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Kawalan Jenayah

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Causes of Crime Punca-punca

Why does a person commit a crime?
What causes crime and deviance? (jenayah dan sisihan)
Are people basically good?
Why are some people violent and aggressive? (ganas dan

Are people motivated only by self-interest? ( didorong oleh

kepentingan diri sendiri)

Criminologists search for answers to those types of

questions. (masih kajian mengenai perkara tersebut

dilakukan olih pakar2 kriminoloji).

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Criminology Kriminologi kajian jenayah serta penjenayah

Criminology seeks to find the cause of crime and deviant

Crime (Jenayah)
violation of the criminal law for which there is no legal

Deviance (Sisihan / melencong)
Violation (melanggar) of social norms (norma / amalan

biasa) that specify appropriate or proper behavior under a

particular set of circumstances (often includes crime).
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Criminological Theory
Through the years, many theories have been

advanced to explain crime and deviance.

Theories posit relationships between events and things

Teori mengaitkan peristiwa2 dan benda2 yang tertentu

Once created, theories must be tested to determine validity.

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Theory Testing
Theory testing involves developing hypotheses based on

the theorys predictions. (Semua teori perlu diuji)

If the predictions are validated by observation, the

theory gains greater acceptability (ramalan disahkan

oleh pemerhatian)
Hypotheses (hipotesis kajian) are tested using research

methodsstandardized, systematic procedures.

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Goal of Research and Theory Building

To provide models that allow for a better understanding

of criminal behavior and that enhance the development

of strategies which allow us to address the problem of

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Categories of Theory of Crime

Explanations of criminal behavior (perlakuan jenayah) fall into eight

general categories.
Classical (traditional / conventional)
Biological berkaitan biologi
Psychobiological berkaitan psikologi dan biologi
Psychological berkaitan psikologi
Sociological berkaitan sosial
Social Process proses sosial
Conflict - konflik
Emergent (muncul)
Interdisciplinary theories, or integrated theories, could possibly be a
ninth category.

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Characteristics of Classical and

Neoclassical Theories
Basic Assumptions
Crime is caused by the individual exercise of free
will. ( dgn rela hati)
2. Pain and pleasure are the two central determinants
of human behavior. (kesakitan dan kesronokan)
3. Punishment is sometimes required to deter law
violators. (Hukuman diperlukan utk menghalang)
4. Crime prevention is possible through swift and
certain punishment, which offsets any gains to be
had through criminal behavior. (Pencegahan
Jenayah boleh dijaminkan menerusi hukuman
kadar segera)

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Classical School idea on Crime

The principle of Utilitarianism. The greatest happiness
Bentham says, "it is the greatest happiness of the greatest
number that is the measure of right and wrong"
(Maksud prinsip tsb adalah kebahagiaan yang paling besar
dinikmati olih jumlah terbesar masyarakat

adalah ukuran benar

dengan yang salah )

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Cesare Beccaria: Crime and Punishment

In 1784, Beccaria published Essays on Crimes and

Punishment. Beccaria:
Was considered controversial at the time.
Is referred to as the founder of the Classical School

of criminology (pengasas sekolah klasik)

Felt punishments should be more humanitarian.
Called for the end of physical punishment and the
death penalty. (hukuman fisikal dan hukuman
Believed that punishment should fit the crime and
not be excessive. (hukuman harus sesuai jenayah)
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Jeremy Benthams Hedonistic Calculus

hedonistik (menyeronokan diri)
Concept developed by Jeremy Bentham (17481832)
The exercise of free will would cause an individual to avoid

committing a crime as long as the punishment outweighed

the benefits (hukuman lebih berat dpd faedah/kesronokan)

Bentham called this philosophy utilitarianism.
Agreed with Beccaria that punishment had to be swift

and certain as well as just to be effective

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Neo-classical criminology







environment to decrease the opportunity for crime

rather than attempting to manipulate the offenders

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The Neoclassical Perspective

Neoclassical criminology is rooted in the

classical school.
Places greater emphasis on rationality and

cognition (memikir) than classical criminologists

Rational choice theory (pilihan secara rasional)
Routine activities theory ( aktiviti rutin/biasa)
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The Neoclassical Perspective

Rational choice theory holds that criminality is the result

of conscious choice.
Individuals commit crime when the benefits outweigh the

Routine activities theory holds that lifestyles contribute to

the volume and type of crime found in society.

