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Business and Technical

Report Writing
What is a report?
A Re p or t i s a n a c c ount of s ome t hi n g i t i s us ua l l y a n
a ns we r t o a que s t i on or a de ma nd f r om s ome ot he r
pe r s on f or i nf or ma t i on .
A r e po r t i s a c ommuni c a t i on f r om s ome o ne wh o ha s
i nf or ma t i o n, t o s ome one wh o wa nt s t o us e t ha t
i nf or ma t i on .
A t e c hni c a l r e por t i s a wr i t t e n s t a t e me nt of t h e f a c t s of
a s i t ua t i on , pr oj e c t , pr oc e s s , or t e s t ; how t he s e f a c t s
we r e a s c e r t a i ne d ; t he i r s i g n i f i c a nc e ; t h e c onc l us i on t h a t
ha v e be e n dr a wn f r o m t he m; t h e r e c omme nda t i ons t ha t
a r e be i ng ma de .
A Report is a formal communication written for a specific
purpose; it includes a description of procedures followed for
collection and analysis of data, their significance, the
conclusions drawn from them, and recommendations if

As defined by Shearing and Christian:
A report is like a bathing suit It covers everything that has
to be covered but nothing more

A business report is an orderly and objective presentation of
information, that helps in decision making and problem

Features of a Report
It is a formal statement of facts or information or an account of something.
It is presented in a conventional form to meet a specific need or requirement.
It is not an outburst of powerful feelings or an expression of recollected emotions, nor
is it written because one feels an irresistible urge to unburden ones heart.
Report writer presents data very objectively.
Subjective judgements and recommendations should be based on data.
It is written for a specific audience.
In includes information about the procedure of collecting data and the significance of
such data.
It includes conclusions reached by the writer.
It often includes recommendations.
The conclusions and recommendations are strictly based on facts included in the
It does not distract attention from the content by unnecassary frills.
It needs to be precise and clear.

A report varies in purpose, length, format and complexity:

Purpose: (a) to inform (b) analyze (c) persuade
Eg of Informative report: a report on company policies and
procedures, sales report, monthly departmental reports,
project reports showing progress on projects.
Eg of Informative and Analytical report: research reports such
as market research reports based on surveys.

Length, format & complexity:
purpose of the report determines the length, format and

Report quality is affected by quality and accuracy of the data.

Types of Reports
Oral Report: is a piece of Face-to- face communication about something
seen or observed. Saves reporters time but more time-consuming for the
receiver as he has to listen to every word of the report.

Written Report:
More accurate and permanent.
More formal in nature than an oral report.
Formal or informal in nature.

Egs. of Informal written report: the manager of a firm writing a report giving
his assessment of the working of the branches he visits on a tour. Written
in the form of a memorandum ranging from a few lines to several pages.

Business Reports may also be classified based on several criteria:
(1) Use: progress reports, financial reports
(2) Purpose: informational, analytical and persuasive reports
(3) Frequency of preparation: annual, monthly, weekly etc
(4) Length: short and long reports

Formal reports are classified into three broad categories:
(i) Informational (ii) Interpretive (iii) routine

Informational report:
Result of an analysis, investigation of a problem, survey of a situation, or a piece
of research.
Contains only the data collected or the facts observed in an organised form.
Presents the situation as it is and not as it should be.
Does not contain conclusion or recommendation.
It is useful because it presents relevant data put together in a form in which it is
required by the management to take decision.

Interpretive Report:
Result of an analysis, investigation of a problem, survey of a situation, or a
piece of research.
Like an informational report contains facts but it also includes an evaluation or
interpretation or analysis of data and the reporters conclusions. It may also
have recommendations for actions.
It consists principally of recommendations and is also called a
recommendation or recommendatory report.

Routine Report:
Written usually for recording routine matters at regular intervals
Are formal in nature, contain information and sometimes recommendations
It is of the following types:
Progress report
Laboratory Report
Inspection report
Inventory report
Annual confidential reports on employees.

