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Did you know that consuming sweet soft-drinks or sports

drinks can increase the risk of dehydration. This is
because sweet drinks are likely to cause nausea or
stomach upset when consumed in large quantities
causing people to reduce their intake of electrolytes and
fluids. Fatigue caused by being in high temperatures
also causes people to consume less.
Another risk is when people over-consume fluids and
dilute the electrolytes in the body.
It is important to consume a balance of water and
electrolyte supplements. Ensure that you are adequately
prepared for the summer months and always closely
monitor yourselves and others when spending long parts
of the day outside.

The Ministerial Resolution 443 of 2010 was issued on the 22
of this month. It defines the working
hours for outdoor activities during the summer months. This year the Midday Break has been
extended by 1 month. It will run from June 15 to September 15. Workers will have a rest between
12.30pm and 3.00pm and employers will be obliged to provide cold drinking water, hydration
supplements and shades. The working hours must be posted on site clearly in the relevant languages.
Recently on one construction site a communication
cable was found buried close to the surface. The
owner of the cable could not be identified and so it
was backfilled and marked. The foreman instructed
the excavator operator to remove some of the sand
from the top of the cable with care, but he excavated
too deeply and damaged the cable. The owners were
eventually identified and cable and was repaired.
In this case, the wrong tools were used for the job.
Heavy machinery should not have been used for this
task as it is difficult to control and manoeuvre. For
jobs that require care and control, it is best to use
manual labour. It may take longer, but the risk of
damage is significantly reduced. If in doubt, consult
with the site engineer. A risk assessment should
always be conducted.

Excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation is the leading
cause of skin-cancer. As the temperatures start to
increase drastically for the summer it is important to note
that the UV levels also increase.
Protect yourself with sunscreen, and wear hats and long
sleeves if you intend to be in the sun for long periods of
time. Even if you have a dark skin tone you are not
protected from harmful UV rays. It has been shown that
no amount of UV radiation is good for you and it causes
premature ageing. If you have children, ensure they are
protected with a high-factor sunscreen (Recommended
50+) before they go outside. Children are far more
vulnerable to UV radiation than adults so make sure they
stay indoors for the hottest part of the day.

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