Crime is likely to occur when a motivated offender and a

suitable target come together in absence of a capable


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Social Policy and Classical Theories


theories form the basis of many

criminal justice programs.

High crime rates call for punishment to get even

and to prevent future crime.

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Characteristics of Biological Theories

Basic Assumptions

Human behavior is constitutionally or genetically



Basic determinants of human behavior may be

passed from generation to generation.


Some behavior is the result of propensities inherited

from more primitive developmental stages in the

evolutionary process.
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Franz Joseph Gall (1758-1828): Phrenology

Phrenology, study of the shape of the head and its

relationship to human behavior, focused on the head

and brain in what Gall called cranioscopy.
The brain is the organ of the mind.
The brain consists of localized faculties or functions.

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Franz Joseph Gall (1758-1828): Phrenology

The shape of the skull reveals underlying

development (or lack of development) of areas

within the brain.
A personality can be revealed by a study of the


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Cesare Lombroso
(1835-1909): Atavism
Lombrosothe founder of the Positivist School of

criminologyborrowed the term atavism from the

work of Charles Darwin.
Atavism implies that people are born criminals and are

characterized by features thought to be common in earlier

stages of human evolution.
Examples of stigmata: long arms, large lips, crooked nose,
large amount of body hair, eyes of different colors, ears
lack defined lobes, etc

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Characteristics of Psychobiological
Focus is on the relationship of the

following to

criminal behavior:
1. DNA
2. environmental contaminants
3. nutrition
4. hormones

5. physical trauma
6. body chemistry in human cognition and behavior
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Chromosome Theory
The links between chromosomes and crime were

first explored in the 1960s.

1965Patricia Jacobs discovered supermales,

men with an extra Y chromosome (XYY). She

found that supermales were more common in
prisons than in the general public.

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Chromosome Theory
Other studies found that XYY males were more

aggressive than other males and had a number of

specific physical and psychological traits.
Later studies disputed many of these findings.

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Biochemical Factors and Imbalances


attempts to link violent or

disruptive behavior to eating habits, vitamin

deficiencies, genetics, and other conditions which
impact body tissues.
For example, some studies have linked crime to:
Allergic reactions to foods
High levels of caffeine and sugar
Testosterone levels
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Heredity and Other Physical Factors

Adoption and twin studies have shown:

Children adopted at birth have shown a tendency

toward criminality of biological parents.

Identical twins separated at birth indicate that they
exhibit a greater similarity in terms of criminality
than do fraternal twins.

and Herrnstein (1985) argue that

inherited traits combine with environmental
factors to produce crime.
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Social Policy and Biological Theories

Policies look to modify body chemistry to

change behavior.
Example: Medication

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Characteristics of Psychological Theories

The individual is the main unit of analysis.
2. Personality is the major motivational element.
3. Crimes result from inappropriately conditioned
4. Abnormal
have a number of causes.

Diseased mind
Inappropriate learning
Improper conditioning

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Behavioral Conditioning
Behavioral conditioning is a psychological principle

which holds that the frequency of any behavior can







punishment, and/or association with other stimuli.

This was popularized through the work of Ivan

Pavlov (18491936) whose work with dogs won him a

Nobel Prize.
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Freudian Psychoanalysis

Sigmund Freud (18561939) identified three

elements of the personality:







Psychoanalysis sees personality as a complex

composite of interacting mental elements.
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Freudian Psychoanalysis
Crime can result from:
A weak superego
Sublimation/dislike of ones mother
The death wish

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Psychopathology and Crime


studies pathological mental

conditions (mental illness).
PsychopathDefining characteristic is the
inability to imagine how other think and feel
It is possible for the psychopath to inflict pain
without appreciation for the victims suffering.
Psychopathic people are likely to become criminal
at some point.