1. Periodic Reports: reports that are prepared on a regular basis, for both
internal and external audiences. Their purpose is solely to inform.
Eg: Routine management reports equipment reports, sales updates
Compliance reports: submitted to external stakeholders, such as government, stating
compliance with regulations such as environmental norms.
Progress report: prepared for both internal audience such as top management and shareholders,
as well as for external audiences such as customers. Eg: a project report stating progress on a
long-term project.
2. Proposals: their purpose is to persuade. Internal & external audience
Eg: research proposals, marketing strategy proposals to top management, proposals to the
government to grant funds for building a research facility, proposals to customers to buy a
companys products.
3. Policies and procedures: their purpose is solely to inform. Prepared only for
internal audience.
Eg: reports on companys policies /procedures written by top management and sent to all employees.

4. Situational reports: one-time, exceptional reports that are prepared when a unique event
occurs. Purpose is to inform, analyze and perusade.
Eg: if sales of the company has shown a significant decline, a market feasibility study report carried
out before a product launch.

1. Cover
2. Frontispiece
3. Title Page (obligatory)
4. Copyright Notice
5. Forwarding Letter
6. Preface
7. Acknowledgement
8. Table of content
9. List of illustrations
10. Abstract and summary OR
Main Body
11. Introduction (obligatory)
12. Discussion or description
13. Conclusion
14. Recommendations
Back Matter
15. Appendices
16. List of references
17. Bibliography
18. Glossary
19. Index
20. N.B. : only long formal reports are
likely to contain all the elements.

Usually made of white or some soft neutral coloured card.
Protects the manuscript from damage and gives the report a neat
Write/ get typed (A) The title of the report
(B) Its number if any
(C) The date
(D) The classification (secret/ top secret/
confidential etc
(E) The name of the author and the
authority for whom the report is written.
Generally appears in bound reports meant for wide circulation.
Uses photographs, maps, artistic drawings etc.



APRIL 2008
Title Page
Contains the following information:
(A) sub-title (B) Name of the author
(c) Name of the authority for whom the report was written
(D) contract, project or job number
(E) Approvals (f) distribution list
(g) Name and designation of approving authority/officer

Take care to:
Setting the items on the page symmetrically.
Proper grouping of items and spacing
Follow prescribed format if there exist any of the company.
Allow 1 margin on all four sides and about extra on the left
side for binding.

Report number 3068


A Report

Prepared for:
Mr. William Johnson
Western Savings and loan association

Prepared by:
Donald McDonald
Research Associate
Indian Market Research Organization, Bangalore
April 1

Approved by
Sri Navrooz khan, Senior Manager
Copyright Notice
Given on the inside of the title page as:
2001 Ram Gopal Shewde
Sometimes the following note is added:
All rights reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced in any form or by
any means without permission in writing from the publisher.

Forwarding Letter
(1) Covering: written for the primary recipient of the report. Serves as a record
of transmission of the report. It is not bound with the report as it does not
contain any important information.
(2) Introductory: written for the primary recipient of the report. Serves the
same function as a preface. Written by an authority/expert in the field
commending the work done
Day-to-day reports rarely have a forward letter.
1. Introduces the report, not the subject-matter of the report.
2. Preface should not be confused with the foreward.

Dear Mr. Johnson,

Here is the report of the study you requested, on the feasibility of opening a branch
office in the city of Bangalore.

A study of the social and economic factors of the community, an anlysis of savings
patterns and of the potential competition, indicates that an additional savings and
loan branch office could be accompanied in Bangalore.

I hope this report will assist you in making a decision. Please let me know, should you
wish to discuss the report in any way.

