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Sobre suporte e tecnologias

previstos no contrato de
Wording of March 10, 2011
Sun Studio Franchising. Captulos
Procedimentos de trabalho
Recomendaes sobre a escolha do escritrio
Escolha da equipe
Treinamento da equipe
Tecnologia de impresso
Contabilidade e documentao
Apoio Jurdico
Processos no negcio
Relatrios de gerenciamento
Avaliao do trabalho no Studio
Materiais adicionais
Procedimentos para aquisio da unidade franqueada
Sun Studio
1. Concluso da parceria e pagamento
2. Escolha do equipamento
3. Escolha do escritrio e equipe
4. Treinamento do departamento comercial (em Novosibirsk): 2
dias de teoria + 3 dias de prtica em Studio
5. Fornecimento de amostras e catlogos
6. Formao da equipe tcnica (Novosibirsk): 1 semana de teoria
+ 1 semana de prtica em Studio
7. Instalao dos equipamentos
8. Sua Sun Studio est pronta para uso.
Assistncia na escolha do escritrio
Aps a localizao do equipamento, hora de definir o
escritrio. O escritrio dever atender aos requisitos para a
produo escolhida, bem como ter uma rea favorvel. A
escolha do do escritrio apropriado um dos aspectos mais
importantes para o incio do negcio.
Regras para localizao do escritrio
Requisitos para os servios do escitrio e custo de locao.
Design interior (decorao, layout dos equipamentos e
Recrutamento da equipe
reas de responsabilidade em virtude do cargo
Exemplo: Diretor responsabilidades:
Planejamento das atividades da empresa.
Contruo da equipe
Relao custo benefcio
Superviso da eficcia da produo
Controle da gesto
Qualidade e termos da documentao primria
Segurana da administrao
Interao com as entidades admnistrativas (bancos, orgos fiscais,
fornecedores, etc)
Segurana do negcio e comuniciao da franquia
Segurana da legimidade no negcio
Desenvolvimento dos mercado de ao, promoo da marca.
Recrutamento da equipe
Principais requisitos dos cargos
Exemplo: Diretor.
Requisitos gerais
Ensino superior. Cursos adicionais (gesto e finanas)
Experincia mnima de 3 anos em cargos de gesto
Recomendao de trabalhos anteriores
Requisitos obrigatrios:
Habilidades de planejamento e oramentais
Experincia em gesto de vendas
Experincia em liderana
Qualidades pessoais
Auto-confiana e liderana
Habilidade de comunicao, capacidade de conduzir negociaes difceis.
Abordagem orientada ao cliente
Capacidade de tomar decises e assumi-las
Atitude pr-ativa.
Descrio do sistema motivacional da equipe
Os principais objetivos da remunerao so:
Atrao e reteno da equipe, conforme as exigncias da
Transparncia salarial da empresa
Estmo da equipe em alcanar a produtividade necessria.

Position Period salary Reward fee
Director Probation period $830 $170
Full-time employment

