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The Personal


The Mission and

of Personal

Every true disciple is born into the kingdom

of God as a missionary. The Desire of
Ages, p. 195.

The Mission of Personal Ministries Dept.

The mission of Personal Ministries is :

to provide resources and train church members
to unite their efforts with the ministry and church
officers in the final proclamation of the gospel of
salvation in Christ.
The aim of the department is to enlist every
member in active soul-winning service for God.

Objectives of Personal Ministries

The Personal Ministries Department was established
as a major setting for soul winning activities in the
Church. It exists
to teach and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ in
response to the command of Jesus, in the context of the
three angels messages of Revelation 14:6-12.

To honor this original purpose, the Personal

Ministries Department continues ..
to communicate the good news with the objective to
win, hold, and train for Jesus Christ, men, women, youth,
boys and girls, in all the world, and to design programs
and resources to help those areas of the world where
church growth is limited.

Personal Ministries Methods and

The local church Personal Ministries Department has historically
specialized in certain soul winning methods, although they are in no
way limited to these:
Door-to-door evangelism
Distribution of literature
Giving personal Bible studies
Lay preaching
Organizing and running the
Community Service program of the church, including the
Dorcas Society
Organzing and running the annual Ingathering program
Managing local church Bible
Correspondence Schools
Cooperating with the Sabbath
School Department in organizing and running Sabbath
School Action Units.
Cooperating with the local church pastor in the organization
and management of small group ministries

Personal Ministries Organization

and Personnel
Personal Ministries Leader /
The Role
According to the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Manual, The Personal Ministries leader is elected
by the church
to lead in training and directing the church in active
outreach (missionary) service and is chairperson of the
Personal Ministries Council.
It is the leaders duty to present to the church, in the
monthly Sabbath Personal Ministries service and in the
church business meetings, a report on the total outreach
(missionary) activities of the church. p. 94

Line of Authority

The Personal Ministries leader will

work closely with the pastor of the
church or district and be a
member of the church board. The
Personal Ministries leader will
chair a committee usually called
the Personal Ministries Council.

Line of Authority
The following people report to the Personal
Ministries leader:
The community services leader, interest
coordinator, the leaders responsible for Bible
studies, lay evangelism, literature
distribution, Ingathering, and missionary
Those in charge of lay witness training,
prison ministries and other outreach
programs also report to the Personal
Ministries leader.
It is the leaders responsibility to help them be
successful in their activities and bring these

Duties and Responsibilities

The Personal Ministries leaders first goal is to
help every church member become aware that he
or she is witnessing in his or her own way. Every
believer is a missionary to the family members,
work associates, neighbors and others that they
touch every day.
The duties and responsibilities of the Personal
Ministries leader include:

Working with Volunteers

Education and Communication.
Program Management

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