Donald Mcdonald
Research Associate
Dear Secretary of State, 9 September 2001

I have the honour to present the Report of the Committee set up by your predecessor,
Mrs. Thatcher, in 2001 to inquire into teaching, reading and writing of English. As the
Committees Chairman I should like to place on record the great help I have received
from Dame Murial Stewart, who has acted as Vice-Chairman throughout the inquiry.
The Committees debt to its Secretary, Mr. R. Arnold, HMI, is acknowledged in the
introductory chapter. I should like to express my personal appreciation of the
assistance he has given to the Chairman and of the close cooperation in which we
have worked.

Yours sincerely

Alan Bullock

The Rt. Hon. Reg.E. Prentice J.P., M.P.

Mention diligently the names of persons and organizations that have
helped you in he production of the report.
Clearly indicate that permission has been taken for the reproduction of
copyright material, if any.
Table of Contents
Essential for long reports to give reader an overall view of the report.
Easy to locate topic/sub-topic.
Compiled from the headings/ sub-headings.
Sub-headings beyond the third order are generally excluded.
Page numbers are carefully checked against the text.
While preparing the table of content bear in mind the following points about its
Leave 1.50 margin on the left; 1 on right, top and bottom.
Write Table of Contents on the top center in capitals and underscore.
Leave three or four pages and then type the first heading flush left.
Leave two spaces between heading and one space between sub-heading



1. Introduction
2. Actual Air pollution Episodes
3. Effects in General
3.1. Physical
3.2. chemical
3.3. biological
4. Effects of Specific Agents
4.1. particulates
4.2. sulphur Dioxide
4.3. Carbon monooxide
4.4. Lead
4.5. ozone
5. Conclusions
6. Recommendations

List of Illustrations
Placed immediately after the table of content.
Used only if the report contains a large number of (a dozen or more) tables
and figures.
Layout same as table of Content.
If number of illustrations is very large, divide it into two parts: List of Tables,
and List of Figures.

Abstract and Summary:
Tells in concentrated form/ substance of the report.
No use of illustrations/ explanations.
Abstract: contains only the extent of coverage.
Summary: contains purpose of the study, a brief statement of the problem,
method of analysis, significant findings, important conclusions, major
An abstract is shorter than a summary.
Purpose: Enable the busy reader to gather information quickly without having
to go through the whole report.
Essential for long reports. Can be avoided in short reports of 2-5 pages.

1. Introduction:
Highlight on the subject of the report.
The items of information that may be included in it are-
Historical and technical background
Scope of study, specifying its limitations and qualification.
Methods of collecting data and their sources.
Authorization for the report and terms of reference.
Organization of the material
Definitions of special terms and symbols, if their number is small.
A Problem Statement
Different from an essay or a popular article in which you are expected to
quickly arrest the readers attention.
Do not keep it vague, follow clarity.
Take utmost care to write the introduction.
Discussion or Description:
Discusses the main business of the report.
Contains all the information and illustrations.
Discuss analysis, findings, and conclusions
Information is grouped under different headings and sub-headings.
Do not use the title discussion and description. other apt heading should
be given to each section.
Function: to present your data in an organised form, discuss their
significance and analysis and the results that flow therefrom.
Explanation of some data can also be made available in the footnotes.
No set format for writing the discussion.
You can prefer to use the backward order, that is, first stating the result and
then the description how they are arrived at.

Main Body
Function: to bring the discussion/description to a close and to signal to the
reader that he has reached the end.
Refers to: the body of logical inferences drawn and the judgement formed on
the basis of analysis of data presented in the report or to the findings of
investigation made.
All conclusions must be supported by what has gone before; nothing new
should be included at this stage.
If the number of conclusions is too large, they may be itemized in the
descending order of their importance.
In some reports mini conclusions are drawn at the end of the discussion of
each topic or sub-topic. These should be grouped suitably and presented in
this part.

