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Sri Fulina


Cataracts are the leading cause of

blindness in those 40 years or older.

Sri Fulina

Cataract is the leading cause of

blindness in those 40 years or older in
the United States

Sri Fulina


The word Cataract comes from the

Greek word meaning Waterfall
Until the mid 1700s, it was thought
that cataract was formed by opaque
material flowing, like a waterfall into the

Sri Fulina


The human lens is a

naturally clear
structure located
behind the iris and
supported by the
The lens is
avascular-It does
not have a vascular

Sri Fulina


The basic lens

consists of a central
nucleus surrounded
by the cortex
contained within the
lens capsule

Sri Fulina


When light passes

through the pupil, it is
focused by the lens to
produce clear, sharp
images on the retina,
the light-sensitive
membrane on the back
of the eye that
functions like the film of
a camera

Sri Fulina


When this
arrangement is
disturbed in any
way, the
transparency is lost
This results in
scattering of light,
blurring, and
blocking of the

Sri Fulina


The lens is made mostly of water and protein

The protein fibers are arranged in a precise
manner that makes the lens clear and allows
light to pass through without interference
With aging, the composition of the lens
undergoes changes and the structure of the
protein fibers breaks down
Some of the fibers begin to clump together,
clouding areas of the lens, and leading to the
loss of transparency

Sri Fulina

This loss of
transparency, or
opacity formation is
called Cataract

Sri Fulina

Clouding of the lens is a normal part of aging

About half of Americans older than 65 have
some degree of clouding of the lens
According to one study, after age 75, 39% of
men, and 46% percent of women in the U.S.
have visually significant cataracts

Sri Fulina

Cataracts produce a gradual, painless,

progressive loss of vision, and many
patients are unaware of vision problems
Generally do not cause pain, or
abnormal tearing
But as the clouding progresses, the
cataract eventually interferes with your

Sri Fulina

Commonly affect distance vision

Cause problems with glare
In the early stages, stronger lighting
and eyeglasses can help deal with the
vision problems
If impaired vision jeopardizes your
normal lifestyle, you might need

Sri Fulina

Patients often
describe trying to
look through a
fogged-up window
Clouded vision can
make it more
difficult to drive a
car, read, or see
Sri Fulina


Blurred vision
Increasing difficulty with vision at night
Glare, especially at night
Halos around lights
The need for brighter light for reading
Double vision in a single eye
Fading or yellowing of colors

Sri Fulina

Due to increase of
pigment in the lens,
color perception also
is affected

Sri Fulina

These may also be symptoms of other

eye conditions, therefore it is important
to see your ophthalmologist annually, or
if there is a persistent change in vision

Sri Fulina

Pain, redness, discharge, or irritation in

the eye are usually not signs or
symptoms of a cataract, but may be
signs and symptoms of other eye

Sri Fulina

Hypermature Cataract

A cataract isn't
dangerous to the eye
unless the cataract
becomes completely
white, a condition
known as an overripe
(hypermature) cataract
This can cause
inflammation, eye pain
and headache
A hypermature cataract
is extremely rare and
needs removal
Sri Fulina

Types of Cataract

The lens consists of

three layers
The outer layer is a
thin, clear membrane
It surrounds a soft,
clear material (cortex)
The hard center of the
lens is the nucleus
A cataract can form in
any part of the lens
Sri Fulina

Nuclear Cataract

Occurs in the center of the lens

In its early stages, the patient may become
more nearsighted or even experience a
temporary improvement in reading vision
This so-called second sight disappears as
the lens gradually turns yellow and begins to
cloud the vision
Seeing in dim light and driving at night may
be especially troublesome

Sri Fulina

Sri Fulina

Katarak nuklear

Sri Fulina

Cortical Cataract

Begins as whitish, wedge-shaped streaks on

the outer edge of the lens cortex
As it slowly progresses, the streaks extend to
the center and interfere with light passing
through the nucleus
Both distance and near vision can be
Patients also have problems with glare and
loss of contrast

