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Fitness and Exercise

Jodie La Touche
What is my Documentary setting out to achieve?
- Making young people more aware of obesity and other health issues due to lack of exercise.

-To show people that exercise does not have to be a boring routine and there are other ways to make it fun and

What am I Exploring?
- Does exercise help us mentally and can it help us to study (e.g. for exams)?

-Does it really have any effect on our health?

-How can exercise help people who are unhealthy.

How will I do this?

- Interviews with experts who can discus what I am challenging.

-A lot of opinions from young people (to get different peoples views on general exercise.

- Demonstrations of physical activities (Ballet and Basketball) as examples.

Content of Idea

What is the topic?

- The topic of my documentary is ‘Fitness and Exercise’.

(- Do young people get enough of it?)

What is your angle?

- Focusing mainly on the positives of exercise.

(- Showing teens why it is important and how they can benefit from it)
(- How it helps us and what it prevents)

- Inform: exercise does not have to take up a lot of you time

-Educate: Different ways to exercise (Different forms of physical activities)

Unique selling point:

-The whole segment is different to other health documentaries. (e.g. An Exercise documentary which targets
mainly 16-24 year olds)
- My documentary will look at health for people who a healthy rather than unhealthy.
Structure of running order
Segment 1 Intro (On a High street presented by Jessie and David)

Segment 2 Footage of various individuals exercising e.g. Joggers on the road. (Music in the
Background/Voice over of the presenters; “We tend to see someone exercising

Segment 3 Vox pop (“How often do you exercise?” and “Do you feel any different after you
have exercised?”)

Segment 4 Presenters linking the segments (introducing the demonstration – next segment).

Segment 5 Demonstration (Tips on everyday exercises that can be done in your house).

Segment 6 Presenters introducing the interview with the health nurse.

Segment 7 Interview (with the Mrs Stewart – health nurse and her team)

Segment 8 Introduction of the next segment – Gym (introduced by the presenters)

Segment 9 Footage of people exercising in the gym (voice over's and cutaways of an
interview with Rocky the gym owner).

Segment 10 Introduction to Ballet and Basketball as two other forms of physical exercise
people may enjoy (introduced by the presenters – still in the gym)

Segment 11 Ballet footage (Voice over of presenters – skills and strength of ballet)
Segment 12 Interview with Kaydian and Liberty – Their views of teen and exercise and what
ballet does for them)

Segment 14 Presenters – wrap up and sign off

Profile of Target audience
AGE – 16-24 years old
-The BBC producers want this documentary to target people of this age group.

-The content of my documentary will appeal to them (e.g. giving tips on quick and easy ways to exercise
daily without taking up a lot of their time).

GENDER – Male and Female

-Targeting both genders allows a wider ranged audience.

- I will display examples of physical activities that appeal more to females (e.g. Dance) or more to males
(e.g. Rugby).

LOCATION – United Kingdom

- I am filming in the UK so this documentary will mainly appeal to people living in the UK.

- In my documentary I will use British athletes as examples of sports icons.

EDUCATION – Students (Year 11, sixth form, college and University)

-They will benefit from this documentary as it shows them how they can exercise around their busy

-Demonstrations of quick and easy exercises.

DISPOSIBLE INCOME – Students who gain most of their money from parents, EMA or
university grants/loans.

-It will benefit them – showing them how keeping fit and healthy does not have to cost.

-I will include tips and pointers on quick exercises.

ETHNICITY – Any ethnicity

-Exercise is for everyone.

-To show this I will interview people of different races in my documentary.

SOCIAL ECONOMIC – Mainly group E as the majority of the audience are students.
- I will show the audience various ways of exercise for free and for a cost (e.g. a gym or a sports club).

INTERESTS – People who are interested in staying healthy (as well as other teenaged

-Fitness and exercise are ways to become/stay healthy. This documentary will help those who
are interested in staying healthy but need guidance.

-I will include tips of easy exercises that anyone can do.

OPINIONS (Political views) – People who feel that obesity and being unhealthy is on the rise.
- The documentary will give a lot of tips on exercise.

AMBITIONS - Become healthier

- The documentary is based on ways of becoming healthier.

MAINSTREAM – It does not focus on one particular audience.

Focus Group research – (For content and Audience)


What did I set out to find out?