Function: to suggest the future course of action, or solution to the defined
Should be formulated only after considering all aspects of the question
examined in this report.
It is not wise to make recommendations if you have not been asked to do so.
List recommendations in the descending order of their importance.
If their number is too large, group them under different headings and sub-
In some reports conclusions and recommendations are combined on the
plea that they are closely associated.
Contains material which is needed to support the main body of the report but is too detailed/
voluminous/technical to be included in the text.
All appendices should be referred to in the text and their significance or meaning pointed out.
If their number is more than one, they should be designated as appendix A, appendix B and so on.
Kinds of materials included in the appendix: questionnaires, statistical data, samples of forms or
datasheets used in the investigation, detailed calculations, illustrative materials, worked-out
examples, sample documents, specimens, tables of definitions and symbols, correspondence,
summaries of results achieved by other organizations, views of others on similar topics, other
materials which must be included for record.
Thus in deciding which material should be relegated to the appendix, bear in mind the following two
(i) whether the material sustains the theme and forms an essential and intergral part of the report.
(ii) whether it would interrupt the train of the readers thoughts if included in the main body.

List of references:
Essential to give credit to the works (published or unpublished) which you
have used or quoted in your report.
List them in alphabetical order at the end of the report.
If their number is small, they may be cited as footnotes at the bottom of the
page on which they are cited.
The attention of the reader is drawn to the footnotes either by putting a
printers mark (*) or by writing a number at suitable places in the text.
In the footnotes the name of the author is given in the natural order and
commas are used to separate the details of the notation as shown below:
Warner Alan, A short Guide to English Style, Oxford Univ. Press, ELBS edition,
1964, pp 40-46
A bibliography is a serially numbered list of published and unpublished works which are
consulted before or during the preparation of a report. It is distinct from the list of
references in several respects:

Lists the works which the author has
read and to which he is indebted for
ideas or information.
May contain works recommended for
further studies.
Indicates usefulness of the works
Entries in bibliography are in
alphabetical order.
The author often prepares the
bibliography before writing the
report to remember the work he
intends to consult.

List of Reference
Purpose of the list of references is to
point out the specific location of an
idea or a piece of information in the
original source.
List of references does not contain
works for further studies.
Indicates only the sources.
Recorded in the sequence in which
they have been cited in the text.
It is more conveniently prepared
while the report is being written.

While preparing the bibliography, keep the following points in
The order of writing the names and surnames of author,
The sequence of details,
The punctuation marks, and
The layout.

The order in which the various elements appear in a bibliography and list of
references is as follows:
The last part of the name of author/ editor, the other parts of the name,
year of publication, title of the book, place of publication, and the name of
the publisher.
In the case of an edited book, the abbreviated form Ed is added after the
name of the editor.
The number of the relevant edition such as second edition, third
edition etc. is also mentioned after the title of the book.

Sample Bibliography entries
Book with one author:
Palmer, Frank. 1972. Grammar. Second edition. Middlesex, england: penguin Books
Book with two auhtors:
Mohan, Krishna and N.P.Singh.1995. Speaking English Effectively. New delhi: Macmillan
India Limited.
Book with more than two authors:
Churchill, Ruel V. et. al. 1974. Complex Variables and Applications. Third edition. New
York: McGraw Hill Book Company Ltd.
An article in a newspaper:
Singh, S.P. 1976. Mind Your English, p. 7. the Hindustan times dated 8 January. New
An article without an author:
Span.1975. Chomsky Through Indian Eyes, volume XVI, Number 4, p.19.New Delhi:
United States Information Service
An address at a conference:
Sundaram,P.S. 1968. A Pearl to India, Presidential Address, All-India English Teachers
Conference,XIX Annual Session, Delhi University, Delhi.

It is a list of technical words used in the report and their explanation.
Is needed only when the report is of highly technical nature.
Use of glossary depends on the target audience.
If the readers field of expertise is the one to which your report relates, there is no
need for a glossary. But if the audience is drawn from other areas, it is advisable to
give a glossary.
If the glossary list is small, they are generally explained in the footnotes.