Sri Fulina

Sri Fulina

Katarak kortikal

Sri Fulina

Subcapsular Cataract

Starts as a small, opaque area just under the

capsule shell, usually at the back of the lens,
right in the path of light on its way to the

This type of cataract may occur in both eyes

but tends to be more advanced in one eye
than the other

Often interferes with reading vision, reduces

your vision in bright light and causes glare or
halos around lights at night

Sri Fulina


Why age-related changes happen to the lens

is not known
One possibility is damage caused by unstable
molecules known as free radicals
Smoking and exposure to UV light are two
sources of free radicals
General wear and tear on the lens over the
years also may cause the changes in protein

Sri Fulina


Age-related changes in the lens are not the

only cause of cataracts
Some infants are born with cataracts or
develop them during childhood
Such cataracts may be the result of the
mother having contracted rubella during
Metabolic disorders

Sri Fulina

Congenital Cataracts

Responsible for nearly 10% of all visual loss

in children worldwide
Approximately 0.03% of newborns have
some form of congenital cataract
Most are not associated with additional
developmental problems
Around one fifth of these patients have a
family history of congenital cataract but in up
to half of all cases there is no family history

Sri Fulina

In the case of a newborn infant, a cataract

causes the immature visual system to be
deprived of the stimulation needed for normal
If left untreated, permanent visual loss may
Unilateral cataracts are more likely to cause
visual loss because of the competition
between the two eyes

Sri Fulina

If the cataract is small there may be only

slight blurring of vision with near normal
visual development
If the cataract is larger, or located more
posteriorly, it can effect visual development
In some cases this can lead to permanent
amblyopia (lazy eye)
Without adequate stimulation central vision
can be permanently effected

Sri Fulina

Outcome is very much dependent on the type

of cataract
Some congenital cataracts impair visual
development only to a small degree and may
never require surgery
If the cataract is only in one eye, there is a
strong tendency for the child to prefer the
healthy eye
The eye affected by the cataract rarely achieves
normal vision, therefore removal of the cataract is
Sri Fulina

Etiology of Pediatric Cataracts


Genetic and Metabolic Diseases

Autosomal dominant form most common

Down syndrome
Marfans syndrome
Myotonic Dystrophy

Maternal Infections

Sri Fulina

Rubella, Syphilis, Toxoplasmosis, Varicella

Ocular Anomalies


Aniridia-Absence of iris at birth

Corticosteroids, Radiation


Sri Fulina

Risk Factors In Adults

Exposure to sunlight (UV light)
Trauma (blunt or penetrating)
Family history of cataracts
Corticosteroid therapy
Radiation exposure
Electrical injury
Myotonic dystrophy
Uveitis- Ocular inflammation
Sri Fulina

Risk Factors

Everyone is at risk of developing

cataracts simply because age is the
single greatest risk factor
By age 65 about half of all Americans
have developed some degree of lens

Sri Fulina

Cataracts develop sooner in diabetic

patients than in non-diabetic patients
This is caused by shifts in the glucose,
electrolyte, and water balance within
the lens
Fluctuating vision and rapid shift to
near sightedness are symptoms of

Sri Fulina

Clinical Findings

The most common

objective finding
associated with
cataracts is
decreased visual
This is measured
with an office wall
chart or near-vision

Sri Fulina

Visual Acuity

Acuity refers to the sharpness of vision or

how clearly you see an object
In this test, your eye doctor checks to see
how well you read letters from across the
Eyes are tested one at a time, while the other
eye is covered.
Using the chart with progressively smaller
letters from top to bottom, to determine the
level of vision

Sri Fulina


This is performed by
your doctor to see if
the decrease in
vision is simply due
for need for new
glasses, or if there is
another process at
work that accounts
for the decrease in
visual acuity

