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Robyn, Chelsey, Dustin & Jessie

Some Background..
The holocaust was

led by the dictator

Adolf Hitler. The
Nazi party in
Germany in the
believed that
certain people but
mainly; Jews,
homosexuals and
the disabled were
inferior and didn’t
deserve to live.
Reasoning Behind It
 The Nazi party was anti-Semitic which
means they hated Jews. Many Jewish
people were part and contributed a
great deal to the German society. Many
of them were doctors, lawyers,
bankers, teachers and business people.
Hitler blamed the Jews of Germany for
all economic problems when in reality
Germany was having a difficult time
because they had been defeated badly
in WWI.
Laws Hitler passed

 Hitler and his parliament passed

laws making Jews give up their
jobs, homes, their businesses
and their rights. To make sure
these laws were enforced, a
police organization known as the
Gestapo along with the most
skilled army the “SS” imprisoned
, beat, even murdered Jews, and
for no other reason than because
they were Jewish, if your
questioned Hitler and his ways,
your received similar beatings.
Many of these people were sent
to brutally run prison camps
“concentration camps”
Hitler’s goals
Hitler wanted to protect one thing, the pure
German blood and honor. He called the
white, non-Jewish German’s “Aryans.
He also wanted to eventually invade and

control all of Europe.

In march of 1938, Germany won
over Austria, and put harsh new laws
in place that stripped the Austrian
Jews of their rights. The
German Troops invaded Poland in
193. this caused Poland’s allies
(great Britain and France) to declare
war on Germany, thus triggering the
start of WW2.

Within the next year, Hitler and his forces invaded and took over the
European nations of Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg .
Then came the falling of France leaving Great Britain to be overwhelmed by
the German air assaults.
Did everyone in Germany hate
the Jews?
 No, there were lots of
citizens who risked
their own lives to
rescue the
tortured beings.
There was also a
resistance army
who sabotaged
the German army
and helped the
Jews escape. The
resistance army
was know as “the
“the resistance”
and/or “the
Star of David.
 As country after Country fell
under Hitler’s occupation,
Jewish people were
singled out for being
mistreated and they lost
their rights. They were
forced to wear the six
pointed star of David, this
was considered to be a
symbol of Judaism. The
star was to be worn on
either the sleeve, chests
or backs so that they
could be easily noticed.
this star let others know
that you couldn’t walk
freely like Non-Jews, also
there were signs in
theatres and cafes,
restaurants and other
Ghetto Style

During the years of

the wars, the
Nazis, under
Hitler’s demand,
created ghetto’s.
Ghettos are
small sealed
areas inside
cities and in this
case crowded
and unhealthy for
Eve ryliving
m o n t conditions.
h t e n s o f t h o u s a n d s o f Je ws we re fo rc e d o u t o f t h e s e
g h e t tEurope.
o s a n d s e n t t o fo rc e d -la b o r c o n c e n t ra t io n c a m p s a n d a ls o
d e a t h c a m p s , w h e re u n le s s t h e ir la b o r wa s u s e fu l, t h e y we re kille d
in g a s c h a m b e rs o r m u rd e re d in s o m e o t h e r wa y. Th is a ll c o m e s
b a c k t o Hit le r’s “fin a l s o lu t io n” wh ic h is t h e Na zi p la n s t o e lim in a t e
a ll o f Je w s in

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