It is intended to serve as a quick guide to the material in the report.
It enables the reader to locate easily any topic, sub-topic or important aspect of the content.
Needed only in bulky reports where table of content cannot do this job.
Entries are made in alphabetical order.
All page numbers on which information about an entry is available are mentioned against it.

Review Questions:
1. What elements must appear in the structure of very report and why?
2. What is the difference between an abstract and a summary? In what circumstances
should both be given in a report?
3. How do recommendations differ from conclusions? What purpose do they serve in a
4. What factors would influence your decision regarding the materials to be included in
the appendix of a report?
5. What is the main difference between a report and a literary work?
6. Why has the importance of report increased in our times?
7. Why do engineers and scientists need training in report writing?
8. Distinguish clearly between an informational and interpretive report?
9. What are routine reports? How do they differ from other formal reports?
10. What are the main features of reports?
11. What is an Executive summary with reference to a report?

Steps in Report Preparation

Important Preparatory Steps

Define your purpose and scope
Determine your audience
Collect the data
Organize the material
Making an outline.
Defining the Purpose and Scope
The purpose and scope is determined by the Terms of reference that tell the report
writer what he/she is required to do.

E.g.: the terms of reference of the Committee on foreign Collaboration appointed
by the Government of India, Ministry of Industrial Development and Company
affairs, were as follows:
(a) To examine the extent to which, at present stage of our economic
development, import of technical know-how from abroad can be dispensed
(b) To examine the general conditions subject to which indigenous know-how can
be deemed to be capable of commercial exploitation; and
(c) To suggest general guidelines regarding the type of cases in which foreign
collaboration may be allowed.
Note: though the terms of reference guides the writer before actually beginning to
collect data, it is advisable to spend some time in working before making a

Generally speaking, a report has any of the following six kinds of audience.
1. Superior officers
2. Colleagues, and counterparts in other organisations
3. Subordinate employees
4. Other organisations engaged in similar activities.
5. Share-holders
6. Customers and members of the public

To overcome the difficulty of catering to the needs of a varied readership, keep in view the
people who are farthest in knowledge from the subject of your report.
For eg.: if you are a sales representative and your report is going to be read by the sales
officers, the chief sales executive and the managing director, you should keep in view
the managing director while writing; the sales officers and the chief sales executive are
expected to have background information about what you write.

(a) Methods
(i) Personal observation
(ii) Telephone interview
(iii) Personal interview
(iv) Questionnaires

(b) Sources
(i) Internal records letters, memoranda, reports, contracts, agreement,
transcript of talks, orders, office notes on files
(ii) Library
(iii) Internet


A process of jotting down important points, arguments, facts or ideas contained in
written material.
Discernment, judgement and quick comprehension are the qualities which note-making
Notes are an aid to memory
While making notes, it will be helpful if you bear in mind the following points:
(i) when an authors words are reproduced, put them within quotation marks.
(ii) make a summary/precis of the notes taken.
(iii) write the notes neatly because they form the basis of your report.
(iv) references to the sources from which the notes are made should be clearly given.

prepare the outline of a report
give headings and sub-headings to the outline; number and sub-number according to
their rank and relationship, directing the matter in the right direction.
Helps organize and plan the presentation of the material gathered.
A proper outline proves useful not only in writing the main body of the report but also in
preparing its abstract, summary.
Detect errors of omission and commission by referring to the outline.
Helps in rearrangement of data according to topics/sub-topics.

logically order the gathered data
weigh and consider which ideas, information are more important than others
Organize data from least important to most important if report is interpretive
Organize data from most important to least important if report is information.

