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Procesos para Producir Pelculas o Recubrimientos

Conversin qumica
Anodizado electroltico
Enriquecimiento superficial
Recubrimientos por difusin
Depsito a partir de tomos
Depsito a partir de partculas
Recubrimientos en volumen
Modificacin superficial
Medio electroltico
Electroless plating
Electrlisis de sales fundidas
Evaporacin en vacio
Ion beam depsosition
Molecular beam epitaxy
Ion plating
Vapor quimico
Chemical Vapor Deposition
Liquid phase epitaxy
Thermal Spraying
Procesos en hmedo
Hot Dip (inmersin en caliente)
Spray electrosttico
Recubrimiento por giro
Recubrimiento por explosin
Unin por laminacin
Recubrimiento por soldadura
Hot Dip (inmersin en caliente)
Aluminio zinc (55 %Al)
Metales de bajo punto de fusin
Es un proceso en el cual
una capa adherente y
protectora de Zn y
compuestos de Zn se
desarrolla sobre la
superficie de productos de
acero y fundicin como
resultado de la inmersin
en un bao de Zn fundido.

Durante el galvanizado,
el Zn fundido reacciona
con con el Fe o con el
acero para formar una
serie de capas de
aleacin Fe/Zn y una
capa ms externa de Zn
El proceso de galvanizado consiste de 4 etapas fundamentales:
La etapa de preparacin consiste en eliminar polvo, grasa y xidos de la
La etapa de prefluxing sirve para disolver cualquier xido superficial despus
de la etapa de limpieza y previene la formacin posterior.
La etapa de galvanizado consiste en la inmersin en el bao de Zn fundido
La etapa de terminado incluye enfriemiento, eliminacin del Zn en exceso e

Limpieza superficial
El recubrimiento de zinc protege la superficie del acero contra
la corrosin, mediante dos mecanismos
a) asla la superficie del acero de la atmsfera
b) el recubrimiento de zinc se sacrifica, el mismo, de forma
lenta debido a que es ms electronegativo que el hierro o
el acero. Esta proteccin continua tanto tiempo como
exista zinc en el rea inmediata.

Limpieza superficial

La limpieza superficial es la etapa ms
importante en cualquier proceso de
recubrimiento superficial.

El zinc simplemente no reacciona con la
superficie del acero si este no esta
adecuadamente limpio

Limpieza alcalina

Solucin de limpieza alcalina (65 - 82 C)

eliminacin de grasas y aceites


cido sulfrico (3-10 %; 60 - 80 C)
cido clorhdrico (5-15 %; 60 - 80 C)

eliminacin de xidos


En esta etapa se remueve la delgada capa
de xidos formados despus del
enjuague en la etapa de limpieza y
previene la formacin adicional de xidos
antes de que el acero se sumerja en el
bao de zinc fundido.


(455 C)

Proceso de galvanizado en seco

El acero se sumerge y se saca en una
solucin acuosa de cloruro de amonio-zinc,
entonces se seca esta solucin y despus
se introduce al bao de zinc fundido.

Proceso de galvanizado en hmedo

La solucin acuosa de cloruro de amonio-
zinc flota sobre el bao de zinc fundido y la
superficie del acero es humedecida por la
solucin, justo antes de tener contacto con
el zinc.

En esta etapa se remueve la delgada capa
de xidos formados despus del
enjuague en la etapa de limpieza y
previene la formacin adicional de xidos
antes de que el acero se sumerja en el
bao de zinc fundido.


Zinc fundido (445 465 C)
tiempo: 1 5 min.

Aluminio Fundido (700 C)
tiempo: 3 10 seg.

KCl (35 37 %)
NaCl (35 45 %) tiempo: 3 - 5 min.
(0.5 12 %) temp: 720 C
(8 20 %)


Aluminio 55% y zinc 45% (600 C)

Zinc has a self-healing mechanism in it. The zinc coating sacrifices itself slowly by galvanic action to protect the base
steel. This sacrificial action continues as long as any zinc remains in the immediate area.
Zinc melts at 787 F (420 C), and boils at 1,665 F (907 C).
Zinc comprises an estimated 0.004% of the Earth's crust.
Zinc ranks 25th in order of material abundance in the Earth.
Zinc is essential for the growth and development of almost all life: between 1.4 and 2.3 grams of zinc are to be found in
the average, healthy adult.
Zinc is found everywhere in daily life: in every cell of the human body, in the earth, in the food we eat and in products
we use (sunblock, automobiles, cosmetics, airplanes, appliances, surgical tools, zinc lozenges).
Children need zinc for growth. Adults need zinc for reproduction and good health.
The U.S. Recommended Daily Allowance is 15 milligrams of zinc.
Zinc is 100% recyclable. Over 80% of the zinc available for recycling is currently recycled.
More than one-third of the zinc consumed in North America is produced from recycled materials.
The U.S. penny is 98 percent zinc, with a copper coating.
Recently, zinc is found to enhance eyesight, preventing the onset of macular degeneration.
Due to the long lifespan of most zinc-coated products like galvanized steel, which in some cases may last
maintenance-free for over 100 years, much of the zinc produced in the past is still in use, constituting a valuable and
sustainable resource of zinc for generations.
Zinc occurs naturally in the earth, air and foods you eat; it is the second most common trace metal, after iron, naturally
found in the body.
Zinc is the third most used nonferrous metal (after aluminum and copper), of which the U.S. consumes more than one
million metric tons annually; the average person will use 730 pounds of zinc in his or her lifetime, according to the U.S.
Bureau of Mines.
Zinc is primarily used as a coating on iron and steel to protect against corrosion, which costs nearly $300 billion
Zinc makes the average automobile last longer--17 pounds of zinc protect it from rust, 20 pounds are used to make
zinc die-cast parts like door handles and locks, and each tire contains about 1/2 pound of zinc, needed to cure rubber.
Zinc is essential to your health, boosting the immune system, helping cells to grow, regulating appetite and healing
wounds; zinc lozenges can even cut short the common cold.
Zinc is a natural insect repellent and sun screen, protecting lips and skin.
Zinc can store six times as much energy per pound as other battery systems, increasing the range of electric vehicles;
zinc-air batteries have powered cars to speeds of 120 mph.
Zinc combined with copper makes brass

Galvanizing is the practice of immersing clean, oxide-free iron or steel into molten zinc in order to form a zinc
coating that is metallurgically bonded to the iron or steel's surface. The zinc coating protects the surface against
corrosion by providing protection to the iron or steel in two ways.
It shields the base metal from the atmosphere
Because it is more electronegative than iron or steel, the zinc gives cathodic or sacrificial protection.
Even if the surface becomes scratched and the base metal is exposed, the zinc is slowly consumed while the iron
or steel remains protected from corrosion.
The hot dip galvanizing process is adaptable to coating nearly all types of fabricated and non-fabricated products
such as wire, tanks, sheets, strip, pipes and tubes, fittings, hardware, wire cloth, hollow-ware, and structural

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