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The future tense

work presented by: Walter porras

Juan Sebastin parra


I shall buy a book on money. - Me comprar
un libro sobre dinero

They will play football again very soon. -
Jugarn al ftbol muy pronto otra vez.

eimy, I will always love you. - eimy, siempre
te querr.

I will not (won't) go to the cinema with
them. - No ire al cine con ellos

We will not (won't) stay in that hotel
ever again. - No nos alojaremos en ese
hotel nunca ms

Will you go abroad some time? - Irs
al extranjero alguna vez?

Will they finish that course they
started? - Terminarn ese curso que
Uses continuous future

Actions that will take place in the future and at
the point in time to which we refer, continue to
develop. Not always mentioned in the prayer
time in the future.
We will be watching TV. Estaremos viendo

Tonight we will be watching TV. Esta noche
estaremos viendo televisin.

She will be visiting me. Me estar visitando.

She will be visiting me on Sunday. Me
estar visitando el domingo.

i will traveled to guatemale in the car. yo
viajare a guatemala en el carro.
There are two basic ways to create the future
in English. The first is to use the word "will"
before the infinitive, eg "I will run", meaning "I
will run." The second is to put "going to"
followed, as in "will", the infinitive, but also
should be placed before "going to" the verb "to
be" conjugate, eg "I am going to run "that
would be" I will run. "The former is generally
used when an action is decided upon and
promises, while the second is more related to
intentions and plans.

Sarah: These bags are heavy (Estas bolsas
son pesadas)

Tom: I will help you (Te ayudar)
Sarah: I am going to buy food tomorrow
(Comprar alimento maana)

For denial simply the word "not" is added. In
the case of "will" is placed in front ("I will not
help you") and "going to" back ("I am 'not'
going to").

Will be abbreviated as' ll, for example: I'll help
you. I'll - I will you'll - you will she'll - she will
he'll - he will we'll - we will they'll - they will.

Will not abbreviated as will won't, for example,
I won't help you.
Used to indicate the duration of an
action. Expresses an action that will
end at some point in the future.

Sujeto + futuro de "to have" +

They will have written the novel by
next month. Ellos habrn escrito la
novela para el mes que entra.

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