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Ethical IQ Test

You are a newly hired junior executive in a large manufacturing firm. The
business conference you have been attending on behalf of your firm for the last
two days in over. You had planned to fly home, but a couple of friends you’ve
made at the conference are driving back by car and have invited you to ride
with them. It would be a five-hour drive instead of a two-hour flight, but they
would drop you at your doorstep. It would be stimulating to ride back with your
new friends and it might benefit the company. You reason that the additional
travel time would be out of your pocket, so to speak, not the firm’s. You decide
to drive back with you new colleagues. You toss Rs. 100 into the refueling kitty
during the midpoint pit stop.

Q. Would you cash in the return flight

ticket and keep the money? NO Depends YES
Ethical IQ Test

You have a strict code of ethics in your office regarding employee
appropriation of office supplies. The most competent and longest-
tenured secretary is caught by you, the secretary’s boss, taking
typewriter ribbons and erasure tapes home in a briefcase. There is
a rule against this as well as a clearly established procedure for
providing employees with supplies if they do company’s work at
home. The code requires you to fire the secretary on the spot

Q. Would you make an exception for

this loyal worker? NO Depends YES
Ethical IQ Test


A friend at work asks whether you’d like a take-home

copy of an expensive computer software program. You

know it is protected by copyright.

Q. Would you let your friend make a

copy for you? NO Depends YES
Ethical IQ Test

You are the senior vice president for public relations in a
large multinational corporation. One of your long-time
friends in the marketing department confides to you that
the boss is subtly suggesting that sales representatives
give misleading information to prospective clients about a
particular product. Your friend is very upset about it and
wants your advice.

Q. Would you encourage your friend

to follow the boss’s suggestion? NO Depends YES
Ethical IQ Test

You are a marketing professional in a medium – sized midwestern
city. Three months ago you set up your own company. Your first
big client wants to promote throughout your region a passive
exercise machine. The home office in Texas claims the device is
“scientifically proven to take off pounds easily and quickly”. The
manufacturing firm does not have a national reputation and despite
your repeated requests, has been unable to provide you with any
scientific proof of its claims.

Q. Would you continue serving this

firm as a client without the
NO Depends YES
scientific proof?
Ethical IQ Test

You are the Director of research and development in your firm. The
Personnel Officer has found two candidates for a vacant position in
new product testing in your department. The better qualified
candidate with more potential for promotion and future contribution
to the organization appears to be rather cold and aloof and will
likely clash with your personality. The less qualified candidate is
your personal choice,even though the company will not be as well

Q. Would you choose the less

qualified candidate? NO Depends YES
Ethical IQ Test

You are the Product Manager for one of your firm’s largest
dollar volume brands. You know that your product will soon
be challenged by an improved version from a strong, well-
financed competitor. One of your vendors offer to provide you
with a confidential copy of the competitors strategic
marketing plan. No price for the copy is mentioned.

Q. Would you utilize this vital

information to help your brand? NO Depends YES
Ethical IQ Test
You have recently accepted the top marketing position at a new
company. One of your first assignments is to approve an all expenses-
paid trip for the senior purchasing officer of one of your largest client
firms. The four-day seminar in the Caribbean, sponsored solely by your
company, would include first-class airline tickets for client and spouse,
a three-day cruise following the seminar, plus a $ 500 honorarium. You
know that this particular company does not have a written conflict-of-
interest policy. You also know that your new boss is very eager to have
this purchasing officer of the seminar.

Q. Would you authorize the

expenditure for this client? NO Depends YES
Ethical IQ Test
You serve as an outside member on the audit committee of the board
of directors of a major pharmaceutical company that markets new
drugs through practicing physicians. You have secretly learnt that your
research department has developed an abortion pill that appears to be
100 percent safe and effective. However, it has been repeatedly
rumored that your Chief Executive Officer will not let this product be
brought to market because of deep religious convictions. Millions of
dollars of potential revenue and profits will be lost.

Q. Would you let this secret decision

of your CEO go unchallenged? NO Depends YES
Ethical IQ Test

You happen to overhear a couple of engineers in your company
discussing a radically new product that your colleagues in upper
management are anxious to see hit the market on schedule. You
accidentally learn that the engineers are also quite concerned about
some design flaws that could be harmful to product users, although
the probabilities are very remote.

Q. Since you are not directly

responsible for his product,
would you completely ignore
NO Depends YES
their comments?
Total up the number of times you circled each
No. Depends, or yes in the space provided.
Take the highest number in only one of the
three categories, multiply it by 100, and then
divide by 5.

This is your ethical IQ

Average is 100 perfect score is 200.

What the categories mean:

A high number in No
- Kind of a person who always acts ethically

-Confidence in your intrinsic sense of

-what is good and true
 You are first to cry out against
unfairness or injustice
 You would not authorize the lavish
Expenses for Caribbean Seminar
 You would ‘ blow the whistle” on
the ethically timed engineers
You would not let the secret decision
of the CEO go unchallenged regarding
the abortion pill

 As a purist, you bring ethical

stability and high standards to the
groups of which you are an integral

A high number in the Yes

-Willing to breakrules if they seem silly
-You believe you are doing right and your
right is short term consequences
-Some may call you as ‘self centered’.
-Purists will call you ‘greedy’ ambitions
 You may ignore the rules in respect
of Q2
 the secretary - code of ethics are
for others
 As an expedient manager you may in
reply to Q7. ask a copy of software
 As an expedient person your response will
reflect your age, your ambition, the competitive
intensity. You ethical contribution to groups and
organisations is excitement and enthusiasm
 You tend to be a loner
 You are economically motivated, probably rich
but lonely
 You are capable of risky ethical decision some of
which could be disastrous.

-A high number of ‘depends’

-- likely to feel conscience ridden
-You may appear to the ethically
insecure since people judge by actions
and you are passive
 In Q4 you would take a long time to
answer as senior VP PR about misleading

 You may answer Q6 on hiring the person

on think though
 You response to Q3 regarding software
think through on a no of factors
 As a ‘depends’ person in the group
thoughtfully reasoned temperate
ethical leadership

 You can bring extremes to center-

you are less vocal –serve as ethical

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