Sri Fulina

Slit Lamp Exam (SLE)

SLE allows the

ophthalmologist to see
the structures of the
eye under magnification
The microscope is called
a slit lamp because it
uses an intense slit of
light to illuminate your
cornea, iris, and lens
These structures are
viewed in small sections
to detect any small

Sri Fulina

Dilated Exam

Dilating drops are

placed in the eyes to
dilate the pupils wide
and provide a better
view to the back of the
It allows the
ophthalmologist to
examine the lens for
signs of a cataract and,
if needed, determine
how dense the
clouding is

Sri Fulina

Dilated Exam

It also allows for

examination of the
retina and the optic
Dilating drops
usually keep your
pupils open for a
few hours before
their effect gradually
wears off

Sri Fulina

When pupils are dilated, patients will

have difficulty focusing on close objects
With your pupils open this wide,
sunglasses are helpful on a sunny day,
and you may need a driver to drive you

Sri Fulina

Other Causes of painless

Vision Loss

Retinal detachment
Macular degeneration
Diabetes mellitus
Retinal artery occlusion

Sri Fulina

Retinal detachment is often accompanied by

floaters, flashes of light, and loss of
peripheral vision, which is often described as
a gray curtain or shade covering all or part of
the visual field
Risk factors include a history of previous
ocular trauma, nearsightedness, retinal
detachment in the fellow eye, or a family
history of retinal detachment

Sri Fulina

Macular degeneration usually causes a

slow, progressive loss of central vision
Symptoms of acute vision loss and
distortion result from leakage from
abnormal subretinal vessels
Patients should be referred to a retina
specialist immediately

Sri Fulina

Diabetic retinopathy may also contribute to

vision loss
Findings include dot-and-blot hemorrhages,
microaneurysms, dilated and tortuous
vessels, and neovascularization of the disk
and retina
Cataracts often obscure the fundus, making
assessment of diabetic retinopathy difficult

Sri Fulina

Open-angle glaucoma produces slow, painless

visual field loss that usually begins
Optic nerve damage and subsequent loss of
peripheral vision occur at normal as well as
elevated intraocular pressures
With progressive optic nerve damage and
visual field loss, central vision is the last to be

Sri Fulina

Cataracts are the most treatable cause

of decreased vision in the United States
For most patients, observation and
frequent eyeglass prescription changes
are sufficient
When activities of daily living, such as
driving, reading, working, and self-care
are affected surgery should be

Sri Fulina

Cataract Surgery should be considered

when changes in eyeglasses no longer
help, quality of life is jeopardized, and
cataract removal is likely to have an
impact on vision

Sri Fulina


Make sure that eyeglasses or contact

lenses are the most accurate
prescription possible
Improve the lighting in your home with
more or brighter lamps
When outside during the day, wear
sunglasses to reduce glare
Limit night driving

Sri Fulina

Think about how the cataract affects your

daily life

Sri Fulina

Can you see to do your job and drive safely

Do you have problems reading or watching
Is it difficult to cook, shop, climb stairs or take
How active are you? Does lack of vision affect
your level of independence?
Are you afraid you'll trip or fall or bump into

Sometimes a cataract should be

removed even if it doesn't cause major
problems with vision

Sri Fulina

If it is preventing the treatment of another

eye problem, such as age-related macular
degeneration, diabetic retinopathy or
retinal detachment

If you have cataracts in both eyes and

decide to have surgery, your eye doctor
typically removes the cataract in one
eye at a time
This allows time for the first eye to heal
before the second eye surgery

Sri Fulina

Cataract surgery is the most common

operation performed on patients over 65
years of age
More than 95% of patients have improved
vision after surgery
Benefits include improvement in uncorrected
and best-corrected visual acuity, improved
binocularity, depth perception, and increased
peripheral vision to enhance patients' ability
to drive, read, work, and manage their own