$500, on KPI
* Given data are relevant for Russian Federation for March 16, 2010

Programas de treinamento da equipe
Operador da impressora de formato grande
Aps a concluso do treinamento:
Aprender os termos necessrios o trabalho
Aprender os os princpios para preveno de acidentes
Atender aos requisitos gerais, necessrios para a rea de trabalho
Aprender a ideologia de trabalho com impresso, sua composio, diagramas
esquemticos do equipamento.
Conhecer as principais regras e prazos para operao do equipamento.
Conhecer o material para impresso e suas caractersticas, bases para
preparao antes da impresso e aps a impresso dos materiais.
Conhecer o software da impressora
Conhecer os termos para trasferncia de cor e rea
Implementar as correes de cores e a regulao da quantidade de tinta.
Ser capaz de escrever o perfil da cor.
Orientar em possveis defeitos do equipamento, significados dos diagnsticos
Realizar manuteno do equipamento.
Staff Training Program:
Training of sales managers
target customer market analysis. New clients search methods, working
with search engines and guides;
customer profile by type of activity;
commercial offer training;
first contact with client, cold call;
prove out of cold call technology, target customers calls;
customer base fed rules;
conduct of negotiation, clients need identification, company service
rules of contract execution. Proposal form fill-in;
delivery time by agreement with the customer;
schedule of print;
settlement terms;
planning of managers working-day/week/month;
methods of maintenance of relations with clients;
methods of feedback link with clients.
Staff Training Program
Printing Technology
print recommendations for glass, mirror;
print recommendations for laminated materials ( MDF, laminated chip board);
print recommendations for stretch ceiling;
print recommendations for canvas;
print recommendations for Plexiglas (acryl);
print recommendations for marble, porcelain tile;
print recommendations for glazed tile;
recommendations for use of primer;
recommendations for presurface preparation for UV-curable inks printing;
recommendations for photoprint goods care
Technology example:
Technology of printing on stretch ceiling
Printing can be generally of two types fragmentary and full. Special
attention should be paid to blankets which require full printing.
Instructions for clients manufacture
When working with blanket one should use rubber gloves or clean
cotton ones. Touching the blanket with hands (even if they are clean)
can leave grease marks on it. The marks will be invisible to the eye
but paint does not spread well in those parts. Special attention should
be paid to glossy ceiling.
When winding one should keep the blanket without any creases and
wrinkles (printing heads are 2 mm away from the printed material
and they may interfere with raggedness on the material).
One should also observe the cloth not to be creased on the edges (for
similar reasons).
Winding should be better performed with the printed side inward
(See original franchise book for details)
Instructions for manager of SUN Studio
One should enclose to an order a printing layout which will include the
Layout of a ceiling with numbered corners, and possible reference to
doors and windows etc.
An image to be printed. The image should be disposed on the layout
so as if the ceiling is lying on the floor face up, and we are looking
down upon the ceiling.
Measurements of all sides.
Initially, the cost of material should be definitely approved.
Instructions for the manufacture of SUN Studio
One should work with blanket using gloves (rubber or cotton). Touching the
blanket with hands (even if they are clean) can leave grease marks on it. The
marks will be invisible to the eye but paint does not spread well in those parts.
Special attention should be paid to glossy ceiling.
2. When winding one should keep the blanket without any creases and wrinkles
(printing heads are 2mm away from the printed material and they may interfere
with raggedness on the material).
3. One should also observe the blanket not to be creased on the edges (for
similar reasons). In the future we are planning our clients will perform winding
with the printed side inward.
4.To print an image properly one should enclose a printing layout which will
include the following: (*) Layout of a ceiling with numbered corners, and possible
reference to doors and windows etc. (*) An image to be printed. The image
should be disposed on the layout so as if the ceiling is lying on the floor face up
and we are looking down upon the ceiling. (*) Measurements of all sides
(See original franchise book for details)
Advices concerning fiscal accounting and
personal records management
Creation of an organization.
Choice of taxation system.
Creating settlement account.
Taking account of equipment.
Taking account of know how.
Receipt of funds to the account.
Work with customers.
Giving available funds to be accounted for.
Taking account of inventory holdings at the residence.
Taking account of production process, including defective goods.
Taking account of finished commodity.
Staff official registration.
Staff obligatory insurance.
Retirement insurance, personal registration.
Forming of financial result, income report.
Legal support in work with clients
a form of a contract for services (in hundred-per-sent
payment, prepayment, installments);
an agency contract.
Business processes description
Client search
Order processing
File processing
Putting orders to the printing plan
Approval of the printing plan
Materials purchase
Printing of an order
Final payment
Managers reporting
daily/monthly reporting on the completed work,
monthly financial reporting form of a sales manager
A Studios job evaluation
clients questionnaire,
clients satisfaction measurement
Additional materials
Sales department
commercial offers for clients,
printed catalogues of images,
e-catalogue (on a website),
exhibition samples in the office,
advertising materials for printing services promotion (leaflets,
booklets, samples),
photographs of complete products,
Brand book.
a daily, weekly, and monthly check-list of work beginning,
a list of consumable materials, which are necessary for work,
requirements for files,
a form for goods registration and planning.
Sun Franchising Company
Phone: +7 (383) 335-63-34,
+7 (383) 246-04-24
Zelenaya roscha, 7/1
Berdsk, 633009, Russia
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