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Causes of Psychopathy
Causes are unclear
1.Somatogenic causes

malfunctioning central
nervous system brain abnormalities
2.Psychogenic causes
Rooted in early interpersonal experiences

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The Psychotic Offender

Psychosis is another form of mental disorder.

Psychotics are people who are said to be out of touch with

Some psychotics are classified as
schizophrenicpeople with disordered or disjointed

thinking in which they make abnormal logical

connections between things.

Psychosis can lead to crime.
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Psychological Profiling
An attempt to derive a composite picture of an

offenders social and psychological characteristics

Taken from the crime committed and the manner in

which it was committed

New area includes hostage negotiation

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Social Policy and Psychological Theories

Policies are primarily individualistic and oriented

toward individualized treatment and therapy







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Characteristics of Sociological Theories

social institutions,
arrangement of society, and social roles are all
appropriate for study.
2. Group dynamics, group organization, and
subgroup relationships form the causal basis of
3. The structure of society and the relative degree
of social organization or social disorganization
are important factors contributing to criminal

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Characteristics of Sociological Theories

Particular sociological theories may give greater or

lesser weight to:

The clash of norms and values among variously

socialized groups
Socialization and the process of association between

The existence of subcultures and varying types of

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Social Ecology Theory

In the 1920s, Park and Burgess mapped








They developed the Concentric Zone Theory.

Concentric zones are likened to a bulls eye with the center

of the city being the target.

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Social Ecology Theory

Shaw and McKay related this theory to crime.
Crime increased as one moved towards center of

the city, with the highest crime rates in the zone

of transition, where there was a lot of poverty,

illiteracy, lack of schooling, unemployment, and

illegitimacy (social disorganization).

Social disorganization leads to crime.
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Anomie Theory
Emile Durkheim (18581917) introduced the term

anomie (normlessness) in the late 1800s.

Robert K. Merton (19102003) defined anomie as a

disjuncture between societal goals and legitimate

He developed a typology of adaptations.

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Anomie Theory - Characters


goals and means

(law abiding)
Innovatoraccepts goals, rejects means
(property/white-collar offenses)
Retreatestrejects both goals and means
(addiction/victimless crimes)
Ritualistrejects goals, accepts means
(repetitive/mundane lifestyle)
Rebelrejects goals and means and
substitutes his own goals and means
(political crime)

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Sub-cultural Theory
Cohen (b. 1918)reaction formation, lower class

youths rejection of middle class values, leads to the

development of gangs and reinforces the subculture.
MillerLower class priority concerns of trouble,






autonomy lead to crime.

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Subcultural Theory
Cloward and Ohlin proposed that an illegitimate

opportunity structure allows delinquent youths to

achieve success outside of legitimate ways.
Wolfgang and Ferracuti coined the term subculture

of violence after examining homicide rates in

Philadelphia in the 1950s.
Here, violence is a traditional, and often accepted, method

of dispute resolution.
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Social Policy and Sociological Theories

Social programs are instituted to change cultural

conditions and societal arrangements that lead

people into crime.

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Characteristics of Social Process Theories

They highlight the role of social learning
They are often the most attractive to policymakers
They are consistent with popular cultural and

religious values

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Differential Association
Edwin Sutherland (1883-1950), in his third

edition of

Principles of Criminology (1939),

viewed crime as a product of socialization.

Crime is learned.

It is learned by the same

principles that guide learning of law abiding

behavior of conformists.

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Principles of Differential Association

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Social Process Theories

Social Learning Theory:
a perspective that says people learn how to behave

from others whom they have the opportunity to


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Social Learning Theory

Ronald L. Akers and Robert L. Burgess applied

learning theory constructs to the theory of

differential association.
Their theory of differential reinforcement is called

social learning theory.

Primary learning takes place through operant conditioning.

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Restraint Theories
Restraint theories focus on Constraintsthose forces

that keep people from committing crimes.

Contrasts other theories that look to why people

commit crimes.

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Containment Theory

One restraint theory, offered by Walter Reckless

(1899-1988) is containment theory.