Sri Fulina

Advances in surgical technique and more

sophisticated technology have helped make
surgery a safe and effective treatment for
Prior to surgery, your eye doctor measures
the size and shape of your eye to determine
the proper lens implant power
This measurement is made with a painless
ultrasound test

Sri Fulina

Cataract surgery is
typically an outpatient
procedure that takes
less than an hour
Most people are awake
and need only local
On rare occasions
some people may need
general anesthesia if
they have difficulty
laying flat or have

Sri Fulina

Two things happen

during cataract surgery
the clouded lens is
removed, and a clear
artificial lens is

Sri Fulina


phaco for short, the
surgeon makes a
small incision, where
the cornea meets
the conjunctiva

Sri Fulina

The surgeon then

uses the probe,
which vibrates with
ultrasound waves, to
break up (emulsify)
the cataract and
suction out the

Sri Fulina

Once the cataract is

removed, a clear
artificial lens is
implanted to replace the
original clouded lens
This lens implant is
made of plastic, acrylic
or silicone and becomes
a permanent part of the

Sri Fulina

Some IOLs are rigid

plastic and implanted
through an incision that
requires several stitches
(sutures) to close
However, many IOLs
are flexible, allowing a
smaller incision that
requires no stitches

Sri Fulina

Patients usually go home the same day

Patients are seen in the office the next day,
the following week, and then again after a
month so that he or she can check the
healing progress

It's normal to feel mild discomfort for a

couple of days after surgery

You may wear an eye patch or protective

shield the day of surgery

Your doctor may prescribe medications to

prevent infection and control eye pressure
Sri Fulina

Post-op Course

Patients are usually examined 1 day, 1

week and then one month after the
surgery date

Sri Fulina

Complications of Surgery

Vitreous Loss- 3.1%

Vitreous Hemorrhage-0.3%
Increased Eye Pressure- 1.2%
Retinal Detachment- 0.7%
Endophthalmitis- 0.13%

Sri Fulina

Post Operative Period

Contact your doctor immediately if you

experience any of the following signs or
symptoms after cataract surgery:

Sri Fulina

Vision loss
Pain that persists despite the use of over-thecounter pain medications
A definite increase in eye redness
Light flashes or multiple spots (floaters) in front of
the eye
Nausea, vomiting or excessive coughing

Posterior Subcapsular Opacity

This condition occurs

when the back of the
lens capsule eventually
becomes cloudy and
blurs vision
PCO can develop
months or years after
cataract surgery
Occurs approx. 20%
percent of the time

Sri Fulina

Treatment for PCO is simple and quick

Laser capsulotomy is a quick, painless
outpatient procedure that usually takes
less than five minutes
Capsulotomy means "cutting into the
capsule" and YAG is an abbreviation of
yttrium-aluminum-garnet, the type of
laser used for the procedure

Sri Fulina

YAG Laser Capsulotomy

A technique in which
a laser beam is used
to make a small
opening in the
clouded capsule to
let light pass

Sri Fulina

Post YAG

Afterward, patients typically stay in the

doctor's office for about an hour to make sure
the eye pressure is not elevated
In some people, particularly those who have
glaucoma or are extremely nearsighted, YAG
laser surgery can raise eye pressure
Other complications are rare but can include
swelling of the macula and a detached retina

Sri Fulina

Most cataracts occur with age and can't

be avoided altogether
Regular eye exams remain the key to
early detection
You can take steps to help slow or
prevent the development of cataracts

Sri Fulina

Do not smoke

Eat a balanced diet

Smoking produces free radicals, increasing your

risk of cataracts.

Include plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Ultraviolet light protection since UV light may

contribute to the development of cataracts
Diabetes Control

Sri Fulina

New Frontiers

Researchers are continuing to explore

new ways to prevent and treat
cataracts, such as developing
medications that would reduce or
eliminate the need for surgery
Until then, cataract surgery is the
method to restore vision

Sri Fulina

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