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Theoretical, Contextual, and Pedagogical Foundations for the

Elementary Science methods Course

Susilawati, M.Pd
September 2014

Tujuan Perkuliahan
Mahasiswa mampu menganalisis:

1. Pandangan
2. Ide-ide pengetahuan
3. Teori-teori pembelajaran
4. Contoh penerapan metode pembelajaran

Science teaching specifcs such as:

to teaching and
learning science;

confident teach

knowledge of different aspects of

the teaching context, such as curricu-lum,
assessment, instructional strategies, and

knowledge of students.

Types of knowledge needed for teaching science


Subject Matter Knowledge

built this knowledge through their
experiences as science learners and
Pedagogical Knowledge
information should be part of a
syllabus, how to deal with
problematic classroom situations,
and how to assign grades

Knowledge of Context
Because preparing future teachers is a
collaborative effort among scientists,
educators, school personnel, and policy
makers, methods course instructors need to
understand the context of teacher
education in their country, state, and

The elementary science methods instructor needs:

Orientation to Teaching Teachers

PCK for Learners
PCK for Curriculum
PCK for Instructional Strategies
PCK for Assessment

Perspectives on Science Teacher Learning

Views about Learning and Teaching

A key goal of your methods course is to help
your methods students develop suffcient PCK
for teaching science to enable them to
commence teaching sciencewhat might be
called a starter pack. So, to design and
implement a science methods course, you
need to have a clear idea about the
development of PCK for teaching elementary
science and your PCK for teaching teachers.

Our Interpretation of the Scenario

Views about teaching are partially derived from
views about how people learn, which in turn are
infuenced by epistemological views (views
about how knowledge is organized and

Schema Theory
This process of making links between experiences and
ideas can be considered as analogous to neurons in the
brain forming links to other neuronsthough perhaps
in very different parts of the brain. As the brain
receives new information the schemata are modifed
and extended. This process continues as the child
grows. There is evidence to suggest that neuron
growth (or at least replacement) continues through-out
life, and that there are a couple of periods of rapid
neuron growth in
children. Schema theory also provides a perspective on
what happens when we remember something.

Constructivist Theories
Personal Constructivism
Social Constructivism

Asmar and Peter, from the science department.

They are all seeking relief from marking
assignments and exams. Peter complains, I
get so frustrated with these students! They
get the simplest things wrong. Asmar nods in
agreement, Doesnt matter how many times
you tell them, they still mess it up. Peter
continues, I mean, Ive told them three times,
and its in their text book. Why cant they just
learn it? They are both looking at Noeline as
if she can explain the mystery. What could she

In the above scenario, Asmar and Peter have
revealed aspects of their views about learning
What views about learning do Peter and Asmar
seem to have? How would you answer if you
were Noeline? Could you make any
suggestions as to how Peter and Asmar might
change the way they do things?

You probably have some ideas about learning
that you have picked up from various places.
On a notepad jot down some dot points that
you think might be important ideas in
explaining how learning occurs.
What aspects of behavioral theory align with
your thinking? Is this an area that you would
like to fnd out more about?

What is there about Social Cognitive Theory that
strikes a chord with you?
Were any of these points on your list?
How could you apply this to your science methods

Given that constructivism has been around for over 20

years, you have probably come across it before.
Were some aspects of your list about learning
related to constructivism?
Perhaps this introduction has triggered a few more
ideas. Add them to your list.

How many of the ideas from these theories matched
with those on your list?
Which of the theories would you like to learn more
Which do you see as being relevant to your own
teaching situation?
Which do you think are important for your methods
students to know about?
Which of these ideas about learning do you think
would help explain Asmar and Peters problem?

Do any aspects of this view of learning strike a
chord with you?
Using the above outline as a basis, prepare an
explanation that Noeline could use to explain
to Asmar and Peter why their students have
diffculty during examinations.

Earlier in the chapter, we asked you to write a list of

ideas about learning that you could think of. Review
your list, and add to it new ideas that you have
picked up from reading the further ideas discussed.
Have any of your ideas changed? In what way?
Regarding Noeline being asked to present her ideas
about learning at an informal presentation to the
science faculty:
If you were Noeline, what would you say?
Prepare a presentation that you would use to help
colleagues understand your views. Try to organize
an opportunity to present it to some colleagues.

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