-I wanted to find out how much young people my documentary would appeal to.
-I also wanted to find out what they thought of my fitness and exercise idea and what they thought I
could include in the content to make it appeal to everyone in the target audience.
Why was this method suitable for the research I was conducting?
-This method was suitable as it allowed me to get opinions from a range of teenagers.

(Primary source)
Key findings –
- Music in general is too much of a broad topic to cover.
- My audience may want information on healthy eating as well as exercise.
- The audience want more visual information and pointers.
Questionnaire research – (For content and Audience)

(Quantitative and Qualitative)

What did I set out to find out?

-I wanted to find out what the audiences views were on the idea of my documentary.
Why was this method suitable for the research I was conducting?
-It allowed me to gather information about my idea from a larger sample of people.
-It enabled me to find out more about my audience (e.g. their interests and hobbies).

(Primary source)
Key Findings –
-A lot of people think that the content of my documentary will be beneficial.
-Most people view exercising as positive.
-Healthy eating should be included in the content as it goes hand in hand with exercise.
Facts and Figures research – (For content)

(Quantitative and Qualitative)

What did I set out to find out?

-I set out to gather key information about my three specific topics (Music, teenage pregnancy and
fitness and exercise).
-(Gather facts, figure, statistics and any other relevant details)
Why was this method suitable for the research I was conducting?
-This method allowed me to gain a greater knowledge ad understanding of the three topics as I found
specific details about them.

(Secondary source)
Key findings –
-Risks of lack of exercise
-Ways exercise can be more enjoyable
-Facts and statistics of obesity in young people in the UK.
Textual Analysis research – (For content and Audience)


What did I set out to find out?

-I wanted to see different styles and conventions of documentaries similar to mine.
Why was this method suitable for the research I was conducting?
-This method was suitable as it allowed me to view other documentaries and think about the various
conventions used. I was able to pick out the elements of the documentaries that I liked (and possible
would use) and elements that I did not like.

(Secondary source)
Key Findings –
- Use of editing and use of camera shots can be used in a variety of ways for more visual appeal.
Equipment I will need…

Production stage
-Microphone (Boom Microphone)

Post production stage

-iMovie (Software)
-Logic or Photoshop (Software)

-Camera Person – Yasmin Falahat
-Assistant – Sarah Wakinshaw
Practical Viability
Contributors and Interviewees
Presenters - Jessie and David
Rocky - (Owner of LDG)
Helena Westwood - (Ballet teacher) – I will film her in a hall in the
community centre ‘Durning Hall’ in Forest gate.
Kadiyan and Liberty – (Street and Ballet dancers) – I will also interview
and film the in ‘Durning Hall’ community centre.
Mrs Stewart – (Health advisor) – I will film her in her office.

Where I will film

-I will film in LDG (Lions den gym), in a house, in a local park, in a ballet hall (Durning Hall
community centre), on a basketball court, in a doctors office and on the high street.
Props needed – Gym equipment
I may use Archive footage – Footage of athletes (such as Kelly Holmes) in the Olympics. – I
may need permission to use this footage.
Legal & Regulatory Considerations

BBC Editorial guidelines

Positively effect: “Truth and Accuracy”
-Gain enough relevant facts and information.
Positively effect: “Serving public interests”
-Keep the audience in mind.

Visually appealing
Media Law
Positively effect: “Privacy and Confidence”
-Respect the wishes of others.
Negatively effect: “Copyright”
-I have to make sure that I have permission to use
other sources (e.g. Music and video footage)

OFCOM’s Regulations
Negatively effect: “Secret filming”
-I can not secretly film others.
Positively effect: “Potential offensive material”
-Makes me more aware of what I am filming.
Commercial Viability
The Market
There are no current programmes that are similar to mine. Programmes such as “How to look
good naked” and “Fat Men can’t hunt” focus more on individuals that are less attractive or
unhealthy. My documentary will look to benefit any and everyone.

Travel – Oyster card (Free)
Amount of days I will need to film – 3-4 weeks

Distribution and Exhibition

Inform – Showing the importance of exercise even if you are healthy
Educate – Giving pointer and showing demonstrations of everyday exercises.
Entertain – Showing the audience how exercise does not have to be boring and we can have fun doing it.

Time and day of Broadcast – Thursday at 8pm – After ‘EastEnders’ and ‘Doctor Who’
What do you think of the structure of my running order?

Do I have enough information?

Is there anyone that you no that would be relevant for this


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