To establish a suitable relationship among topics and sub-topics use a single
numbering scheme throughout the outline and follow the same in the report.
The words/ phrases/ sentences that are used for indicating the topics/ sub-
topics of the outline should have parallel grammatical construction.
e.g. 2. Advantages of nationalization
2.1. Mobilization of national resources
2.2. promotes agricultural promotion
2.3. encouragement of new classes of entrepreneurs
2.4. channelizing peoples saving towards productive purposes
2. Advantages of Nationalization
2.1. Mobilization of national resources
2.2. Promotion of agricultural promotion
2.3. Encouragement of new classes of entrepreneurs
2.4. Channelization of peoples saving towards productive

Topics/sub-topics of equal rank should be assigned the same level in the outline so
that they receive approximately the same degree of importance and extent of
eg. : 1. Sources of Energy
1.1. Oil
1.2. Electricity
1.3. Coal
A scientific attitude in writing helps you remain objective in your approach to
Use of active voice.
Precision use a specific word instead of a general term, use concrete words
instead of abstract words.
Plainness: plain words are usually short and familiar.
Cliches: commonly used phrases.
Jargons: language full of technical or special words.
Construction and length of sentences: use simple/compound sentences.
Construction and length of paragraphs

Go through the notes. Follow the outlines closely
Start writing rapidly without interrupting the train of your thoughts.
Pay attention to coherence, unity and logical ordering of ideas, accuracy in
recording facts and figures, correlation of illustrations with the text, proper
documentation and cross-referencing.
Double-space the draft and leave sufficient margin on all the four sides for
corrections and revisions.
Number the pages as you would do in the final draft.
After the rough draft is ready , check it once more against the outline and
notes to ensure that you have not missed any points or facts.
If the rough draft is for circulation, get it typed or prepare a clean copy.

Follow the logical order of writing:
Discussion or Description
** appendices contain supplementary material related to the main body and
hence, must be prepared before writing the introduction and preface.
** there is no need to prepare a rough draft of the following elements:
cover, frontispiece, title page, copyright notice, letter of transmittal,
acknowledgement, table of contents, bibliography, list of references.
Check-list for Reports
First-Revision: Structure and Layout

1. Does the title reflect the nature of the contents of your report?
2. Does your report contain all the elements needed?
3. Have you clearly stated the purpose, scope and plan of presentation in the introduction?
4. Are the conclusions based on the findings of your investigation?
5. Are recommendations clearly stated, and itemized, where necessary?
6. Have you arranged various sections in such a way that one logically leads on to the next?
7. Do the headings/sub-headings and the page numbers as mentioned in the table of
contents agree with those in the text?
8. Have you ensured that there are no repetitions?
9. Are the illustrations listed in the order in which they are mentioned in the text?
10. Is the page numbering correct?
11. Is there a proper margin on all sides and the material properly spaced?
12. Does the report bear an overall attractive appearance?

Second revision: Language and Style
1. Is your language suitable for the audience you have written for?
2. Does each paragraph deal with one main topic/sub-topic adequately?
3. Have you ensured that the report does not contain unnecessary clichs, jargon
and informal words?
4. Have you used, as far as possible, concrete, short and familiar sentences?
5. Have you avoided the use of too many complex and compound sentences?
6. Are there any passive constructions which could be changed to the active for
greater effectiveness?
7. Is your writing free from errors of spelling, grammar and punctuation?
8. Have you checked all facts, figures, calculations, quotations, citations, dates
and references?

Assignment (BBA):
With a view to rescheduling its programmes, the Doordarshan has conducted a survey
to find out the number of viewers of each programme. The results of the survey
conducted among the members of one thousand families each in Mumbai, Delhi,
Calcutta and Chennai are given below in percentage. As the chief of the Audience
Research Cell of Doordarshan, write a report on the viewers choice for various
programmes, supporting your discussion with appropriate illustrations. The report is to
be submitted to the Director General, Doordarshan Akashwanii Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi
Table showing viewers choice

News Sports Music Films cartoons
7-12 02.0 05.0 07.0 13.0 58.0
13-18 12.0 45.0 48.0 17.0 25.0
19-30 36.0 35.0 32.0 25.0 10.0
31+ 50.0 15.0 13.0 45.0 07.0
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

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