trophoblast- thin outer layer of
cells.embryonic part of placenta+
extraembryonic structures.
Trophoblast at embryonic pole - differentiate
into cytotrophoblast + syncytiotrophoblast.
Syncytiotrophoblast - invades
endometriumspotted bleeding.


Is the penetration of blastocyst into the

superficial compact layer of uterine
endometrium. On 11th or 12th day after

Implantation started at 1st week is completed by
2nd week.
2nd week two layers of germ disc and two
layers of trophoblast & two sac occur.
The erosive syncytiotrophoblast invades-
endometrial connective tissue embedded in
the endometrium.
Endometrial cells- apoptosis. Proteolytic
enzymes+ COX-2 (prostacyclin) + fas ligand
present at the implantation site- involved in this

2nd week
Day 8 : the blastocyt partially embedded in
endometrial stroma.
2 layers : inner cell mass or embryoblast.
Amniotic cavity : small cavity appears within the
Amnioblast : cells adjacent to cytotrophoblast.
Trophoblast : inner mononucleated cells :
Outer layer of multinucleated cells without cell
boundary : syncytiotrophoblast.

Trophoblast - differentiate into
cytotrophoblast( mononucleated layer of cells ,
mitotically active form new cells migrate into
syncytiotrophoblast and lose their cell
Syncytiotrophoblast rapidly expanding
multinucleated mass on the outer layer
produce hCG (basis of pregnancy test).
Embryoblast - epiblast (thicker layer, tall
columnar cells, hypoblast (small cuboidal cells
adjacent to exocoelomic cavity).
Two sacs amniotic sac adjacent to
epiblast(ectoderm) and yolk sac PYS(adjacent
to endoderm(hypoblast)

Bilamina germ disc

Bilamaina germ disc

Bilamina germ disc

Day 9
Blastocyst more deeply embedded in
Lacuna stage : vacuoles appear in
syncytiotrophoblast-- fused- lacuna.
At abembryonic pole ; flattened cells appear
from endoderm and lines the inner surface of
cytotrophoblast heusers membrane.
Day 11,12 : at abembryonic pole : only one layer
cytotrophoblast only
Cells of syncytiotrophoblast penetrate into
maternal blood vesels -- uteroplacental
circulation starts.

Extraembryonic mesoderm : fine loose
connective tissue cells deriv. fr yolk sac in
between cytotrophoblast and heuser s
Cavities appears in it coalesc into
extraembryonic coelom or chorionic cavity.
Mesoderm b/c ----somatopleuric (chorionic plate)
and splanchnopleuric mesoder (pleura and
Decidua reaction : endometrial cells become
polyhedral and loaded with glycogen and lipids &
is oedematous.

EEM(primary mesoderm)

Day 13
Villi formation : trophoblast is characterised by
villus structure.
Cytotrophoblast cells proliferate into
syncytiotropho surrounded by syncytium--.
Primary villi.
Secondary villi : mesoderm + inside cyto dan
Tertiary villi : blood vessel dev. from mesoderm
inside cyto and syncytiotrophoblast.

Villi formation

Secondary yol sac or definitive yolk sac : form
inside the primary yolk sac.
Extraembryonic coelom expands and form large
cavity- chorionic cavity.
Chorionic plate : mesoderm lining the inside of
Connecting stalk: later become the umbilical
Buccopharyngeal membrane : area where
columnar cells and cuboidal cells stick at the
cephalic region- oral cavity.

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