There are two types of Containment:


Outerelements outside of individual (friends, law,

family, social position) control behavior.


Innerthose elements psychological in nature

(conscience, positive self-image, tolerance) control

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Social Control Theory

Travis Hirschi emphasized the bond between







operative mechanism

Elements of the social bond include:


Attachment (to others)


Commitment (to appropriate lifestyles)


Involvement (in conventional values)


Belief (in correctness of rules of society)

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Techniques of Neutralization

In Techniques of Neutralization (1957), Gresham Sykes

and David Matza developed rationalizations that allow
offenders to shed feelings of guilt and responsibility

The techniques are:


Denial of responsibility


Denial of injury


Denial of victim


Condemnation of condemners


Appeal to higher loyalties

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Labeling Theory
Labeling theory sees continued crime as a consequence

of the limited opportunities for acceptable behavior that

follow from the negative responses of society for those
defined as offenders.
First introduced by Frank Tannenbaum (1938)
Focused on societys power to define an act or individual

as bad
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Labeling Theory
In 1963, Howard Becker suggested that:
a. Criminality is not a quality inherent in the act or

the person.
b.Crime results from social definition through law of
unacceptable behavior.
c. Deviance is created by society.

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The Life Course Perspective

Social development theories represent an integrated

view of human development that points to the







individuals and society as the root cause of criminal


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The Life Course Perspective

An example, put forth in 1993 by Sampson and Laub, is

the life course perspective.

Crime is linked to turning points in ones life.
Turning points are transitional periods during which one

can either walk toward or away from crime.

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Characteristics of Conflict Theory

Conflict perspective: maintains that crime is

the natural consequence of economic and other

social inequities.
Key elements are:
1. Society is composed of diverse social groups.
2. Conflict among groups is unavoidable because of differing

interests and differing values.

3. Group conflict centers on exercise of political power.
4. Laws further the interests of the lawmakers.

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Radical Criminology
Radical criminology sees crime as produced by

the unequal distribution of wealth, power, and

other resources.
Poverty and discrimination leads to frustration and

pent-up hostilities expressed through crime.

Karl Marx (18181883) assumed lower classes

are always exploited by the owners of the

means of production.
False class consciousnessthe poor are trained to

believe that capitalism is in their best interest.

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Peacemaking Criminology
Peacemaking criminology holds that crime control

agencies and citizens should work together to

alleviate social problems and human suffering, and
thereby reduce crime.
Rooted in both western and eastern philosophies.








Popularized by Richard Quinney and Hal Pepinsky.
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Social Policy and Conflict Theories

Many suggest that the only real way to produce

change is through revolution.

Modern thinkers believe that we need a middleof-the-road solution, as revolution is unlikely to
occur in the U.S. Such solutions include:

Increasing job opportunities

Reducing prison overcrowding
Prosecuting corporate crimes
Restructuring the bail system
Promoting community corrections

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Feminist Criminology
Feminist criminology emphasizes gender issues

and seeks to develop appreciation of the role of

women in crime causation, victimization, and
crime control.
Rita SimonWomen and Crime (1975) and Freda Adler

Sisters in Crime (1975)

Explain differences in gender crime rates as due primarily to

socialization rather than biology

Kathleen Daly and Meda Chesney-Lind

Emphasizes need for a gender-aware criminology

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Constitutive Criminology
Constitutive criminology studies the process by which

people create an ideology of crime that sustains the notion

of crime as a concrete reality.
George Herbert Meads symbolic interaction theory
William Thomas
An acts significance depends on the intentions behind it

and the situation in which it is interpreted.

Stuart Henry and Dragan Milovanovic
People shape their world while also being shaped by it.
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Postmodern Criminology
Postmodern criminology includes a wide variety of

recent, novel perspectives of crime that build upon

the belief that past approaches fail to realistically
assess the true causes of crime and provide workable
solutions to crime.

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Postmodern Criminology

Chaos analysis
Discourse analysis
Topology theory

Critical theory
Realist criminology
Constitutive theory

Anarchic criminology

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