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Without logistics network we couldnt have present day goods and services at affordable prices

What is Networking ?
Networking / Network Scheduling is a technique
used for planning and scheduling large projects . Its a
method of minimizing trouble spots , such as production
bottle necks , delays and interruption etc. by determining
critical factors and coordinating various parts of the overall
job .
Network analysis entails a group of techniques for
presenting information relating to time and resources to
assist in planning , scheduling and controlling the projects

Objective of Network Analysis

Tools for Planning , Scheduling and Control.

Explains the interrelationship of the various activities .
Minimization of total costs.
Minimization of idle resources .

A Network is graphic presentation
of a projects operations and is
composed of activities and events that
must be completed to reach the end
objective of a project , showing the
accomplishments , their dependence
and their interrelationships .

Basic Components of a Network

Activity : An activity is task or item of work

to be done , that consumes time , effort , money
or other resources .
It is represented by an arrow with its head
indicating the sequence in which the events are
to occur .

Events : An event represents the beginning

and completion of some activities and as such it
consumes no time . It has no time duration and
doesnt consume any resources .
It is also known as Node . It is generally
represented by a circle in a network diagram .

Categorization of Activities
Predecessor Activity : An activity which
must be completed before one or more other
activities start is known as Predecessor activity .

Successor Activity : An activity which started

immediately after one or more other activities are
completed is known as Successor activity .

Dummy Activity : An activity which doesnt

consume either any resource or time is known as
Dummy activity .It is a hypothetical activity (
doesnt exist practically.
Similarly a dummy event is an imaginary
event .

Categorization of Events

Merge Events :When more than one activity

comes and joins in an event , then the event is
known as Merge Event .

Burst Events : When more than one activity

leaves an event , then the event is known as Burst
Event .

Rules for Network Construction

For the construction of Network , generally
the following rules are followed :
Each activity is represented by one and only one
arrow .
Each activity must be identified by its starting
and end node .
Nodes are numbered to identify an activity
uniquely .Tail node should be lower than the
head node of an activity .
Between any pair of nodes there should be one
and only one activity .
Arrows should be kept straight not curved or bent

Numbering the Events

Event numbers should be unique .

Event nos. should be carried out on a sequential

basis from L to R .
Initial event which has all outgoing arrows with no
incoming arrow is numbered either 0 or 1 .
The head of an arrow should always bear a
number higher than one assigned at the tail of the
arrow .

Construct a network for the project whose activities and
Precedence relationships are given below :


Duration(in Days)




Listed in the table are the activities and sequencing necessary for the completion of a
recruitment procedure for management trainees(MT) in a firm. Draw a network diagram of
activities for the project.

Asking units for requirements

Ascertaining MT requirements for

commercial functions

Ascertaining MTs requirement for

Accounts/Finance function

Formulating Advertisement for


Formulating Advertisement for


Calling Applications from the

successful candidates passing
through ICA

Releasing the advertisement

Completing Applications Received

Screening of applications against the



The following table shows the various tasks in a project , their duration and
the required predecessors.
(a) Draw the network diagram for the project.
(b) Find the Critical path and also the duration of completion of the project
through the critical path.

Duration(in Days)





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